Manipulating Data on Linux

1.Login to your linux server via SSH or putty

2.Getting your data to and from the Linux host   via 

 scp, WinSCP   



wget, curl

3.Simple data files - examination and slicing

file anonymous                to know what kind of file it is

ls -lh red+blue_all.txt

wc -l red+blue_all.txt       to know how big the file is

4.Viewing and Manipulating the data

 more & less

head & tail      head -2 file1

cat                   show all from the first Bite

tac                   show all from the last line


“The grep family”

Manipulating Data on Linux_第1张图片

Manipulating Data on Linux_第2张图片

Manipulating Data on Linux_第3张图片

Manipulating Data on Linux_第4张图片

Manipulating Data on Linux_第5张图片

Manipulating Data on Linux_第6张图片


sort names.txt                                      Sort a file in ascending order

sort -r names.txt                                   Sort a file in descending order

sort -t: -k 3n /etc/passwd I more          Sort passwd file by 3rd field 



awk -F ':' 'S3==S4' passwd.txt             Print all lines from /etc/passwd that has the same uid and gid

awk '{print $2,$5;}' employee.txt          Print only specific field from a file
