美国非裔少年分享 “保命”守则视频爆火,句句扎心……

据Buzzfeed新闻网站报道,近日,美国休斯顿一位18岁的非裔小哥Cameron Welch在国外版抖音Tik Tok上发布了一则视频爆火,收获了超8百万的播放量。

美国非裔少年分享 “保命”守则视频爆火,句句扎心……_第1张图片

图源:Cameron Welch的Instagram


Cameron Welch is an 18-year-old who lives in Houston. And he recently shared a TikTok that has gone viral, generating over 8 million views. In the video, he tells the unwritten rules his mom makes him follow as a young black man.


“Don't put your hands in your pockets. Don't put your hoodie on. Don't touch anything you're not buying. Never make it look like there's an altercation between you and someone else. Don't stare at a Caucasian woman…”

小哥平静的向人们讲述妈妈告诉他的“保命”守则,却句句扎心……在接受BuzzFeed采访时,小哥表示,父母这么做是为了确保他能够活着回家, “因为评判我们的人仍然是根据我们的肤色,而不是像马丁·路德·金所说的那样,根据我们的性格。”

BuzzFeed spoke to Cameron, who said, "I want people to understand the type of things my mom has to instill in me because my people continue to be judged by the color of our skin and not the content of our character, as Martin Luther King Jr. said. It is a required conversation our parents must have to ensure that we come home alive."

美国非裔少年分享 “保命”守则视频爆火,句句扎心……_第2张图片

图源Cameron WelchInstagram


Cameron further explained the importance of his video's message: "Our voices are heard but not felt by the people. We endure too much pain and hurt to just be heard — we need you to feel just a fragment of what my people feel on a day-to-day basis in order to get meaningful change. I believe if you felt the bottled-up emotions of silence that our country makes us hold in, then we can make real change, because not one race should ever feel this way."

综合来源:Buzzfeed,TikTok @skoodupcam

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