golang (iris/gin/beego等) 编译运行热编译工具(bee/gowatch)

强烈推荐beego中的bee工具 也可仿照其源码写一个
我平时用的iris 用的都是bee run 生产环境建议go build运行

其次最近一直在使用gowatching 类似bee工具,bee工具好像是不能脱离gopath

go get github.com/beego/bee
go get github.com/silenceper/gowatch 
gowatch 项目名(常用这种方式在开发环境gowa 按tab键就能补全直接跑)

Bee is a Fast and Flexible tool for managing your Beego Web Application.


    bee command [arguments]

The commands are:

    version     show the bee & beego version
    migrate     run database migrations
    api         create an api application base on beego framework
    bale        packs non-Go files to Go source files    
    new         create an application base on beego framework
    run         run the app which can hot compile
    pack        compress an beego project
    fix         Fixes your application by making it compatible with newer versions of Beego
    dlv         Start a debugging session using Delve
    dockerize   Generates a Dockerfile for your Beego application
    generate    Source code generator
    hprose      Creates an RPC application based on Hprose and Beego frameworks
    new         Creates a Beego application
    pack        Compresses a Beego application into a single file
    rs          Run customized scripts
    run         Run the application by starting a local development server
    server      serving static content over HTTP on port
Use bee help [command] for more information about a command.
new 命令

golang (iris/gin/beego等) 编译运行热编译工具(bee/gowatch)_第1张图片
