用C#代码使用Redis运行Manage NuGet包插件,找到ServiceStack.Redis包,并进行安装。
string host = "localhost";
string elementKey = "testKeyRedis";
using (RedisClient redisClient = new RedisClient(host))
if (redisClient.Get<string>(elementKey) == null)
// adding delay to see the difference
// save value in cache
redisClient.Set(elementKey, "some cached value");
// get value from the cache by key
message = "Item value is: " + redisClient.Get<string>("some cached value");
public class Phone
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; }
public string Manufacturer { get; set; }
public Person Owner { get; set; }
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
using (RedisClient redisClient = new RedisClient(host))
IRedisTypedClient phones = redisClient.As();
Phone phoneFive = phones.GetValue("5");
if (phoneFive == null)
// make a small delay
// creating a new Phone entry
phoneFive = new Phone
Id = 5,
Manufacturer = "Motorolla",
Model = "xxxxx",
Owner = new Person
Id = 1,
Age = 90,
Name = "OldOne",
Profession = "sportsmen",
Surname = "OldManSurname"
// adding Entry to the typed entity set
phones.SetEntry(phoneFive.Id.ToString(), phoneFive);
message = "Phone model is " + phoneFive.Manufacturer;
message += "Phone Owner Name is: " + phoneFive.Owner.Name;
<sessionstate timeout="1" mode="Custom"
customprovider="RedisSessionStateProvider" cookieless="false">
<add name="RedisSessionStateProvider" writeexceptionstoeventlog="false"
server="localhost" port="6379" password="pasword">
add> providers>
// in the Global.asax
public class MvcApplication1 : System.Web.HttpApplication
protected void Application_Start()
protected void Session_Start()
Session["testRedisSession"] = "Message from the redis ression";
在Home controller(主控制器):
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = Session["testRedisSession"];
return View();
string host = "localhost";
using (var redisClient = new RedisClient(host))
//Create a 'strongly-typed' API that makes all Redis Value operations to apply against Phones
IRedisTypedClient redis = redisClient.As();
IRedisList mostSelling = redis.Lists["urn:phones:mostselling"];
IRedisList oldCollection = redis.Lists["urn:phones:oldcollection"];
Person phonesOwner = new Person
Id = 7,
Age = 90,
Name = "OldOne",
Profession = "sportsmen",
Surname = "OldManSurname"
// adding new items to the list
mostSelling.Add(new Phone
Id = 5,
Manufacturer = "Sony",
Model = "768564564566",
Owner = phonesOwner
oldCollection.Add(new Phone
Id = 8,
Manufacturer = "Motorolla",
Model = "324557546754",
Owner = phonesOwner
var upgradedPhone = new Phone
Id = 3,
Manufacturer = "LG",
Model = "634563456",
Owner = phonesOwner
// remove item from the list
// find objects in the cache
IEnumerable LGPhones = mostSelling.Where(ph => ph.Manufacturer == "LG");
// find specific
Phone singleElement = mostSelling.FirstOrDefault(ph => ph.Id == 8);
//reset sequence and delete all lists
当需要存储相关的数据集和收集统计信息,例如answer -> queustion给答案或问题投票时,Redis集合就非常好使。假设我们有很多的问题(queustion)和答案(answer ),需要将它们存储在缓存中。使用Redis,我们可以这么做:
/// Gets or sets the Redis Manager. The built-in IoC used with ServiceStack autowires this property.
IRedisClientsManager RedisManager { get; set; }
/// Delete question by performing compensating actions to
/// StoreQuestion() to keep the datastore in a consistent state
public void DeleteQuestion(long questionId)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
var redisQuestions = redis.As();
var question = redisQuestions.GetById(questionId);
if (question == null) return;
//decrement score in tags list
question.Tags.ForEach(tag => redis.IncrementItemInSortedSet("urn:tags", tag, -1));
//remove all related answers
//remove this question from user index
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>q:" + question.UserId, questionId.ToString());
//remove tag => questions index for each tag
question.Tags.ForEach("urn:tags>q:" + tag.ToLower(), questionId.ToString()));
public void StoreQuestion(Question question)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
var redisQuestions = redis.As();
if (question.Tags == null) question.Tags = new List<string>();
if (question.Id == default(long))
question.Id = redisQuestions.GetNextSequence();
question.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
//Increment the popularity for each new question tag
question.Tags.ForEach(tag => redis.IncrementItemInSortedSet("urn:tags", tag, 1));
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>q:" + question.UserId, question.Id.ToString());
//Usage of tags - Populate tag => questions index for each tag
question.Tags.ForEach(tag => redis.AddItemToSet
("urn:tags>q:" + tag.ToLower(), question.Id.ToString()));
/// Delete Answer by performing compensating actions to
/// StoreAnswer() to keep the datastore in a consistent state
public void DeleteAnswer(long questionId, long answerId)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
var answer = redis.As().GetRelatedEntities
(questionId).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == answerId);
if (answer == null) return;
redis.As().DeleteRelatedEntity(questionId, answerId);
//remove user => answer index
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>a:" + answer.UserId, answerId.ToString());
public void StoreAnswer(Answer answer)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
if (answer.Id == default(long))
answer.Id = redis.As().GetNextSequence();
answer.CreatedDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
//Store as a 'Related Answer' to the parent Question
redis.As().StoreRelatedEntities(answer.QuestionId, answer);
//Populate user => answer index
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>a:" + answer.UserId, answer.Id.ToString());
public List GetAnswersForQuestion(long questionId)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
return redis.As().GetRelatedEntities(questionId);
public void VoteQuestionUp(long userId, long questionId)
//Populate Question => User and User => Question set indexes in a single transaction
RedisManager.ExecTrans(trans =>
//Register upvote against question and remove any downvotes if any
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:q>user+:" + questionId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:q>user-:" + questionId, userId.ToString()));
//Register upvote against user and remove any downvotes if any
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>q+:" + userId, questionId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>q-:" + userId, questionId.ToString()));
public void VoteQuestionDown(long userId, long questionId)
//Populate Question => User and User => Question set indexes in a single transaction
RedisManager.ExecTrans(trans =>
//Register downvote against question and remove any upvotes if any
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:q>user-:" + questionId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:q>user+:" + questionId, userId.ToString()));
//Register downvote against user and remove any upvotes if any
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet"urn:user>q-:" + userId, questionId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>q+:" + userId, questionId.ToString()));
public void VoteAnswerUp(long userId, long answerId)
//Populate Question => User and User => Question set indexes in a single transaction
RedisManager.ExecTrans(trans =>
//Register upvote against answer and remove any downvotes if any
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:a>user+:" + answerId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:a>user-:" + answerId, userId.ToString()));
//Register upvote against user and remove any downvotes if any
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>a+:" + userId, answerId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>a-:" + userId, answerId.ToString()));
public void VoteAnswerDown(long userId, long answerId)
//Populate Question => User and User => Question set indexes in a single transaction
RedisManager.ExecTrans(trans =>
//Register downvote against answer and remove any upvotes if any
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:a>user-:" + answerId, userId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:a>user+:" + answerId, userId.ToString()));
//Register downvote against user and remove any upvotes if any
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.AddItemToSet("urn:user>a-:" + userId, answerId.ToString()));
trans.QueueCommand(redis =>
redis.RemoveItemFromSet("urn:user>a+:" + userId, answerId.ToString()));
public QuestionResult GetQuestion(long questionId)
var question = RedisManager.ExecAs
(redisQuestions => redisQuestions.GetById(questionId));
if (question == null) return null;
var result = ToQuestionResults(new[] { question })[0];
var answers = GetAnswersForQuestion(questionId);
var uniqueUserIds = answers.ConvertAll(x => x.UserId).ToHashSet();
var usersMap = GetUsersByIds(uniqueUserIds).ToDictionary(x => x.Id);
result.Answers = answers.ConvertAll(answer =>
new AnswerResult { Answer = answer, User = usersMap[answer.UserId] });
return result;
public List GetUsersByIds(IEnumerable<long> userIds)
return RedisManager.ExecAs(redisUsers => redisUsers.GetByIds(userIds)).ToList();
public QuestionStat GetQuestionStats(long questionId)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetReadOnlyClient())
var result = new QuestionStat
VotesUpCount = redis.GetSetCount("urn:q>user+:" +questionId),
VotesDownCount = redis.GetSetCount("urn:q>user-:" + questionId)
result.VotesTotal = result.VotesUpCount - result.VotesDownCount;
return result;
public List GetTagsByPopularity(int skip, int take)
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetReadOnlyClient())
var tagEntries = redis.GetRangeWithScoresFromSortedSetDesc("urn:tags", skip, take);
var tags = tagEntries.ConvertAll(kvp => new Tag { Name = kvp.Key, Score = (int)kvp.Value });
return tags;
public SiteStats GetSiteStats()
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
return new SiteStats
QuestionsCount = redis.As().TypeIdsSet.Count,
AnswersCount = redis.As().TypeIdsSet.Count,
TopTags = GetTagsByPopularity(0, 10)
Funq IoC的相关配置,以及注册类型和当前控制器目录,在Global.asax文件中配置。
基于IoC的缓存使用以及Global.asax可以打开以下URL:http://localhost:37447/Question/GetQuestions?tag=test 查看。
Redis缓存配置——在web config文件(
如果有人能提供使用Redis(以及Funq IOC)缓存的MVC应用程序示例,本人将不胜感激。Funq IOC已经配置,使用示例已经在Question controller中。
‘ 会更好——用户依赖,并且应用程序时常要用。否则,当经常性地需要使用该对象时,就必须在分布式Redis缓存中存储大量容积的内容。用户依赖的对象举例——个人资料信息,个性化信息 。常用对象——本地化数据,不同用户之间的共享信息,等等。
下载源代码(Redis Funq LoC MVC 4版本)
.NET / C#示例: