设定vituralbox ubuntu的swap memory

The memory setting you see is only used to configure the VM's RAM. However, the swap space definition is part of the disk image. This image is provided to you as part of the config.vm.box definition in Vagrantfile. In my specific case I noticed that the swap space cannot easily be reconfigured (I only have 1 GByte of swap).

In your case I recommend to change the base image (config.vm.box), or add a swap-file to your root file system by integrating for example this script into your Vagrantfile. This is another link which seems worth trying out.



From Ubuntu 18.04 onwards, a swapfile rather than a dedicated swap partition is used (except when LVM is used). The swap file is named "swapfile". To change the size of this swap file:

  1. Disable the swap file and delete it (not really needed as you will overwrite it)

    sudo swapoff /swapfile
    sudo rm  /swapfile
  2. Create a new swap file of the desired size.
    Determine the size of your swap file. If you want to make a 4 GB swap file, you will need to write 4 * 1024 blocks of 10242 bytes (= 1 MiB). That will make your count equal to 4 * 1024 = 4096. Create the file of this size with the command

    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1M count=4096
  3. Assign it read/write permissions for root only (not strictly needed, but it tightens security)

    sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
  4. Format the file as swap:

    sudo mkswap /swapfile
  5. The file will be activated on the next reboot. If you want to activate it for the current session:

    sudo swapon /swapfile

You can check the swap that is available with the command swapon -s (no root permissions needed).
