
语言场 语言值---kdd*ss 模糊语言值,排序,比较    PROLOGE 和云存储,特别是prolog中的结构  ,,,同之处

《模糊多属性决策理论 方法及其应用》 孔峰





A Rough Set Based KDD Process
_Discretization based on RS and Boolean Reasoning (RSBR).
_Attribute selection based RS with Heuristics (RSH) . 
_Rule discovery by GDT-RS.
What Are Issues of Real World ?
_Very large data sets
_Mixed types of data (continuous valued, symbolic data)
_Uncertainty (noisy data)
_Incompleteness (missing, incomplete data)
_Data change
_Use of background knowledge
Soft Techniques for KDD 
Logic : Deduction Induction Abduction
Set : RoughSets  Fuzzy Sets
Probability:  Stoch. Proc. Belief Nets Conn. Nets GDT(GeneralizationDistributionTable)
GDT : G eneralization D istribution T able
RS : R ough S ets
TM: T ransition M atrix
ILP : I nductive L ogic P rogramming
GrC : Gr anular C omputing
A Rough Set Based KDD Process
_ Discretization based on RS and Boolean Reasoning (RSBR).
_Attribute selection based RS with Heuristics (RSH) . 
_Rule discovery by GDT-RS.
