create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(20); begin v_name := '张三丰'; p_para3 := v_name; dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3); end;
创建语句:create or replace procedure 存储过程名
如果没有or replace语句,则仅仅是新建一个存储过程。如果系统存在该存储过程,则会报错。Create or replace procedure 如果系统中没有此存储过程就新建一个,如果系统中有此存储过程则把原来删除掉,重新创建一个存储过程。
存储过程名定义:包括存储过程名和参数列表。参数名和参数类型。参数名不能重复, 参数传递方式:IN, OUT, IN OUT
IN 表示输入参数,按值传递方式。
OUT 表示输出参数,可以理解为按引用传递方式。可以作为存储过程的输出结果,供外部调用者使用。
IN OUT 即可作输入参数,也可作输出参数。
变量声明块:紧跟着的as (is )关键字,可以理解为pl/sql的declare关键字,用于声明变量。
过程语句块:从begin 关键字开始为过程的语句块。存储过程的具体逻辑在这里来实现。
异常处理块:关键字为exception ,为处理语句产生的异常。该部分为可选
1.2 存储过程的参数传递方式
存储过程的参数传递有三种方式:IN,OUT,IN OUT .
IN 按值传递,并且它不允许在存储过程中被重新赋值。如果存储过程的参数没有指定存参数传递类型,默认为IN
create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(20); begin p_para1 :='aaa'; p_para2 :='bbb'; v_name := '张三丰'; p_para3 := v_name; dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3); null; end;
Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors
SQL> show error; Errors for PROCEDURE LIFEMAN.PROC1:
LINE/COL ERROR -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 8/3 PLS-00363: expression 'P_PARA1' cannot be used as an assignment target 8/3 PL/SQL: Statement ignored
OUT 参数:作为输出参数,需要注意,当一个参数被指定为OUT类型时,就算在调用存储过程之前对该参数进行了赋值,在存储过程中该参数的值仍然是null.
create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(20); begin v_name := '张三丰'; p_para3 := v_name; dbms_output.put_line('p_para1:'||p_para1); dbms_output.put_line('p_para2:'||p_para2); dbms_output.put_line('p_para3:'||p_para3); end;
1.3 存储过程参数宽度 create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(2); begin v_name := p_para1; end;
SQL> var p1 varchar2(10); SQL> var p2 varchar2(20); SQL> var p3 varchar2(30); SQL> exec :p1 :='aaaaaa'; SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small ORA-06512: at "LIFEMAN.PROC1", line 8 ORA-06512: at line 1
create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(2); begin p_para2 :='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'; end; SQL> var p1 varchar2(1); SQL> var p2 varchar2(1); SQL> var p3 varchar2(1); SQL> exec :p2 :='a'; SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
再来看看IN OUT参数的宽度 create or replace procedure proc1( p_para1 varchar2, p_para2 out varchar2, p_para3 in out varchar2 )as v_name varchar2(2); begin p_para3 :='aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'; end;
SQL> var p1 varchar2(1); SQL> var p2 varchar2(1); SQL> var p3 varchar2(1); SQL> exec proc1(:p1,:p2,:p3);
对于OUT 和IN OUT 参数,其宽度是由存储过程内部决定。
1.3 参数的默认值
create or replace procedure procdefault(p1 varchar2, p2 varchar2 default 'mark') as begin dbms_output.put_line(p2); end;
SQL> set serveroutput on; SQL> exec procdefault('a');
可以通过default 关键字为存储过程的参数指定默认值。在对存储过程调用时,就可以省略默认值。
需要注意的是:默认值仅仅支持IN传输类型的参数。OUT 和 IN OUT不能指定默认值
create or replace procedure procdefault2(p1 varchar2 default 'remark', p2 varchar2 ) as begin dbms_output.put_line(p1); end;
create or replace procedure proccursor(p varchar2) as v_rownum number(10) := 1; cursor c_postype is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1; cursor c_postype1 is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = v_rownum; cursor c_postype2(p_rownum number) is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = p_rownum; type t_postype is ref cursor ; c_postype3 t_postype; v_postype varchar2(20); begin open c_postype; fetch c_postype into v_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); close c_postype; open c_postype1; fetch c_postype1 into v_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); close c_postype1; open c_postype2(1); fetch c_postype2 into v_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); close c_postype2; open c_postype3 for select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1; fetch c_postype3 into v_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); close c_postype3; end;
cursor c_postype is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1
cursor c_postype1 is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = v_rownum;
cursor c_postype2(p_rownum number) is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum = p_rownum;
type t_postype is ref cursor ;
c_postype3 t_postype;
open c_postype3 for select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where rownum =1;
然后再用open for 来打开一个查询。需要注意的是它可以多次使用,用来打开不同的查询。
create or replace procedure proccycle(p varchar2) as cursor c_postype is select pos_type, description from pos_type_tbl where rownum < 6; v_postype varchar2(20); v_description varchar2(50); begin open c_postype; if c_postype%found then dbms_output.put_line('found true'); elsif c_postype%found = false then dbms_output.put_line('found false'); else dbms_output.put_line('found null'); end if; loop fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ; exit when c_postype%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description); end loop; close c_postype; dbms_output.put_line('---loop end---'); open c_postype; fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description; while c_postype%found loop dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description); fetch c_postype into v_postype,v_description ; end loop;
close c_postype; dbms_output.put_line('---while end---'); for v_pos in c_postype loop v_postype := v_pos.pos_type; v_description := v_pos.description; dbms_output.put_line('postype:'||v_postype||',description:'||v_description); end loop; dbms_output.put_line('---for end---'); end;
open c_postype; if c_postype%found then dbms_output.put_line('found true'); elsif c_postype%found = false then dbms_output.put_line('found false'); else dbms_output.put_line('found null'); end if;
3.4 select into不可乎视的问题
我们知道在pl/sql中要想从数据表中向变量赋值,需要使用select into 子句。
create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20); begin select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); end;
SQL> exec procexception('a'); 报错 ORA-01403: no data found ORA-06512: at "LIFEMAN.PROCEXCEPTION", line 6 ORA-06512: at line 1
1. 直接加上异常处理。
create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20);
begin select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line('没找到数据'); end;
create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20);
begin begin select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where 1=0; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); exception when no_data_found then v_postype := ''; end; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); end;
create or replace procedure procexception(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20); cursor c_postype is select pos_type from pos_type_tbl where 1=0; begin open c_postype; fetch c_postype into v_postype; close c_postype; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); end;
create or replace procedure procexception2(p varchar2) as v_postype varchar2(20);
begin begin select pos_type into v_postype from pos_type_tbl where rownum < 5; exception when no_data_found then v_postype :=null; when too_many_rows then raise_application_error(-20000,'对v_postype赋值时,找到多条数据'); end; dbms_output.put_line(v_postype); end;
create or replace package procpkg is type refcursor is ref cursor; procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor); end procpkg;
create or replace package body procpkg is procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor) is v_posTypeList PosTypeTable; begin v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表 v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更'); open p_ref_postypeList for select * from table(cast (v_posTypeList as PosTypeTable)); end; end procpkg;
create or replace type PosType as Object ( posType varchar2(20), description varchar2(50) );
create or replace type PosTypeTable is table of PosType;
set serveroutput on; declare type refcursor is ref cursor; v_ref_postype refcursor; v_postype varchar2(20); v_desc varchar2(50); begin procpkg.procrefcursor('a',v_ref_postype); loop fetch v_ref_postype into v_postype,v_desc; exit when v_ref_postype%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('posType:'|| v_postype || ';description:' || v_desc); end loop; end;
3.定义自己的处理器 public class CursorHandlerCallBack implements TypeHandler{ public Object getResult(CallableStatement cs, int index) throws SQLException { ResultSet rs = (ResultSet)cs.getObject(index); List result = new ArrayList(); while( { String postype =rs.getString(1); String description = rs.getString(2); CodeTableItemDTO posTypeItem = new CodeTableItemDTO(); posTypeItem.setCode(postype); posTypeItem.setDescription(description); result.add(posTypeItem); } return result; }
4. dao方法 public List procPostype() { String p = ""; Map para = new HashMap(); para.put("p",p); para.put("p_ref_postypeList",null); this.getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("pos_dayprocset.procrefcursor", para); return (List)para.get("p_ref_postypeList"); }
create or replace package procpkg is type refcursor is ref cursor; procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor); function procpostype(p varchar2) return PosTypeTable; end procpkg;
create or replace package body procpkg is procedure procrefcursor(p varchar2, p_ref_postypeList out refcursor) is v_posTypeList PosTypeTable; begin v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表 v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更'); open p_ref_postypeList for select * from table(cast (v_posTypeList as PosTypeTable)); end;
function procpostype(p varchar2) return PosTypeTable as v_posTypeList PosTypeTable; begin v_posTypeList :=PosTypeTable();--初始化嵌套表 v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(1) := PosType('A001','客户资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(2) := PosType('A002','团体资料变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(3) := PosType('A003','受益人变更'); v_posTypeList.extend; v_posTypeList(4) := PosType('A004','续期交费方式变更'); return v_posTypeList; end; end procpkg;
public List queryPostype() { return this.getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("pos_dayprocset.procPostype", null); }
Abstract Factory:提供一个创建一系列相关或相互依赖对象的接口,而无需指定它们具体的类。 Adapter:将一个类的接口转换成客户希望的另外一个接口。A d a p t e r模式使得原本由于接口不兼容而不能一起工作的那些类可以一起工作。 Bridge:将抽象部分与它的实现部分分离,使它们都可以独立地变化。 Builder:将一个复杂对象的构建与它的表示分离,使得同
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class CaseInsensitiveTrie {
Trie tree's java implementation.(Insert,Search,DFS)
Problem Description
# include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i, j, k;
printf("please input three number:\n"); //提示用
数据表中有记录的time字段(属性为timestamp)其值为:“0000-00-00 00:00:00”
程序使用select 语句从中取数据时出现以下异常:
java.sql.SQLException:Value '0000-00-00' can not be represented as java.sql.Date
java.sql.SQLException: Valu