

幾個朋友不擔心劇透,所以一天下來做了不少討論跟推測,也談到閃電俠的製作人兼編劇Greg Berlanti跟Andrew Kreisberg經常挨罵的事,阿墨說是因為他們把閃電寫得太弱了。


Much like Oliver Queen took two seasons to fully achieve his hero status on Arrow, Gustin imagines that Barry’s journey will take some time, though probably not as much as Oliver’s.

“It’s going to be a much different type of journey,” he said. “I’m more willing to take on the responsibility of being a hero than Oliver was at first, and as I have Stephen [Amell] in real life to guide me through this, Barry really does have Oliver to go to. Hopefully in the future we can see Oliver guide him.”

比起隔壁家的Marc Guggenheim,AK跟GB已經很良心了。

忘記是MG說的還是GB,他表示整個前五季都是奧利真正成為一個英雄、追尋自我的過渡期,他跌跌撞撞,從Arrow變成Green Arrow,經歷了父親自殺、母親在面前被殺、妹妹被洗腦、前女友一號死亡、前女友二號死亡、和費莉希蒂分手。雖然巴里不需要奧利那麼長的時間來學習,但也已經進入第三季尾聲了,粉絲還是不滿意現在的閃電俠。







The Flash - Grant Gustin - Runnin' Home To You

Can't say how the days will unfold,
Can't change what the future may hold.
But, I want you in it,
Every hour, every minute.

This world can race by far too fast.
Hard to see while it's all flying past.
But, it's clear now,
When you're standing here now.
I am meant to be wherever you are next to me.

All I want to do,
Is come running home to you,
Come running home to you.
And all my life I promise to,
Keep running home to you,
Keep running home,
To you.

And I could see it,
Right from the start,
Right from the start.
That you would be,
Be my light in the dark,
Light in the dark.
Oh, you gave me no other choice,
But to love you.

All I want to do,
Is come running home to you,
Come running home to you.
And all my life I promise to,
Keep running home to you,
Keep running home?
Home to you .

Can't say how the days will unfold,
Can't change what the future may hold.
But, I want you in it,
Every hour, every minute.

