【LeetCode & 剑指offer刷题】字符串题9:38 字符串的排列(全排列问题)

【LeetCode & 剑指offer刷题】字符串题9:38 字符串的排列(全排列问题)

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38 字符串的排列(全排列问题)




输入一个字符串,长度不超过9( 可能有字符重复) ,字符只包括大小写字母。
class Solution
public :
    vector < string > Permutation ( string str )
        vector < string > result ;
        if ( str . empty ()) return result ;
        per ( str , 0 , result );
        sort ( result . begin (), result . end ()); //排序,以便之后产生字典序的全排列(这里是产生序列之后再排序,通过改进算法可以实现按字典序push)
        return result ;
private :
    void per ( string & str , int begin , vector < string >& result )
        if ( begin >= str . size ()- 1 )
            result . push_back ( str );
            return ;
            unordered_set < char > record ; //记录出现过的字符
            for ( int i = begin ; i < str . size (); i ++) //产生排列的多个分支
                if ( record . find ( str [ i ]) == record . end ()) //只和没交换过的交换
                    record . insert ( str [ i ]);
                    swap ( str [ begin ], str [ i ]); //与后面元素交换,以产生不同字符开头的排列
                    per ( str , begin + 1 , result ); //递归产生分支的深度
                    swap ( str [ begin ], str [ i ]); //归位,以便下次交换                   
方法二: dfs(掌握)
map 记录,以解决存在重复元素的全排列问题
class Solution
public :
    vector < string > Permutation ( string str )
        vector < string > result ;
        if ( str . empty ()) return result ;
        string path ;
        map < char , int > counter ; // map 时, key 值存储为有序的,最后输出的排列也是有序的       
       // sort(str.begin(), str.end()); // 上面用了 map, 故这里无需先 sort       
        for ( char a : str ) counter [ a ]++; // 统计 str 中各数出现的次数,没有 key 的时候会自动创建       
        dfs ( str , result , path , counter ); // 递归
        return result ;
private :
    void dfs ( string & str , vector < string >& result , string & path , map < char , int >& counter )
        if ( path . size () == str.size()) // 到达树的末尾,将单路径数组 push 到结果向量中
            result . push_back ( path );
            return ;
        for ( auto & p : counter ) //for 循环带来的是树宽度方向的延伸,即产生同一层的多个分支
            if ( p . second > 0 ) // 如果该元素没有被取完(某个元素可能会出现多次)
                path . push_back ( p . first );
                p . second --; // 已经取了这个元素,统计数减一
                dfs ( str , result , path , counter ); // 继续往深度方向延伸
                path . pop_back ();   // 回溯,给其他分支腾空间!!
                p . second ++;
567 .   Permutation in String
Given two strings  s1  and  s2 , write a function to return true if  s2  contains the permutation of  s1 . In other words, one of the first string's permutations is the  substring  of the second string.
Example 1:
Input: s1 = "ab" s2 = "eidbaooo"
Output: True
Explanation: s2 contains one permutation of s1 ("ba").
Example 2:
Input: s1= "ab" s2 = "eidboaoo"
Output: False
  1. The input strings only contain lower case letters.
  2. The length of both given strings is in range [1, 10,000].

class Solution
public :
    bool checkInclusion ( string s1 , string s2 )
        if ( s1 . empty () || s2 . empty ()) return false ;
        int n1 = s1 . size (), n2 = s2 . size ();
        vector < int > m1 ( 128 ), m2 ( 128 ); //统计表(也可用hash表)
        for ( int i = 0 ; i < n1 ; ++ i ) //对s1,s2中前n1个字符统计
            m1 [ s1 [ i ]]++; m2 [ s2 [ i ]]++;
        if ( m1 == m2 ) return true ; //若各字符出现的次数相等,说明可以由s1排列得到当前s2中的子串
        for ( int i = n1 ; i < n2 ; ++ i ) //滑动窗口扫描s2
            m2 [ s2 [ i ]]++;
            m2 [ s2 [ i - n1 ]]--;
            if ( m1 == m2 ) return true ;
        return false ;


posted @ 2019-01-05 15:56 wikiwen 阅读( ...) 评论( ...) 编辑 收藏

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