蓝牙协议 基于TI cc2540 模块的理解

Bluetooth 4.0开发

Platform:TI IC:cc2540
Environment:windows 7
tools:IAR 8.20.2

demo Code:BLE_CC254x_1.4.0 from TI 

蓝牙协议 基于TI cc2540 模块的理解_第1张图片

物理层:是1Mbps自适应跳频GFSK射频,工作于免许可证的2.4GHz ISM(工业、科学与医疗)频段。









主机:下载SimpleBLECentral程序 ,使用液晶屏打印



void uart_printNotline(char str[]){
char * pstr=str;
if(pstr == NULL) return;
HalUARTWrite(0,(unsigned char*)pstr,strlen(pstr));
void uart_printLine(char str[]){
char * pstr=str;
if(pstr == NULL) return;
HalUARTWrite(0,(unsigned char*)pstr,strlen(pstr));

本次使用的模块是:OLED LCD 128*64点阵液晶屏
OLED lcd打印信息
LCD_CLSLineAt8x16Pix(CLS_START_LINE1,CLS_LINE1);  //清楚指定的行
LCD_P8x16Str(0, WRITE_START_LINE1, "Read rsp:");  //在指定的行打印信息

实验效果,如期完成,串口 打印如下:

 BLE Peripheral

Char 1:   0
Char 1:   1
Char 1:   2
Char 1:   3
Char 1:   4
Char 1:   5
Char 1:   6
Char 1:   7
Char 1:   8

主机使用按键连接 BLE Peripheral从机

BLE协议解析 参考《TI_BLE_Software_Developer's_Guide.pdf》 
位于C:\Texas Instruments\BLE-CC254x-1.4.0\Documents 只要安装了TI的开发工具包就会有这个文件。

The protocol stack consists of two sections: the controller and the host. 
This separation of controller and host goes back to standard Bluetooth BR/EDR devices.
Any profiles and applications that are being used sit on top of the GAP and GATT layers of the stack.
PHY layer is a 1Mbps adaptive frequency-hopping GFSK, operating in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz ISM.
The LL essentially controls the RF state of the device, LL层本质是控制设备的RF(射频)状态
standby, advertising, scanning, initiating, or connected
 * GAP Peripheral + Broadcaster Role States.
typedef enum
  GAPROLE_INIT = 0,                         //!< Waiting to be started
  GAPROLE_STARTED,                          //!< Started but not advertising
  GAPROLE_ADVERTISING,                      //!< Currently Advertising
  GAPROLE_WAITING,                          //!< Device is started but not advertising, is in waiting period before advertising again
  GAPROLE_WAITING_AFTER_TIMEOUT,            //!< Device just timed out from a connection but is not yet advertising, is in waiting period before advertising again
  GAPROLE_CONNECTED,                        //!< In a connection
  GAPROLE_CONNECTED_ADV,                    //!< In a connection and advertising
  GAPROLE_ERROR                             //!< Error occurred - invalid state
} gaprole_States_t;

Advertisers transmit data without being in a connection, while scanners listen for advertisers. An initiator is a device that is responding to an advertiser with a connection request. If the advertiser accepts, both the advertiser and initiator will enter a connected state. When a device is in a connection, it will be connected in one of two roles: master or slave. The device that initiated the connection becomes the master, and the device that accepted the request becomes the slave.


The HCI layer provides a means of communication between the host and controller via a standardized interface. This layer can be implemented either through a software API, or by a hardware interface such as UART, SPI, or USB.


The L2CAP layer provides data encapsulation services to the upper layers, allowing for logical end-to-end communication of data.

The SM layer defines the methods for pairing and key distribution, and provides functions for the other layers of the stack to securely connect and exchange data with another device.

The GAP layer directly interfaces with the application and/or profiles, and handles device discovery and connection-related services for the device. In addition, GAP handles the initiation of security features.

The ATT protocol allows a device to expose certain pieces of data, known as “attributes”, to another device. In the context of ATT, the device exposing attributes is referred to as the “server”, and the peer device is referred to as the “client”. The LL state (master or slave) of the device is independent of the ATT role of the device. For example, a master device may either be an ATT server or an ATT client, and a slave device may also be either an ATT server or an ATT client. It is also possible for a device to be both an ATT server and an ATT client simultaneously.


The GATT layer is a service framework that defines the sub-procedures for using ATT. GATT specifies the structure of profiles. In BLE, all pieces of data that are being used by a profile or service are called “characteristics”. All data communications that occur between two devices in a BLE connection are handled through GATT sub-procedures. Therefore, the application and/or profiles will directly use GATT.



蓝牙协议 基于TI cc2540 模块的理解_第2张图片


蓝牙协议 基于TI cc2540 模块的理解_第3张图片

OSAL 事件和回调映射

蓝牙协议 基于TI cc2540 模块的理解_第4张图片

Central demo程序:

#define GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT            0x00 //!< Sent when the Device Initialization is complete.  This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t.
#define GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT            0x01 //!< Sent when the Device Discovery Process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDevDiscEvent_t.
#define GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT        0x02 //!< Sent when the Advertising Data or SCAN_RSP Data has been updated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_MAKE_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT      0x03 //!< Sent when the Make Discoverable Request is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t.
#define GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT       0x04 //!< Sent when the Advertising has ended. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapEndDiscoverableRspEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT            0x05 //!< Sent when the Establish Link Request is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapEstLinkReqEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT             0x06 //!< Sent when a connection was terminated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapTerminateLinkEvent_t.
#define GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT           0x07 //!< Sent when an Update Parameters Event is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapLinkUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_RANDOM_ADDR_CHANGED_EVENT         0x08 //!< Sent when a random address was changed. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapRandomAddrEvent_t.
#define GAP_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_EVENT  0x09 //!< Sent when the device's signature counter is updated. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapSignUpdateEvent_t.
#define GAP_AUTHENTICATION_COMPLETE_EVENT  0x0A //!< Sent when the Authentication (pairing) process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapAuthCompleteEvent_t.
#define GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT   0x0B //!< Sent when a Passkey is needed.  This is part of the pairing process. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapPasskeyNeededEvent_t.
#define GAP_SLAVE_REQUESTED_SECURITY_EVENT    0x0C //!< Sent when a Slave Security Request is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapSlaveSecurityReqEvent_t.
#define GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT   0x0D //!< Sent during the Device Discovery Process when a device is discovered. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapDeviceInfoEvent_t.
#define GAP_BOND_COMPLETE_EVENT 0x0E //!< Sent when the bonding(bound) process is complete. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapBondCompleteEvent_t.
#define GAP_PAIRING_REQ_EVENT   0x0F //!< Sent when an unexpected Pairing Request is received. This event is sent as an OSAL message defined as gapPairingReqEvent_t.


在一个典型的低功耗蓝牙系统中,外设广告特定的数据来让集中器设备知道它是可以被连接的设备。广告的内容包括:设备的地址,和一些附加的数据,如设备名字。集中器收到广告数据后,向外设发送("scan request")扫描请求。外设会响应一个(“scan response”)扫描回应。这个过程称为设备发现。

1.Connection Interval(GAPROLE_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL && GAPROLE_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL)- 连接间隔,在BLE的两个设备的连接中使用跳频机制。两个设备使用特定的信道发送和接收数据,
2.Slave Latency(GAPROLE_SLAVE_LATENCY)从机延时——这个参数给从机(外设)跳过若干个连接事件的选项。给外设一些灵活度,如果外设没有任何数据发送,就可以选额跳过连接事件

3.Supervision Timerout(GAPROLE_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER)超时管理——这个事两个成功连接事件之间的最大允许间隔。如果超过了这个事件而没有连接成功的连接事件,设备认为连接已经丢失。设备就会返回一个未连接的状态。这个参数值的单位是10ms,管理超时值的范围是10-3200即(100ms - 32s)。一般超时值必须大于有效连接间隔,如下所示:
Effective Connection Interval = (Connection Interval) * ( 1 + (Slave Latency) )
有效连接间隔 = 连接间隔 *(1 + 从机延时)



GAP 配置参数说明:
3.4.1 GAP Peripheral Role Profile
The peripheral role profile provides the means for the keyfob to advertise, connect with a central device (though the initiation of the connection must come from the 
central device), and request a specific set of connection parameters from a master device.
The primary API function prototypes for the peripheral role profile can be found in the file peripheral.h. The API provides functions to get and set certain GAP 

profile parameters: GAPRole_GetParameter and GAPRole_SetParameter, respectively. Here are a few GAP role parameters of interest:
 GAPROLE_ADVERT_ENABLED – This parameter enables or disables advertisements. The default value for this parameter is TRUE.
 GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA – This is a string containing the data to appear in the advertisement packets. By setting this value to { 0x02, 0x01, 0x05 }, the device will 

use limited discoverable mode when advertising. More information on advertisement data types and definitions can be found in [7].
 GAPROLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA – This is a string containing the name of the device that will appear in scan response data. If an observer or central device is scanning and 

sends a scan request to the peripheral device, the peripheral will respond back with a scan response containing this string.
 GAPROLE_ADVERT_OFF_TIME – This parameter is used when the device is put into limited discoverable mode. It sets how long the device should wait before becoming 

discoverable again at the end of the limited discovery period. By setting this value to 0, the device will not become discoverable again until the 

 GAPROLE_PARAM_UPDATE_ENABLE – This enables automatic connection parameter update requests. The profile default value is FALSE.
 GAPROLE_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL – This parameter is the minimum desired connection interval value. The default value is 80, corresponding to 100ms.
 GAPROLE_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL – This parameter is the maximum desired connection interval value. The default value is 3200, corresponding to 4.0s.
 GAPROLE_SLAVE_LATENCY – This parameter is the desired slave latency. The default value is 0.
 GAPROLE_TIMEOUT_MULTIPLIER – This parameter is the desired connection supervision timeout. The default value is 1000 (corresponding to 10.0s)
