zmq源代码分析 - mailbox_t

1. mailbox介绍


2. mailbox的模块结构如图所示:

zmq源代码分析 - mailbox_t_第1张图片
- mailbox模块中内部由两个模块组成:
- cpipe模块,此模块存储mailbox需要发送及接收的命令。
- signaler模块,mailbox在把命令放置到了cpipe中之后,通过signaler模块发送消息给写线程或者读线程,通知消息可操作。

3. mailbox_t的类继承关系如下:

zmq源代码分析 - mailbox_t_第2张图片

4. 源代码分析:

4.1 i_mailbox类

    class i_mailbox
        virtual ~i_mailbox () {}
        virtual void send (const command_t &cmd_) = 0;
        virtual int recv (command_t *cmd_, int timeout_) = 0;

4.2 mailbox_t类

class mailbox_t : public i_mailbox {
        fd_t get_fd () const;
        void send (const command_t &cmd_);
        int recv (command_t *cmd_, int timeout_);
    typedef ypipe_t  cpipe_t;
    cpipe_t cpipe; //ypipe_t类型的对象,用于存储命令。
    signaler_t signaler;  //用于写线程给读线程发送信号通知命令到达。
    mutex_t sync; //用于同步cpipe及signaler的操作。

4.2.1 mailbox_t::send()

//    cmd_,要发送的命令。
void zmq::mailbox_t::send (const command_t &cmd_)
    sync.lock (); //加锁。
    cpipe.write (cmd_, false); //写消息到管道。
    const bool ok = cpipe.flush (); //使消息对读线程可见。
    sync.unlock (); //解锁。
    if (!ok) //如果发送成功,那么发送信号通知命令处理线程。
        signaler.send ();

4.2.2 mailbox_t::recv()

//    cmd_,要接收的命令的buffer。
//    timeout_,等待超时时间。
int zmq::mailbox_t::recv (command_t *cmd_, int timeout_)
    //  Try to get the command straight away.
    if (active) {                       
        if ( (cmd_))
            return 0;

        //  If there are no more commands available, switch into passive state.
        active = false;                 

    //  Wait for signal from the command sender.
    int rc = signaler.wait (timeout_);
    if (rc == -1) {
        errno_assert (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EINTR);
        return -1;
    //  Receive the signal.
    rc = signaler.recv_failable ();
    if (rc == -1) {
        errno_assert (errno == EAGAIN);
        return -1;

    //  Switch into active state.
    active = true;

    //  Get a command.
    const bool ok = (cmd_);
    zmq_assert (ok);
    return 0;

4.2.3 mailbox_t::~mailbox_t ()

zmq::mailbox_t::~mailbox_t ()
    //  TODO: Retrieve and deallocate commands inside the cpipe.

    // Work around problem that other threads might still be in our
    // send() method, by waiting on the mutex before disappearing.
    sync.lock ();
    sync.unlock ();

4.3 singnaler_t类

class signaler_t {
        signaler_t (); //构造函数。
        ~signaler_t (); //析构函数。

        fd_t get_fd () const; //获得读描述符。
        void send (); //发送信号。
        int wait (int timeout_); //等待信号。
        void recv (); //接收信号,如果出错程序退出。
        int recv_failable (); //接收信号,如果出错程序退出。
        //  Creates a pair of file descriptors that will be used
        //  to pass the signals.
        static int make_fdpair (fd_t *r_, fd_t *w_); //创建r/w描述符。

        //  Underlying write & read file descriptor
        //  Will be -1 if we exceeded number of available handles
        fd_t w; //w描述符,用于发送信号。
        fd_t r; //r描述符,用于接收信号。

        //  Disable copying of signaler_t object.
        signaler_t (const signaler_t&);
        const signaler_t &operator = (const signaler_t&);

4.3.1 signaler_t()

zmq::signaler_t::signaler_t ()
    //  Create the socketpair for signaling.
    if (make_fdpair (&r, &w) == 0) {
        unblock_socket (w);
        unblock_socket (r);
#ifdef HAVE_FORK
    pid = getpid ();

4.3.2 send()

void zmq::signaler_t::send ()
#if defined HAVE_FORK
    if (unlikely (pid != getpid ())) {
        //printf("Child process %d signaler_t::send returning without sending #1\n", getpid());
        return; // do not send anything in forked child context
#if defined ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD
    const uint64_t inc = 1;
    ssize_t sz = write (w, &inc, sizeof (inc)); //向eventfd写输入,默认不使用eventfd。
    errno_assert (sz == sizeof (inc));
    unsigned char dummy = 0;
    while (true) {
        ssize_t nbytes = ::send (w, &dummy, sizeof (dummy), 0); //发数据到w描述符。
        if (unlikely (nbytes == -1 && errno == EINTR))
#if defined(HAVE_FORK)
        if (unlikely (pid != getpid ())) {
            //printf("Child process %d signaler_t::send returning without sending #2\n", getpid());
            errno = EINTR;
        zmq_assert (nbytes == sizeof dummy);

4.3.3 wait(int timeout_)

//    timeout_,等待超时的时间。
//    错误返回-1;正确返回0。
int zmq::signaler_t::wait (int timeout_)

4.3.4 recv()

void zmq::signaler_t::recv ()
    //  Attempt to read a signal.
#if defined ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD
    uint64_t dummy;
    ssize_t sz = read (r, &dummy, sizeof (dummy)); //从socket中读。
    errno_assert (sz == sizeof (dummy));

    //  If we accidentally grabbed the next signal(s) along with the current
    //  one, return it back to the eventfd object.
    if (unlikely (dummy > 1)) {
        const uint64_t inc = dummy - 1;
        ssize_t sz2 = write (w, &inc, sizeof (inc)); //重新写回值。
        errno_assert (sz2 == sizeof (inc));

    zmq_assert (dummy == 1);
    unsigned char dummy;
    ssize_t nbytes = ::recv (r, &dummy, sizeof (dummy), 0); //从socket中收信号。
    errno_assert (nbytes >= 0);
    zmq_assert (nbytes == sizeof (dummy));
    zmq_assert (dummy == 0);

4.3.5 recv_failable()

int zmq::signaler_t::recv_failable ()

4.3.6 make_pair()

//  Returns -1 if we could not make the socket pair successfully
int zmq::signaler_t::make_fdpair (fd_t *r_, fd_t *w_)
#if defined ZMQ_HAVE_EVENTFD
    int flags = 0;
    //  Setting this option result in sane behaviour when exec() functions
    //  are used. Old sockets are closed and don't block TCP ports, avoid
    //  leaks, etc.
    flags |= EFD_CLOEXEC;
    fd_t fd = eventfd (0, flags);
    if (fd == -1) {
        errno_assert (errno == ENFILE || errno == EMFILE);
        *w_ = *r_ = -1;
        return -1;
    else {
        *w_ = *r_ = fd;
        return 0;
    // All other implementations support socketpair()
    int sv [2];
    int type = SOCK_STREAM;
    //  Setting this option result in sane behaviour when exec() functions
    //  are used. Old sockets are closed and don't block TCP ports, avoid
    //  leaks, etc.
    type |= SOCK_CLOEXEC;
    int rc = socketpair (AF_UNIX, type, 0, sv);
    if (rc == -1) {
        errno_assert (errno == ENFILE || errno == EMFILE);
        *w_ = *r_ = -1;
        return -1;
    else {
        //  If there's no SOCK_CLOEXEC, let's try the second best option. Note that
        //  race condition can cause socket not to be closed (if fork happens
        //  between socket creation and this point).
#if !defined ZMQ_HAVE_SOCK_CLOEXEC && defined FD_CLOEXEC
        rc = fcntl (sv [0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); //设置为非阻塞。
        errno_assert (rc != -1);
        rc = fcntl (sv [1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC); //设置为非阻塞。
        errno_assert (rc != -1);
        *w_ = sv [0]; //0用于写线程。
        *r_ = sv [1]; //1用于读线程。
        return 0;
