除了添加 seata-all 的依赖外,默认的 undo 序列化使用的 jackson,因此还需要相关的依赖才能启动成功。
如果使用 druid,可以借助 druid-spring-boot-starter
的 DruidDataSourceWrapper
必要的配置是在 src/main/resources
下面都要有 file.conf
和 registry.conf
其中 registry.conf
使用最简单的 file
在 file.conf
中我使用了 db
spring boot 中配置时,配置类有两种情况,在示例中的 business 中,不操作数据库,只调用其它服务,因此他的配置最简单:
public class SeataAutoConfig {
* init global transaction scanner
* @Return: GlobalTransactionScanner
public GlobalTransactionScanner globalTransactionScanner() {
return new GlobalTransactionScanner("business-gts-seata-example", "my_test_tx_group");
在其他几个服务中,由于要连接数据库,因此需要使用 seata 提供的各种代理类:
public class SeataAutoConfig {
@Bean(initMethod = "init")
public DruidDataSource dataSource() {
return new PublicDruidDataSourceWrapper();
* init datasource proxy
* @Param: druidDataSource datasource bean instance
* @Return: DataSourceProxy datasource proxy
public DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy(DruidDataSource druidDataSource) {
return new DataSourceProxy(druidDataSource);
public DataSourceTransactionManager transactionManager(DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy) {
return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSourceProxy);
* init mybatis sqlSessionFactory
* @Param: dataSourceProxy datasource proxy
* @Return: DataSourceProxy datasource proxy
public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory(DataSourceProxy dataSourceProxy) throws Exception {
SqlSessionFactoryBean factoryBean = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
factoryBean.setMapperLocations(new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver()
factoryBean.setTransactionFactory(new SpringManagedTransactionFactory());
return factoryBean.getObject();
* init global transaction scanner
* @Return: GlobalTransactionScanner
public GlobalTransactionScanner globalTransactionScanner() {
return new GlobalTransactionScanner("storage-gts-seata-example", "my_test_tx_group");
属性 | 值 |
库存 | 1000 |
余额 | 4000 |
商品编号 | C201901140001 |
用户 | 1 |
属性 | 值 |
库存 | 2000 |
余额 | 1000 |
商品编号 | C201901140001 |
用户 | 1 |
2019-10-10 17:47:26,943 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - Begin new global transaction []
开始全局事务,XID =
2019-10-10 17:47:26,961 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - [] rollback status:Rollbacked
2019-10-10 17:47:26,947 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Preparing: update t_storage set count = count-2000 where commodity_code = ? and count >= ?
2019-10-10 17:47:26,947 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Parameters: C201901140001(String), 2000(Integer)
2019-10-10 17:47:26,951 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - <== Updates: 0
2019-10-10 17:47:26,953 [DubboServerHandler-] ERROR o.a.d.r.f.ExceptionFilter - [DUBBO] Got unchecked and undeclared exception which called by service: com.xx.storage.api.TStorageService, method: decreaseStorage, exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: 扣减库存失败, dubbo version: 2.7.1, current host:
java.lang.RuntimeException: 扣减库存失败
at com.xx.storage.service.impl.TStorageServiceImpl.decreaseStorage(TStorageServiceImpl.java:24)
不会调用到 order 和 account。
属性 | 值 |
库存 | 1000 |
余额 | 5000 |
商品编号 | C201901140001 |
用户 | 1 |
2019-10-10 17:54:47,415 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - Begin new global transaction []
开始全局事务,XID =
2019-10-10 17:54:48,998 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - [] rollback status:Rollbacked
2019-10-10 17:54:47,429 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load ContextCore[null] extension by class[io.seata.core.context.ThreadLocalContextCore]
2019-10-10 17:54:47,526 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Preparing: update t_storage set count = count-500 where commodity_code = ? and count >= ?
2019-10-10 17:54:47,543 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Parameters: C201901140001(String), 500(Integer)
2019-10-10 17:54:47,807 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - <== Updates: 1
2019-10-10 17:54:47,813 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load LoadBalance[null] extension by class[io.seata.discovery.loadbalance.RandomLoadBalance]
2019-10-10 17:54:48,022 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load UndoLogParser[jackson] extension by class[io.seata.rm.datasource.undo.parser.JacksonUndoLogParser]
2019-10-10 17:54:48,791 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.c.r.n.RmMessageListener - onMessage:xid=,branchId=2024332030,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null
2019-10-10 17:54:48,793 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch Rollbacking: 2024332030 jdbc:mysql://
2019-10-10 17:54:48,923 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.d.u.m.MySQLUndoLogManager - xid branch 2024332030, undo_log deleted with GlobalFinished
2019-10-10 17:54:48,928 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch Rollbacked result: PhaseTwo_Rollbacked
2019-10-10 17:54:48,315 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load ContextCore[null] extension by class[io.seata.core.context.ThreadLocalContextCore]
2019-10-10 17:54:48,374 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - ==> Preparing: update t_account set amount = amount-5000.0 where user_id = ? and amount >= ?
2019-10-10 17:54:48,392 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - ==> Parameters: 1(String), 5000.0(Double)
2019-10-10 17:54:48,681 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - <== Updates: 0
2019-10-10 17:54:48,711 [DubboServerHandler-] ERROR o.a.d.r.f.ExceptionFilter - [DUBBO] Got unchecked and undeclared exception which called by service: com.xx.account.api.TAccountService, method: decreaseAccount, exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: 扣款失败, dubbo version: 2.7.1, current host:
java.lang.RuntimeException: 扣款失败
at com.xx.account.service.impl.TAccountServiceImpl.decreaseAccount(TAccountServiceImpl.java:26)
2019-10-10 17:54:48,726 [DubboServerHandler-] ERROR o.a.d.r.f.ExceptionFilter - [DUBBO] Got unchecked and undeclared exception which called by service: com.xx.order.api.TOrderService, method: createOrder, exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: 扣款失败, dubbo version: 2.7.1, current host:
java.lang.RuntimeException: 扣款失败
at com.xx.account.service.impl.TAccountServiceImpl.decreaseAccount(TAccountServiceImpl.java:26)
服务 | 时间 | 日志 |
business | 2019-10-10 17:54:47,415 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - Begin new global transaction [] |
business | 2019-10-10 17:54:47,415 | 开始全局事务,XID = |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:47,429 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load ContextCore[null] extension by class[io.seata.core.context.ThreadLocalContextCore] |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:47,526 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Preparing: update t_storage set count = count-500 where commodity_code = ? and count >= ? |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:47,543 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Parameters: C201901140001(String), 500(Integer) |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:47,807 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - <== Updates: 1 |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:47,813 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load LoadBalance[null] extension by class[io.seata.discovery.loadbalance.RandomLoadBalance] |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,022 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load UndoLogParser[jackson] extension by class[io.seata.rm.datasource.undo.parser.JacksonUndoLogParser] |
account | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,315 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load ContextCore[null] extension by class[io.seata.core.context.ThreadLocalContextCore] |
account | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,374 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - ==> Preparing: update t_account set amount = amount-5000.0 where user_id = ? and amount > ? |
account | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,392 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - ==> Parameters: 1(String), 5000.0(Double) |
account | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,681 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - <== Updates: 0 |
account | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,711 | [DubboServerHandler-] ERROR o.a.d.r.f.ExceptionFilter - [DUBBO] Got unchecked and undeclared exception which called by service: com.xx.account.api.TAccountService, method: decreaseAccount, exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: 扣款失败, dubbo version: 2.7.1, current host: |
order | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,726 | [DubboServerHandler-] ERROR o.a.d.r.f.ExceptionFilter - [DUBBO] Got unchecked and undeclared exception which called by service: com.xx.order.api.TOrderService, method: createOrder, exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: 扣款失败, dubbo version: 2.7.1, current host: |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,791 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.c.r.n.RmMessageListener - onMessage:xid=,branchId=2024332030,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,793 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch Rollbacking: 2024332030 jdbc:mysql:// |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,923 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.d.u.m.MySQLUndoLogManager - xid branch 2024332030, undo_log deleted with GlobalFinished |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,928 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch Rollbacked result: PhaseTwo_Rollbacked |
business | 2019-10-10 17:54:48,998 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - [] rollback status:Rollbacked |
属性 | 值 |
库存 | 500 |
余额 | 2000 |
商品编号 | C201901140001 |
用户 | 1 |
2019-10-10 17:57:43,871 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - Begin new global transaction []
开始全局事务,XID =
2019-10-10 17:57:44,164 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - [] commit status:Committed
2019-10-10 17:57:43,875 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Preparing: update t_storage set count = count-500 where commodity_code = ? and count >= ?
2019-10-10 17:57:43,875 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Parameters: C201901140001(String), 500(Integer)
2019-10-10 17:57:43,880 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - <== Updates: 1
2019-10-10 17:57:44,657 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.c.r.n.RmMessageListener - onMessage:xid=,branchId=2024332037,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null
2019-10-10 17:57:44,660 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch committing: 2024332037 jdbc:mysql:// null
2019-10-10 17:57:44,660 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch commit result: PhaseTwo_Committed
2019-10-10 17:57:43,908 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - ==> Preparing: update t_account set amount = amount-2000.0 where user_id = ? and amount >= ?
2019-10-10 17:57:43,909 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - ==> Parameters: 1(String), 2000.0(Double)
2019-10-10 17:57:43,917 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - <== Updates: 1
2019-10-10 17:57:43,921 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load LoadBalance[null] extension by class[io.seata.discovery.loadbalance.RandomLoadBalance]
2019-10-10 17:57:44,015 [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load UndoLogParser[jackson] extension by class[io.seata.rm.datasource.undo.parser.JacksonUndoLogParser]
2019-10-10 17:57:44,673 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.c.r.n.RmMessageListener - onMessage:xid=,branchId=2024332040,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null
2019-10-10 17:57:44,676 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch committing: 2024332040 jdbc:mysql:// null
2019-10-10 17:57:44,676 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch commit result: PhaseTwo_Committed
2019-10-10 17:57:44,092 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.o.d.T.insert - ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO t_order ( id,order_no,user_id,commodity_code,count,amount ) VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,? )
2019-10-10 17:57:44,092 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.o.d.T.insert - ==> Parameters: 1314691584175899638(Long), bcc9e7739ab340fab5fbdbf58f667a02(String), 1(String), C201901140001(String), 500(Integer), 2000.0(Double)
2019-10-10 17:57:44,137 [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.o.d.T.insert - <== Updates: 1
2019-10-10 17:57:44,682 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.c.r.n.RmMessageListener - onMessage:xid=,branchId=2024332043,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null
2019-10-10 17:57:44,683 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch committing: 2024332043 jdbc:mysql:// null
2019-10-10 17:57:44,683 [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch commit result: PhaseTwo_Committed
服务 | 时间 | 日志 |
business | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,871 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - Begin new global transaction [] |
business | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,871 | 开始全局事务,XID = |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,875 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Preparing: update t_storage set count = count-500 where commodity_code = ? and count >= ? |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,875 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - ==> Parameters: C201901140001(String), 500(Integer) |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,880 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.s.d.T.decreaseStorage - <== Updates: 1 |
account | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,908 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - ==> Preparing: update t_account set amount = amount-2000.0 where user_id = ? and amount > ? |
account | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,909 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - ==> Parameters: 1(String), 2000.0(Double) |
account | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,917 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.a.d.T.decreaseAccount - <== Updates: 1 |
account | 2019-10-10 17:57:43,921 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load LoadBalance[null] extension by class[io.seata.discovery.loadbalance.RandomLoadBalance] |
account | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,015 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.c.l.EnhancedServiceLoader - load UndoLogParser[jackson] extension by class[io.seata.rm.datasource.undo.parser.JacksonUndoLogParser] |
order | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,092 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.o.d.T.insert - ==> Preparing: INSERT INTO t_order ( id,order_no,user_id,commodity_code,count,amount ) VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,? ) |
order | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,092 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.o.d.T.insert - ==> Parameters: 1314691584175899638(Long), bcc9e7739ab340fab5fbdbf58f667a02(String), 1(String), C201901140001(String), 500(Integer), 2000.0(Double) |
order | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,137 | [DubboServerHandler-] DEBUG c.n.o.d.T.insert - <== Updates: 1 |
business | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,164 | [DubboServerHandler-] INFO i.s.t.a.DefaultGlobalTransaction - [] commit status:Committed |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,657 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.c.r.n.RmMessageListener - onMessage:xid=,branchId=2024332037,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,660 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch committing: 2024332037 jdbc:mysql:// null |
storage | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,660 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch commit result: PhaseTwo_Committed |
account | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,673 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.c.r.n.RmMessageListener - onMessage:xid=,branchId=2024332040,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null |
account | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,676 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch committing: 2024332040 jdbc:mysql:// null |
account | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,676 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_1_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch commit result: PhaseTwo_Committed |
order | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,682 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.c.r.n.RmMessageListener - onMessage:xid=,branchId=2024332043,branchType=AT,resourceId=jdbc:mysql://,applicationData=null |
order | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,683 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch committing: 2024332043 jdbc:mysql:// null |
order | 2019-10-10 17:57:44,683 | [rpcDispatch_RMROLE_2_8] INFO i.s.r.AbstractRMHandler - Branch commit result: PhaseTwo_Committed |