Easy English Expression(31-60)

低分飞过四六级的同学,有一定基础,想快速提高实用技能尤其是听说能力的同学, Coach shane 的Daliy Easy Expression你必须听,每日视频必须听三遍以上,学会用简单的英语解释晦涩难懂英语,还有掌握基本的连读知识和自然语流规律。


31.count me out /in(exclude/include)

32.to rain on your parade(to do sth terrible to your plan,your plan destroyed or be canceled)

33.I'm broke(I have no money)

34.to sell some one out(to betray someone, you get some profite through using other person)

35.it will all come down to(the most important thing or the decide fact, if you buy a lottery ticket, it it will all come down to luck)

36.I beg to differ( I'm sorry I disagree with you, I don't think so)

37.luck.look.lock(notice this three words pronunciation)

38.Don't sweat it(Don't worried about it,relax)

39.to go all out(to do 100% energy or passion all of your energy or passion)

40.already(when it is used at end of sentence, it means late, hurry in)

41.come down with a cold or headache (Getting sick)

42.go down(it have four meanings.one is to the south, two is to the hill or elevate,three is to store.four is the hall(opposite))

43. to steal someone the thunder(to steal someone big day or big moment)

44.to be a pain in the neck(something is annoy, sth/sb make a lot of trouble/mess /sress. notice "the" pronunciation.)

45.to come in on+specific day(a weekend or a weekday or the 4th, That is used in setting appointment with sb.)

46 to turn in (focus two meaning.one is give sth to sb who asking for it; the other meaning is go to bed)

47. to lack sth(means short of sth or missing sth)

48.I'm down(usually means count me in , i very interesting in, I enjoy in)

49.to kick it up a notch(increase a little in the voice/energy/passion etc.)

50 holiday,vacation,weekend(holiday usually use in Christmas day or new year day:vacation means a period of time we don't need to work or study:weekend means saturday or Sunday)

51.a stocking stuffer( Christmas gift in the big soccer)

52keep me on My toes(make me alert, weather or boss to make you on the toes)

53 keep it down( to keep the voice or volume down, be quiet)

54 sth /sb.to be the apple of one's eyes(someone cherishes / value sth/sb., sth/ sb.is the most the  important thing orperson to someone)

55.picky(only like particular thing and not others, and so isn't easy to please)

56.turns out(the results)

57.alud Lang syne(a sing name)

58.starting  is half battle( starting is very difficulty, if you have started, your resolution will easy to reach)

59.I am sticking My guns(guns means opinion or method or way.when somebody tell you should change your mind)

60.taking forever(take a long time)

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