


#define  return_if_fail(p)  if((p) == 0){printf ("[%s]:func error!/n", __func__);return;}    
typedef struct _PrivInfo    
  sem_t s1;    
  sem_t s2;    
  time_t end_time;    
static void info_init (PrivInfo* thiz);    
static void info_destroy (PrivInfo* thiz);    
static void* pthread_func_1 (PrivInfo* thiz);    
static void* pthread_func_2 (PrivInfo* thiz);    
int main (int argc, char** argv)    
  pthread_t pt_1 = 0;    
  pthread_t pt_2 = 0;    
  int ret = 0;    
  PrivInfo* thiz = NULL;    
  thiz = (PrivInfo* )malloc (sizeof (PrivInfo));    
  if (thiz == NULL)    
    printf ("[%s]: Failed to malloc priv.\n");    
    return -1;    
  info_init (thiz);    
  ret = pthread_create (&pt_1, NULL, (void*)pthread_func_1, thiz);    
  if (ret != 0)    
    perror ("pthread_1_create:");    
  ret = pthread_create (&pt_2, NULL, (void*)pthread_func_2, thiz);    
  if (ret != 0)    
     perror ("pthread_2_create:");    
  pthread_join (pt_1, NULL);    
  pthread_join (pt_2, NULL);    
  info_destroy (thiz);    
  return 0;    
static void info_init (PrivInfo* thiz)    
  return_if_fail (thiz != NULL);    
  thiz->end_time = time(NULL) + 10;    
  sem_init (&thiz->s1, 0, 1);    
  sem_init (&thiz->s2, 0, 0);    
static void info_destroy (PrivInfo* thiz)    
  return_if_fail (thiz != NULL);    
  sem_destroy (&thiz->s1);    
  sem_destroy (&thiz->s2);    
  free (thiz);    
  thiz = NULL;    
static void* pthread_func_1 (PrivInfo* thiz)    
  return_if_fail (thiz != NULL);    
  while (time(NULL) < thiz->end_time)    
    sem_wait (&thiz->s2);    
    printf ("pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.\n");    
    sem_post (&thiz->s1);    
    printf ("pthread1: pthread1 unlock\n");    
    sleep (1);    
static void* pthread_func_2 (PrivInfo* thiz)    
  return_if_fail (thiz != NULL);    
  while (time (NULL) < thiz->end_time)    
    sem_wait (&thiz->s1);    
    printf ("pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.\n");    
    sem_post (&thiz->s2);    
    printf ("pthread2: pthread2 unlock.\n");    
    sleep (1);    

pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock
pthread2: pthread2 get the unlock.
pthread2: pthread2 unlock.
pthread1: pthread1 get the lock.
pthread1: pthread1 unlock



