驱动开发之五 --- TDI之九 【译文】

驱动开发之五 --- TDI之九 【译文】


你有权选择排队IRP, 在迟些的时间作处理或者在其他的线程处理。既然你拥有IRP, 当它在你的驱动栈层时,这是被允许的。你需要考虑IRP可以被取消的情况。问题是如果IRP被取消,既然结果将会被扔在一边,你真的不想执行任何处理?另一个问题是我们想要解决的是,如果一个有活动的IRP,他们和一个进程或者线程关联,直到活动的IRP完成,这个进程或者线程才能被完全终止。这是非常狡猾的,对于如何实现,这方面的文档非常少,在这里,我们将给你展示如何实现这些。




你的取消例程需要获取你的自旋锁来同步执行或者从链中删除IRP. 设置取消例程,如果这个IRP被取消,你会知道并且可以从你的IRP列表中删除。记住,你仍然必须完成这个IRP。





你现在有两个选择,记住,仅有一个位置可以完成这个IRP. 如果取消例程被调用,那么在取消例程没有完成这个IRP时, 如果它不在你的IRP链中,那么你就可以释放它。如果取消例程已经完成了它,那么你一定不能完成它。如果取消例程没有被调用,那么你必须显式的完成它。不管发生什么事,你一定要记住两件事。第一件事是在你的驱动中某个地方,你必须要完成这个IRP. 第二件事情是记得一定不要完成两次。

同样的事情,当你从IRP链中删除一个IRP时,你需要检查这个IRP是否已经被取消。在删除IRP之前,你也要设置取消例程为NULL. 看下面的代码。

Irp->Tail.Overlay.DriverContext[0] =


NtStatus = HandleIrp_AddIrp(pTdiExampleContext->pWriteIrpListHead,

         Irp, TdiExample_CancelRoutine, TdiExample_IrpCleanUp, NULL);




                                  IO_NO_INCREMENT, FALSE);

    NtStatus = STATUS_PENDING;





* HandleIrp_AddIrp


*    This function adds an IRP to the IRP List.




                          PIRP pIrp,

                          PDRIVER_CANCEL pDriverCancelRoutine,

                          PFNCLEANUPIRP pfnCleanUpIrp,

                          PVOID pContext)



    KIRQL kOldIrql;

    PDRIVER_CANCEL pCancelRoutine;

    PIRPLIST pIrpList;

    pIrpList = (PIRPLIST)KMem_AllocateNonPagedMemory(sizeof(IRPLIST),




        DbgPrint("HandleIrp_AddIrp Allocate Memory = 0x%0x \r\n", pIrpList);

        pIrpList->pContext      = pContext;

        pIrpList->pfnCleanUpIrp = pfnCleanUpIrp;

        pIrpList->pIrp          = pIrp;

        pIrpList->pfnCancelRoutine = pDriverCancelRoutine;


         * The first thing we need to to is acquire our spin lock.


         * The reason for this is a few things.


         *     1. All access to this list is synchronized, the obvious reason

         *     2. This will synchronize adding this IRP to the

         *             list with the cancel routine.



        KeAcquireSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, &kOldIrql);



         * We will now attempt to set the cancel routine which will be called

         * when (if) the IRP is ever canceled. This allows us to remove an IRP

         * from the queue that is no longer valid.


         * A potential misconception is that if the IRP is canceled it is no

         * longer valid. This is not true the IRP does not self-destruct.  

         * The IRP is valid as long as it has not been completed. Once it

         * has been completed this is when it is no longer valid (while we

         * own it). So, while we own the IRP we need to complete it at some

         * point. The reason for setting a cancel routine is to realize

         * that the IRP has been canceled and complete it immediately and

         * get rid of it. We don't want to do processing for an IRP that

         * has been canceled as the result will just be thrown away.


         * So, if we remove an IRP from this list for processing and

         * it's canceled the only problem is that we did processing on it.  

         * We complete it at the end and there's no problem.


         * There is a problem however if your code is written in a way

         * that allows your cancel routine to complete the IRP unconditionally.

         * This is fine as long as you have some type of synchronization

         * since you DO NOT WANT TO COMPLETE AN IRP TWICE!!!!!!



        IoSetCancelRoutine(pIrp, pIrpList->pfnCancelRoutine);



         * We have set our cancel routine. Now, check if the IRP has

         *                         already been canceled.

         * We must set the cancel routine before checking this to ensure

         * that once we queue the IRP it will definately be called if the

         * IRP is ever canceled.






             * If the IRP has been canceled we can then check if our

             * cancel routine has been called.


            pCancelRoutine = IoSetCancelRoutine(pIrp, NULL);



             * if pCancelRoutine ==

             *             NULL then our cancel routine has been called.

             * if pCancelRoutine !=

             *              NULL then our cancel routine has not been called.


             * The I/O Manager will set the cancel routine to NULL

             * before calling the cancel routine.

             * We have a decision to make here, we need to write the code

             * in a way that we only complete and clean up the IRP once.  

             * We either allow the cancel routine to do it or we do it here.

             * Now, we will already have to clean up the IRP here if the

             * pCancelRoutine != NULL.


             * The solution we are going with here is that we will only clean

             * up IRP's in the cancel routine if the are in the list.  

             * So, we will not add any IRP to the list if it has

             * already been canceled once we get to this location.



            KeReleaseSpinLock(&pIrpListHead->kspIrpListLock, kOldIrql);



             * We are going to allow the clean up function to complete the IRP.


            pfnCleanUpIrp(pIrp, pContext);

            DbgPrint("HandleIrp_AddIrp Complete Free Memory = 0x%0x \r\n",







             * The IRP has not been canceled, so we can simply queue it!


            pIrpList->pNextIrp      = NULL;





               pIrpListHead->pListBack->pNextIrp = pIrpList;

               pIrpListHead->pListBack           = pIrpList;




               pIrpListHead->pListFront = pIrpListHead->pListBack =





            NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;






         * We are going to allow the clean up function to complete the IRP.


        pfnCleanUpIrp(pIrp, pContext);



    return NtStatus;      

