柏林情感语料库(Emo-DB)Berlin Emotional Database 介绍

柏林情感语料库(Emo-DB)Berlin Emotional Database 介绍



Every utterance is named according to the same scheme:
Positions 1-2: number of speaker
Positions 3-5: code for text
Position 6: emotion (sorry, letter stands for german emotion word)
Position 7: if there are more than two versions these are numbered a, b, c …

Example: 03a01Fa.wav is the audio file from Speaker 03 speaking text a01 with the emotion “Freude” (Happiness).

Positions 1-2 对应的人的性别及年龄:
Information about the speakers:
03 - male, 31 years old
08 - female, 34 years
09 - female, 21 years
10 - male, 32 years
11 - male, 26 years
12 - male, 30 years
13 - female, 32 years
14 - female, 35 years
15 - male, 25 years
16 - female, 31 years

Positions 3-5 对应的Code of texts:柏林情感语料库(Emo-DB)Berlin Emotional Database 介绍_第1张图片

Position 6 对应的情感:
柏林情感语料库(Emo-DB)Berlin Emotional Database 介绍_第2张图片

你可能感兴趣的:(柏林情感语料库(Emo-DB)Berlin Emotional Database 介绍)