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header |V=2|P| RC | PT | length |
padding_size_ = payload_[payload_size_ - 1];
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header |V=2|P| RC | PT=SR=200 | length |
| SSRC of sender |
sender | NTP timestamp, most significant word |
info +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| NTP timestamp, least significant word |
| RTP timestamp |
| sender's packet count |
| sender's octet count |
report | SSRC_1 (SSRC of first source) |
block +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
1 | fraction lost | cumulative number of packets lost |
| extended highest sequence number received |
| interarrival jitter |
| last SR (LSR) |
| delay since last SR (DLSR) |
report | SSRC_2 (SSRC of second source) |
block +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
2 : ... :
| profile-specific extensions |
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header |V=2|P| RC | PT=RR=201 | length |
| SSRC of packet sender |
report | SSRC_1 (SSRC of first source) |
block +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
1 | fraction lost | cumulative number of packets lost |
| extended highest sequence number received |
| interarrival jitter |
| last SR (LSR) |
| delay since last SR (DLSR) |
report | SSRC_2 (SSRC of second source) |
block +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
2 : ... :
| profile-specific extensions |
发送源信息描述,可以用于描述发送端的名字,邮箱,电话等信息,SDES的负载类型是202。SDES分为两部分:头部header和描述信息chunk。chunk内需要包含一个SSRC和至少一个SEDS item,每个item用于描述不同的信息。item中的lenght字段是用于表示后面描述信息的长度(byte)
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header |V=2|P| SC | PT=SDES=202 | length |
chunk | SSRC/CSRC_1 |
1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| SDES items |
| ... |
chunk | SSRC/CSRC_2 |
2 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
| SDES items |
| ... |
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| CNAME=1 | length | user and domain name ...
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| NAME=2 | length | common name of source ...
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| EMAIL=3 | length | email address of source ...
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| PHONE=4 | length | phone number of source ...
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| LOC=5 | length | geographic location of site ...
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| TOOL=6 | length |name/version of source appl. ...
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| NOTE=7 | length | note about the source ...
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| PRIV=8 | length | prefix length |prefix string...
... | value string ...
发送端主动停止发送,最后会发送一个BYE包,有可能会说明离开信息(reason for leaving)
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|V=2|P| SC | PT=BYE=203 | length |
: ... :
(opt) | length | reason for leaving ...
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|V=2|P| subtype | PT=APP=204 | length |
| name (ASCII) |
| application-dependent data ...
通用头部信息,前面四个Byte的信息和普通的RTCP头是一样的,看前面就好了,这里FMT用于区分FCI的类型,它会加上SSRC of packet sender发送者的SSRC和SSRC of media source反馈者的SSRC。
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|V=2|P| FMT | PT | length |
| SSRC of packet sender |
| SSRC of media source |
: Feedback Control Information (FCI) :
: :
NACK的FCI个数如下,其中PID(Packet ID)是第一个丢失的序号,BLP(bitmask of following lost packets)是继第一个序号之后的16个包的丢失情况,当丢失之后,此二进制位就会被mark为1。例如PID等于666,如果668和692也丢失了,那么BLP等于100010。当后续丢失的包序号大于第一个丢失的包序号16以上就需要重新使用一个新的FCI反馈包表示。NACK包可以存在多个FCI。
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| PID | BLP |
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|V=2|P| FMT=15 | PT=205 | length |
| SSRC of packet sender |
| SSRC of media source |
| base sequence number | packet status count |
| reference time | fb pkt. count |
| packet chunk | packet chunk |
. .
. .
| packet chunk | recv delta | recv delta |
. .
. .
| recv delta | recv delta | zero padding |
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| SSRC |
| Seq nr. | Reserved = 0 |
Num SSRC指明SSRC的个数,带宽用一个uint64_t类型表示,但是传输的时候需要把64位封装到24位里面。WebRTC的做法是当码率大于18位能表示最大数0x3FFF时,只能用指数表示带宽了。
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|V=2|P| FMT=15 | PT=206 | length |
0 | SSRC of packet sender |
4 | Unused = 0 |
8 | Unique identifier 'R' 'E' 'M' 'B' |
12 | Num SSRC | BR Exp | BR Mantissa |
16 | SSRC feedback |
: ... :