ORA-29807: specified operator does not exist

这是Oracle 的bug , 可以忽略掉,安装完成后,在$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin 目录下运
行utlrp.sql ,用于修补ORA-29807 错误。
ORA-29807: specified operator does not exist
This is a known issue (bug 2925665). You can click on the "Ignore" button to continue.
Once DBCA has completed database creation, remember to run the 'prvtxml.plb' script
from $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin independently, as the user SYS. It is also advised
to run the 'utlrp.sql' script to ensure that there are no invalid objects in the database at this time.
$ dbca
Fatal: Stack size too small. Use 'ulimit -s' to increase default stack size.
/u01/oracle/bin/dbca: line 124:  4692 Aborted                 $JRE_DIR/bin/jre -DORACLE_HOME=$OH -DJDBC_PROTOCOL=thin -mx64m -classpath $CLASSPATH oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca $ARGUMENTS
解决: vi /u01/oracle/bin/dbca (增加红色字体部分)
123 $JRE_DIR/bin/jre -DORACLE_HOME=$OH -DJDBC_PROTOCOL=thin -mx64m -classpath $CLASSPATH oracle.sysma    n.assistants.dbca.Dbca $ARGUMENTS
124 ulimit -s
125 fi
  TNS-12537: TNS:connection closed
TNS-00507: Connection closed
Linux Error: 29: Illegal seek
解决安装oracle 10g安装过程及isqlplus字体乱码问题:(此解决方法由长沙易剑原创,转载请注明出处)
#mkdir -P /usr/share/fonts/zh-CN/TrueType/
#cd /usr/share/fonts/zh-CN/TrueType/
#cp ../../Chinese/TureType/uming.ttf ./zysong.ttf