
翻译:那海蓝蓝,译文请见“ 【】”中的部分


The benefits of the HPCC can be understood by two words: Speed and Scale. 【HPCC的优点可以使用2个词概括:速度和规模】


  • Highly optimized language and compiler【高度优化的语言和编译器】 – In the world of cluster computing, speed is really just the antithesis of cost; you can always go faster by buying more and bigger machines. 【在集群计算世界里,速度总是与花费对立;人名总是通过购买更多、更好的机器来提高速度】However, on identical hardware, an HPCC solution will go faster. 【然而,在同样的硬件,HPCC解决方案会跑得更快】This is not by chance; the HPCC platform features a highly optimized language and compiler. 【这不是偶然的;HPCC平台有着高度优化的语言和编译器】Whether you use this speed to process more data, process data faster or save money is obviously your choice. 【无论是否有实用这样的速度去处理更多的数据,处理数据更快或者节省你的资金显然是你的选择】
  • Easy to develop data-centric language【易于开发的以数据为中心的语言】 – It is one thing to have code execute rapidly; but how long does it take to develop? 【除了让代码执行得更快,对于开发而言会有多长时间的花费呢?】 Many high performance solutions require highly specialized systems-level coding.【许多高性能解决方案要求高级的特定系统层编码】 This is particularly unfortunate in the world of data analytics because data analysts are not usually systems-level programmers. 【这对于世界上数据分析类业务很不利,因为从事数据分析的人员通常不是系统层的程序员】The HPCC features a data-centric language, ECL, that has been designed to make data programmers highly productive. 【HPCC特有的以数据为中心的语言,ECL,被设计为让数据程序员具有更高的生产力】Better yet the language optimizer is designed to produce excellent results from the code produced by data programmers. 【更好的语言优化被设计是为了让数据程序员产生卓越的代码】
  • Highly productive integrated development environment (IDE)【高度的产品整合开发环境】 – No matter how productive a given programmer may be, the ultimate in rapid development requires multiple programmers working in a team and even multiple teams. 【不管一名程序员具有多大的生产力,最终的快速开发要求一个团队的程序员们协同,甚至是更多团队的协同】Again any system can achieve this provided cost is not an issue; however the goal is to be able to add resources to a task and have productivity rise proportionately. 【同样,任何系统可以达到这种费用花费不成问题;然而,目标是把资源加入到任务中且使生产力能得以成比例地提升】ECL, the language of the HPCC, is designed to get as close to this nirvana as possible. 【ECL,HPCC提供的语言,被设计为尽可能地接近这个近似“天堂”般的理想】In fact the highly modular nature of ECL, coupled with the strong support for code leverage can make teams even more productive than the sum of the parts through functional specialization. Learn more about ECL.【事实上,高度模块化的ECL特质,协调代码层的强力支持,可以使比通过功能的专业化的部分合计的总和产生更多的生产力】
  • Enterprise-class support 【企业支持】– All of the foregoing highlight the speed and scale at which your organization is able to operate using the HPCC;【上述的所有突出的、在您的组织中要求的速度和规模,都能够使用HPCC操作】 however for those that have draconian ‘speed to market’ or ‘problem resolution’ requirements, the initial learning curve of deploying a new solution may be prohibitive. 【然而,对于那些急于想”快速进入市场“或”解决问题“的需求,部署一个新的解决方案的学习曲线可能会让他们”望而却步“】Here it becomes important that the HPCC is not just a platform; it is a platform with an organization behind it.【HPCC重要不仅因为它是一个平台,它是一个背后”有靠山“的平台】 From the creators of the system, professionals with a decade of platform experience through to skilled trainers and customer facing consultants that have deployed the HPCC to solve real-world problems, we have the people and services to get solutions deployed rapidly. 【从系统的创建者、具有十年平台受训技能经验的专家,和面向客户的有着部署HPCC到真实世界问题的顾问,我们有人才和服务使得解决方案被快速部署。】


  • Runs on commodity hardware【运行于日常硬件】 – It is always possible to scale up; the issue is the degree of complexity introduced by scaling. 【它总是可扩规模的;经过缩放问题的复杂程度如何】 The HPCC is designed to work on simple commodity hardware using a simple commodity operating system where each node is treated uniformly. 【HPCC设计为在简单日常使用的硬件上使用简单日常的操作系统,其每个节点被统一对待】In typical installations all nodes boot from the same image. 【在典型安装中,所有节点使用同样的镜像引导】This allows large installations to be managed with marginal incremental cost. 【这允许大量安装可被管理却付出较少成本】
  • Inbuilt auditing, monitoring and workflow【内建审计,监控和工作流】 – Executing one program quickly is a fairly difficult task; 【快速执行一个程序上一个相当复杂的任务】executing hundreds or thousands of applications optimally over a period of weeks, months or years is much harder. 【优化执行成百上千的应用超过数周、数月或数年更难】The HPCC platform and ECL language are designed to run all of the data processes for the entire enterprise. 【HPCC平台和ECL语言设计为满足整个企业以运行所有数据处理】Job monitoring, process auditing and workflow is not just available - 【作业监视,审计过程和工作流程不只是可用的-】it is integral to the system and the language. 【更为完整的是一个系统和语言】Furthermore, the system is designed to optimize and share resources throughout all the tasks that must execute. 【更多的,在贯穿执行所有的任务过程中,系统的设计得到(全程)优化并资源共享】
  • Battle tested【更好的测试】 – With any tool that offers low cost, high productivity and amazing performance the question is always: 【提供低成本、高生产率和令人惊讶的性能的工具,问题总是在于:】"when do we hit the wall and at what point does a data process become so complex that the system is no longer able to compute the result?" 【我们什么时候会崩溃并且系统会在什么点上变得如此复杂以至数据处理不在能够计算出结果?】

    The HPCC is not new.【HPCC不是新的】 It has been in use for over a decade in critical production environments; 【它已经在有超过十年历史的苛刻生产环境中使用】the wall has been touched a good number of times and each time it has been pushed back.【(诸多)问题已经遇到很多、每次都得以解决】 For many groups starting with the HPCC today it is unlikely the wall will be hit. 【现在许多组织开始使用HPCC已经不再触壁了】Gain a good understanding of the types of things HPCC has been used for in our Introduction to HPCC whitepaper. 【对于HPCC各事件类型获得好的理解已在我们的“介绍HPCC”的白皮书】

    The HPCC platform is designed to be extended; we have the support options and custom coding services available to move the wall if needed. 【HPCC平台设计为可扩展的,我们支持选项和定制代码服务以应对可能遇到的问题(译者:wall指代问题)】

Get a far more detailed explanation of the platform design goals and a comparison to more recent and emerging competitors such as Hadoop in our comparison chart. 【可以在我们的比较论坛获得更详细的平台设计目标说明和最新的比较信息以及诸如Hadoop之类竞争对手的信息】
