(function(S, undef) {
var meta = {
* copy s到r,如果over, s[p]则overwrite r[p],
* 如果有whitelist,则只从s中copy whitelist中声明的p
* @return r
mix: function(reciveObj, sourceObj, over, whitelist) {
host = this,
seed = host[S] || {},
guid = 0,
EMPTY = '';
if(!seed.mix) seed.mix = meta.mix;
S = host[S] = seed; // shortcut
S.mix(S, {
// The host of runtime environment.
__HOST: host,
// with these members.
__APP_MEMBERS: ['namespace'],
__APP_INIT_METHODS: ['__init'],
version: '@VERSION@',
* 依次mix o1、o2至on,mix的时候直接overwrite
merge: function(/*o1,o2...on*/) {
var o = {}, i, l = arguments.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
S.mix(o, arguments[i]);
return o;
* mix copy的是s[p]到r[p], augment是copy s.prototype[p]到r.prototype[p]
* 如果s没有prototype的话,就copy s[p]
augment: function(/*receiveObj, srcObj1, srcObj2, ..., over, whitelist*/) {
* r extend s, r.prototype overwrite mix px, r overwrite mix sx
* r.superclass = s.protype
extend: function(r, s, px, sx) {
if (!s || !r) return r;
var OP = Object.prototype,
O = function (o) {
function F() {
F.prototype = o;
return new F();
sp = s.prototype,
rp = O(sp);
r.prototype = rp;
rp.constructor = r;
r.superclass = sp;
// assign constructor property
if (s !== Object && sp.constructor === OP.constructor) {
sp.constructor = s;
// add prototype overrides
if (px) {
S.mix(rp, px);
// add object overrides
if (sx) {
S.mix(r, sx);
return r;
__init: function() {
this.Config = this.Config || {};
this.Env = this.Env || {};
this.Config.debug = '@DEBUG@';
namespace: function() { ...},
* 为目标对象o(host[name]对象或name对象)实现APP功能,
* 最后mix sx()的返回对象 或 sx对象
* @param {String|Object} name
* @param {Function|Object} sx
app: function(name, sx) {
var isStr = S.isString(name),
O = isStr ? host[name] || {} : name,
i = 0,
len = S.__APP_INIT_METHODS.length;
S.mix(O, this, true, S.__APP_MEMBERS);
for(; i < len; ++i) S[S.__APP_INIT_METHODS[i]].call(O);
S.mix(O, S.isFunction(sx) ? sx() : sx);
isStr && (host[name] = O);
return O;
log: function(msg, cat, src) { ...},
error: function(msg) {...},
guid: function(pre) { return (pre || EMPTY) + guid++; }