




   在linux中查找联机帮助,可以看到,在linux中,登陆用户的信息存放在文件user/var/run/utmp中(不同版本的linux可能不同),该文件      中有一个utmp结构体,用来存储用户的信息。故who的主要原理就是获取这个结构体里的信息并显示在屏幕上。



/*the implementation of the who command author:bookworm data:6.23.2011 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #define SHOWHOST void show_info(struct utmp * utbuf); void show_time(long int timeval); int main() { struct utmp current_record; int utmpfd; /*the descriptor*/ int reclen; /*length of the utmp struct*/ reclen = sizeof(current_record); /*open the file*/ utmpfd = open(UTMP_FILE,O_RDONLY); if(utmpfd == -1) { perror("open error"); exit(1); } /*read from the opened utmp file*/ while((read(utmpfd,¤t_record,reclen) == reclen)) { show_info(¤t_record); /*call the function to display the contens of the struct*/ } close(utmpfd); return 0; } /* show_info function this function is uesd to display the contens of the utmp struct */ void show_info(struct utmp * utbuf) { if(utbuf->ut_type != USER_PROCESS) return; printf("%-8.8s",utbuf->ut_name); printf(" "); printf("%-8.8s",utbuf->ut_line); printf(" "); show_time(utbuf->ut_time); printf(" "); #ifdef SHOWHOST printf("(%s)",utbuf->ut_host); #endif printf("/n"); } /*display the time */ void show_time(long int timeval) { char * cp; cp = ctime(&timeval); /*transform the format from the time_t to the format that human can read*/ printf("%12.12s",cp+4); /*get the datas from position 4*/ }  
