Solution for "FRM-92120: 注册表文件 http://host:port/forms/oracle/forms/registry/Registry.dat缺失"

使用IE登陆Oracle EBS,报"FRM-92120: 注册表文件 http://host:port/forms/oracle/forms/registry/Registry.dat缺失"
Solution for


The file Registry.dat file has not been accessed by the client machine.This is because the JRE does not find the proper proxy / firewall through which the client is authenticated to access the files from the application server.The possible reason could be an extra linefeed character, spaces and / or other special characters in the IE browser proxy settings can cause this error.As other clients access it fine, this file is not the problem, but rather there is a problem for this particular client to reach it: the proxy settings it uses may not be set correctly.



Solution for

然后重新登陆Oracle EBS,问题已经就解决了。
