Create by zhaodj on 2018-08-01 PM,转载请注明出处
drop table if exists t01;
create table t01(id int primary key) distributed by (id);
drop table if exists t02;
create table t02(id int) with (appendonly=true) distributed by (id);
drop table if exists t03;
create table t03(id int) with (appendonly=true, compresslevel=5)
distributed by (id);
drop table if exists t04;
create table t04(id int) with (appendonly=true,compresslevel=5, orientation=column) distributed by (id);
drop table if exists t05;
create table t05(id int, createOn date) with (appendonly=true, compresslevel=5) distributed by (id)
Partition By Range(createOn)
partition p2016 start ('2016/01/01'::date) end ('2016/12/31'::date),
partition p2017 start ('2017/01/01'::date) end ('2017/12/31'::date),
partition p2018 start ('2018/01/01'::date) end ('2018/12/31'::date),
default partition otherTime
drop table if exists t06;
create table t06(id int,dayOfPeriod int) distributed by (id)
partition by range(dayOfPeriod)
start (1) end (31) every(1),
default partition none
drop table if exists t07;
create table t07(id int , gender char(2)) with(appendonly=true,compresslevel=5) distributed by (id)
partition by list(gender)
partition man values('m'),
partition woman values('f'),
default partition Unkown
drop table if exists t08;
create table t08(id int, period date, Sales decimal(9,6), Region varchar(500)) distributed by (id)
partition by range (period)
subpartition by list (region)
subpartition template
subpartition usa values ('usa'),
subpartition asia values ('asia'),
subpartition europe values ('europe'),
default subpartition other
start ('2018-01-01'::date) inclusive
end ('2019-01-01'::date) exclusive
every (interval '1 month'),
default partition other
gpfdist -p 9001 -d /home/gpadmin/install/BudgetFFC.csv -l /home/gpadmin/log/external_table.log &
create external table t09 (id integer,blobaldescib text,foh numeric,voh numeric)
location ('gpfdist://mdw:9001/BudgetFFC5.9.csv')
format 'csv' (header) encoding 'utf-8';
drop table if exists t10;
create writable external table t10(like t09)
location ('gpfdist://mdw:9001/t10.out')
format 'text' (delimiter '|' null ' ')
distributed by (id);
drop table if exists t12;
create external table t12(like t10)
location (
format 'text' (delimiter '|') encoding 'utf-8';
testDB=# select * from t12;
id | blobaldescib | foh | voh
1 | SA | 32423.234 | 23423.000
2 | SC | 32423.234 | 23423.000
3 | CA | 10000.88 | 23423.000
4 | BA | 10000.88 | 8988
5 | CP | 2000 | 8988
6 | SC | 2000 | 8988
7 | TW | 1000 | 500
(7 rows)
drop table if exists t11;
create external web table t11(like t09)
execute 'cat /home/gpadmin/install/BudgetFFC5.9.csv'
format 'csv' (header) encoding 'utf-8';
gpscp -h sdw1 BudgetFFC5.9 =:/home/gpadmin/install/
/* result
testDB=# select gp_segment_id ,count(*) from t11 group by 1;
gp_segment_id | count
1 | 94383
0 | 94383
(2 rows) */