阅读论文 GraphGAN: Graph Representation Learning with Generative Adversarial Nets

1. Graph representation learning 

(network embedding / graph embedding / network representation learning) tries to embed each node of a graph into a low-dimensional vector space, which preserves the structural similarities or distances among the nodes in the original graph.

2. Graph分类:


  • Homogeneous graph (e.g., citation network)
  • Heterogeneous graph 

             Multimedia network

             Knowledge graph (entity,relation)

  • Graph with side information(辅助信息)

       Node/edge label (categorical)
       Node/edge attribute (discrete or continuous)
       Node feature (e.g., texts)

  • Graph transformed from non-relational data (从非关系型数据中转换成的图)

         Manifold learning


  • Node embedding (the most common case)
  • Edge embedding

        Relations in knowledge graph
       Link prediction

  • Sub-graph embedding

      Substructure embedding
      Community embedding

  • Whole-graph embedding

          Multiple small graphs, e.g., molecule, protein

  • Matrix factorization

    Singular value decomposition
    Spectral decomposition (eigen-decomposition)

  • Random walk
  • Deep learning


   Convolutional neural network

  • Self-defined loss (LINE)

    Maximizing edge reconstruction probability
    Minimizing distance-based loss
    Minimizing margin-based ranking loss

3.  Motivation


一种是Generative model(生成式模型),假定对于每一个顶点,在图中存在一个潜在的、真实的连续性分布 Ptrue(v|vc), 图中的每条边都可以看作是从Ptrue里采样的一些样本。生成式方法都试图将边的似然概率最大化,来学习vertex embedding。例如DeepWalk (KDD 2014) and node2vec (KDD 2016)。

Discriminative Model(判别式模型)将两顶点联合作为feature,预测两点之间存在边的概率。例如SDNE (KDD 2016) and PPNE (DASFAA, 2017)。

LINE (WWW 2015) 尝试将两者结合起来。而最近非常popular的GAN设计了一个 game-theoretical minimax game 将两者结合。

4. GraphGAN Framework

Generator G(v|vc)  tries to fit the underlying true connectivity distribution ptrue(v|vc),generates the most likely vertices to be connected with vc; Discriminator D(v; vc)  tries to distinguish well-connected vertex pairs from ill-connected ones, outputs a single scalar representing the probability of an edge existing between v and vc.

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对于上式,第一项的点是和vc真实相连的点sample出来的,第二项是从G生成的sample出来。给定\Theta D,想minimize这个式子,学习G的参数,使G生成的点尽量像真实分布;给定\Theta G,maximize这个式子,学习D的参数,使得D给真实连接的pair值大,G生成的值小。

5. Discriminator

Given positive samples from true connectivity distribution and negative samples from the generator, the objective for the discriminator is to maximize the log-probability of assigning the correct labels, which could be solved by stochastic gradient ascent. D 定义为输入的两个顶点的内积的sigmoid函数, update only dv and dvc by ascending the gradient.

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6. Generator

Because the sampling of v is discrete,  we propose computing the gradient of V (G; D) with respect to θG by policy gradient:

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一种最直观的想法是用softmax来实现G,也就是将G(v|VC)定义成一个softmax函数。这种定义有如下两个问题:首先是计算复杂度过高,计算会涉及到图中所有的节点,而且求导也需要更新图中所有节点。这样一来,大规模图将难以适用。 另一个问题是没有考虑图的结构特征,即这些点和Vc的距离未被纳入考虑范围内。

在GraphGAN 中,目标是设计出一种softmax方法,让其满足如下三个要求。第一个要求是正则化,即概率和为 1,它必须是一个合法的概率分布。第二个要求是能感知图结构,并且能充分利用图的结构特征信息。最后一个要求是计算效率高,也就是G概率只能涉及到图中的少部分节点。

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7. Algorithm 

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