sap-fi-AFAB-资产折旧时出错 "在上一年结算之后您只能记帐到新的一年"


   2008 年上线,2009 年 停用系统只在1月份提过一次折旧。 2010。03 新购置了资产,在4月 份提折旧时出错  "在上一年结算之后您只能记帐到新的一年" , 2009 年正常做了年结,资产数据也没有问题,判断应该是系统 bug,  找到了一篇 sap 关于此bug的解决方案,并胜利解决.

原因: sap 在提折旧时,首先会去检查前期的折旧日志(不是对每个资产的日志),如果前期不存在,做计划内折旧是不能通过的,但可以计划外计掉,但如果前期是跨了年度,量没有计提过折旧,这时就会出现这个 bug 了。无论何种方式都无法计提成功。折旧的日志是保存在 TABA 表里面的,这时可以手工添加一笔前期的日志(前年度最后期间),让系统认为上年度最后期间是提过折旧的。看情况再做计划内或计划外计提。




Handling Depreciation Posting Program Error for First Period Depreciation Posting

Error message: “AA687 - You can only post in New Year after Closing the Previous Year”


In a scenario where asset accounting has been implemented first time for a company code

with the following configuration settings:

  Fiscal Year Variant:                        Calendar Year based

  Current Fiscal Year:                        January 2009 to December 2009

Depreciation posting cycle:                   Monthly

Legacy asset transfer date :                 12/31/2008 (i.e. last day of previous fiscal year)

Go live                                      April 2009

Following activities also have been completed:

Fiscal Year Changed to Year 2009 using transaction code AJRW

Fiscal year closed for year 2008 using transaction code ABAJ

Legacy assets created

New assets created

Transactions posted for New Assets

Depreciation is being posted for period 01 2009



System is giving error message “You can only post in New Year after Closing the

Previous Year” even though fiscal year is changed to 2009 and previous fiscal year 2008 is already closed.

The detail description of the error is as below:

We cannot post any depreciation to previous fiscal year 2008 as no planned depreciation

is envisaged for the previous year 2008. The transfer date for Legacy asset data transfer is

maintained as 12/31/2008 and takeover values are uploaded accordingly. Hence, 2009 is

a first year for Asset Accounting of the company code.

However, Depreciation posting program checks for previous period log while executing for

the current period. The logs are stored in “TABA” table. For new company code there will

not be any entries in TABA table.

Due to missing functionality, System is checking for previous year depreciation posting

logs even though the current fiscal year is first year for planned depreciation and giving

error message AA 687.

As per SAP Note 144441 this error can be rectified with the help of correction program


Steps to Rectify the Error

1.Copy correction program from SAP Note 144441 into SAP System.
2.Execute the program with transaction code SA38
3.Correction Program inserts the dummy entry in the Table TABA

Related Content

SAP Note:14444

SAP Note: 843612

SAP Note: 156181

For more information, visit the Enterprise Resource Planning homepage. 




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