User breakpoint called from code at 0x77fa018c
Unhandled exception at 0x77f767cd (ntdll.dll) in myapp.exe: User breakpoint.
HEAP[DebugInfo2.exe]: Heap block at 00030FD8 modified at 00031010 past requested size of 30
NTDLL! 7c921230()
NTDLL! 7c97db9c()
NTDLL! 7c98cd11()
NTDLL! 7c980af8()
KERNEL32! 7c85e7af()
_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(const void * 0x00031000) line 1697
_free_dbg(void * 0x00031000, int 0x00000001) line 1044 + 9 bytes
operator delete(void * 0x00031000) line 49 + 16 bytes
WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * 0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * 0x00000000, char * 0x00151f15, int 0x00000001) line 13 + 15 bytes
WinMainCRTStartup() line 198 + 54 bytes
KERNEL32! 7c816d4f()
char *p = new char[4];
lstrcpy(p, "this is a test");
delete p;
那就是windows 2000 SP2之后提供的PageHeap机制。
当一个应用程序的PageHeap机制被激活时,该应用程序的所有的堆分配被放到内存中,这样堆的 边界就与虚拟内存的边界排在一起了。与堆相邻的虚拟内存页面被设置为NO_ACCESS。在该应用程序中对堆后面的空间的访问就会立刻引起错误,这就可以 在一个调试工具中被捕获。在释放堆时,过程与之类似。PageHeap修改释放的应用程序虚拟页面为NO_ACCESS,这样,如果应用程序试图读写该内 存时就会发生访问错误。如果为一个应用程序运行PageHeap特性,应用程序要比正常时运行得慢,并且需要更多的虚拟内存,因为每一个堆的分配都需要两 个完整的虚拟内存页面。随着应用程序对堆的使用的增加,可能需要增加系统的虚拟内存的大小,否则会出现虚拟内存不够的错误信息。除非系统有相当大的虚拟内 存,否则建议不要同时运行两个以上的激活了PageHeap特性的应用程序。
让我们的程序启用Full Page Heap机制,只需在注册表中
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Image File Execution Options/YourAppName.exe下增加如下设置:
如果嫌麻烦,你可以到http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/devtools/debugging/installx86.mspx下载Debugging Tools for Windows,安装后,有一个gflags工具,使用下面的命令:
gflags –p /enable YourAppName.exe /full
如果设置了Full PageHeap模式,我们在调试运行的时候,那么就会在弹出那个令人费解的断点对话框之前出现一个断言对话框,哈哈,这个对话框可是有一个Retry按钮的,点击之后进入CallStack,你可以看到此时发生了什么了。
gflags –p /enable YourAppName.exe /full /dlls YourDll.dll
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Updated: 01.09.2005 We were in the middle of the debugging session, when suddenly the debugger displayed a message similar to the following: User breakpoint called from code at 0x77fa018c or the following: Unhandled exception at 0x77f767cd (ntdll.dll) in myapp.exe: User breakpoint. What happened? We did not even set any breakpoints, so why there is a user breakpoint? The problem starts looking even stranger when we notice that the application works fine when we start it outside of the debugger! But under debugger it keeps showing the message about user breakpoint, so that we cannot effectively debug our application anymore. Searching for an answer, we look at Debug Output window. And yes, there is another message! For example: HEAP[myapp.exe]: Heap block at 00360F78 modified at 00360F90 past requested size of 10 Aha, it looks like the heap is corrupted. The contents of Call Stack window also point to the heap: NTDLL! DbgBreakPoint@0 address 0x77fa018c It turns out that when we start the application under debugger, the operating system uses a special kind of heap – Debug Win32 heap – instead of the normal heap. Whenever an operation on the heap is performed (such as allocating or freeing memory), the debug heap manager checks integrity of the heap entries and internal structures. If it founds a corruption, it notifies us via a hard-coded breakpoint, which is reported by the debugger. How can we find the reason of the heap corruption? We can of course employ a specialized runtime checker application (such as BoundsChecker, Purify or Memory Validator), but I prefer to use PageHeap, because it is part of the operating system (since Windows 2000 SP2) and is easy to use. Detailed technical information about PageHeap can be found in KB286470. We can enable Full PageHeap with the help of the following Registry entries: HKLM/Software/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Image File Execution Options/yourapp.exe (replace yourapp.exe with the real name of your executable) If you have Debugging Tools for Windows installed, there is another way to achieve the same – run the following command: gflags –p /enable yourapp.exe /full (gflags.exe can be found in the installation directory of Debugging Tools) After we have enabled Full PageHeap, we should run the application under debugger and wait for access violations or hard-coded breakpoints. After an access violation occurred or a breakpoint has been hit, examination of the current source line and the call stack usually allows us to immediately see who is corrupting the heap. Note also that it is recommended to link the application with release version of CRT library (that is, use /ML, /MT or /MD compiler option (or the corresponding IDE equivalent) instead of /MLd, /MTd or /MDd option). This is because debug version of CRT library uses its own heap checking infrastructure (by the way, not as powerful as Full PageHeap), which can overlap with PageHeap and hide some errors instead of exposing them. Another situation that worth talking about is when we are debugging a DLL that is loaded by a large application (often a 3rd party application). Since there is probably no point in checking the whole application with PageHeap, we can ask it to check only the heap entries that are allocated by our DLL: gflags –p /enable yourapp.exe /full /dlls yourdll.dll 摘自:http://hi.baidu.com/futurecreator/blog/item/636ab4081665ce226b60fbe7.html |
在调试程序中遇到提示“user breakpoint called from code at 0x......(地址)”时,这并不一定是因没用户设置了断点的关系,而是因为系统执行了一个硬编码断点操作(hard coded breakpoint instruction)。
例如在Windows NT下当正被调试的应用程序获得焦点时,如果F12键按下,
则Windows NT调用一个类似于DebugBreak()函数的函数,这个被调用
的函数执行一个hard coded breakpoint instruction,于是调试器捕捉到这个操作产生的例外,所以中断并给出上述的提示(User breakpoint called from code at
)或者是给出Break caused by hard coded breakpoint instruction.,在这样的情况下,只要让调试继续进行即可(按下F5键)。
在调试程序中遇到提示“user breakpoint called from code at 0x......(地址)”时,这并不一定是因为用户设置了断点的关系,而是因为系统执行了一个硬编码断点操作(hard coded breakpoint instruction)。
例如在Windows NT下当正被调试的应用程序获得焦点时,如果F12键按下,则Windows NT调用一个类似于DebugBreak()函数的函数,这个被调用的函数执行一个hard coded breakpoint instruction,于是调试器捕捉到这个操作产生的例外,所以中断并给出上述的提示(User breakpoint called from code at )或者是给出Break caused by hard coded breakpoint instruction.,在这样的情况下,只要让调试继续进行即可(按下F5键)。
值得注意的是当程序涉及到全局性的共享内存(对象)时,如CShareFile,这些对象维护着一个全局性的内存块,如果因为程序的疏忽对仍然锁定的对象 (locked object)进行释放内存的话,则在NT下也会出现User breakpoint called from code at 这样的提示。
此外,在低版本的Visual C++调试器中,在不少地方(例如一些有关打印设备的操作)都用到GlobalLock,编程不当也会导致上述的提示出现,不过在win32中,很多这样的调用已经不再必要了。