6 Practical Books for Beginning Machine Learning
by on January 27, 2014 in Resources
There are a lot of good books on machine learning, but most people buy the wrong ones.
A question I get asked the most is what books should people buy to get stared in machine learning. My answer to beginners is: “don’t buy textbooks“.
In this post I want to point out a few key books that are aimed at beginners that you should buy (and read!) if you are just starting out.
I am not reviewing these books, if you want reviews, click a link and read the Amazon reviews. I will list a few reasons why I think each is a good book to pick up and read for a beginner.
I started with this book and it made a big impression on me back in the day.
If you want to focus on the process and use a mature graphical tool, I highly recommend this book.
As the title suggests, this book focuses on machine learning algorithms.
If you’re a programmer and into Python, I highly recommend picking up this book and getting stuck into each example.
Another very hands on text with a strong focus on the algorithms.
There’s a lot of example code, large slabs of it in some places, so I’d suggest that you are competent in Python before giving it a look.
This is a very popular book targeted at beginners.
Out of the three python-centric books, I’d recommend this one. It is broader and more cohesive than the other two.
Machine learning is more than just algorithms, there’s a lot of process and analysis work.
The data analysis example in the second chapter was amazing. It’s a rare example of how to think about and process a dataset BEFORE you throw algorithms at it. The book is worth it for this example alone.
Another R book, this one assumes prior knowledge of R, and if you have it, this book is amazing.
This is a big book, but I highly recommend it if you’re ready for it. I’d recommend Machine Learning for Hackers first to get you warmed up.
Get the most out of each book you read. If you invested the money to buy it, then invest the time to read it slowly and truly learn something.