今天上午搞了半个小时,在webstrom中修改了css样式,用chrom浏览器浏览不生效,在网上查了半天,看是不是webstrom的有写保护,或者chorm浏览器不支持,最后发现少and后面少了一个空格导致css mediaquery查询不生效,即使在chrom中的network中css样式文件已经被加载了。
@media screen and 不起作用原因汇总。
<link src="/css/imgpro.css" rel="stylesheet" > /*这是错误的*/
<link href="/css/imgpro.css" rel="stylesheet" >/*这是正确的*/
@media screen and (max-width:500px){ }
例如css选择的优先级也会导致对其中一种生效另外一种不生效,等等css错误导致的问题也非常多,就不一 一列举了。
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
@media screen and (max-width:200px){
在CSS2只有media types可用,而在CSS3则包括了media types与media feature两主部分合称叫做media queries,可用来判断浏览器、平板、手机的宽度作相对应的处理, 语法为
@media not|only mediatype and (media feature) {
mediatype通常以screen实用居多,media feature则以min-width或max-width实用居多。 1、media queries查询条件的使用 Query的语法只有四项:and、or、not、only (1)、and 如果User Angent为screen且Browser宽度为 500px (含) 以上,就套用这css设定:
@media screen and (min-width:500px) {
(2)、or or用法在这里是以逗号表示 如果User Angent为screen且Browser宽度为 500px (含) 以上, 或是彩色投影机时,就套用这css设定。请注意,and优先权比or高。
@media screen and (min-width:500px) , projection and (color) {
(3)、not not意思為負邏輯, 彩色螢幕不會套用 css 設定,彩色印表機會套用 css 設定
@media not screen and (color), print and (color) {
@media (not (screen and (color))), print and (color) {
(4)、only 如果你事先知道特定的User Angent不支援你写的CSS-Code的时候, 这时你就可以使用only来避开他,并专心让支援你写的CSS-Code的User Angent来执行即可。 如下意思为,具有彩色萤幕的User Angent直接使用我写的CSS-Code(example.css), 至于其他型态的User Angent不需判断一概跳过。
<link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (color)" href="example.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (color)" href="example.css" />
Media Types如下表:
Value | Description |
all | Used for all media type devices |
aural | Deprecated. Used for speech and sound synthesizers |
braille | Deprecated. Used for braille tactile feedback devices |
embossed | Deprecated. Used for paged braille printers |
handheld | Deprecated. Used for small or handheld devices |
Used for printers | |
projection | Deprecated. Used for projected presentations, like slides |
screen | Used for computer screens, tablets, smart-phones etc. |
speech | Used for screenreaders that "reads" the page out loud |
tty | Deprecated. Used for media using a fixed-pitch character grid, like teletypes and terminals |
tv | Deprecated. Used for television-type devices |
media feature如下表
Value | Description |
aspect-ratio | Specifies the ratio between the width and the height of the display area |
color | Specifies the number of bits per color component for the output device |
color-index | Specifies the number of colors the device can display |
device-aspect-ratio | Specifies the ratio between the width and the height of the device |
device-height | Specifies the height of the device, such as a computer screen |
device-width | Specifies the width of the device, such as a computer screen |
grid | Specifies whether the device is a grid device or not |
height | Specifies the height of the display area, such as a browser window |
max-aspect-ratio | Specifies the maximum ratio between the width and the height of the display area |
max-color | Specifies the maximum number of bits per color component for the output device |
max-color-index | Specifies the maximum number of colors the device can display |
max-device-aspect-ratio | Specifies the maximum ratio between the width and the height of the device |
max-device-height | Specifies the maximum height of the device, such as a computer screen |
max-device-width | Specifies the maximum width of the device, such as a computer screen |
max-height | Specifies the maximum height of the display area, such as a browser window |
max-monochrome | Specifies the maximum number of bits per "color" on a monochrome (greyscale) device |
max-resolution | Specifies the maximum resolution of the device, using dpi or dpcm |
max-width | Specifies the maximum width of the display area, such as a browser window |
min-aspect-ratio | Specifies the minimum ratio between the width and the height of the display area |
min-color | Specifies the minimum number of bits per color component for the output device |
min-color-index | Specifies the minimum number of colors the device can display |
min-device-aspect-ratio | Specifies the minimum ratio between the width and the height of the device |
min-device-width | Specifies the minimum width of the device, such as a computer screen |
min-device-height | Specifies the minimum height of the device, such as a computer screen |
min-height | Specifies the minimum height of the display area, such as a browser window |
min-monochrome | Specifies the minimum number of bits per "color" on a monochrome (greyscale) device |
min-resolution | Specifies the minimum resolution of the device, using dpi or dpcm |
min-width | Specifies the minimum width of the display area, such as a browser window |
monochrome | Specifies the number of bits per "color" on a monochrome (greyscale) device |
orientation | Specifies the whether the display is in landscape mode or portrait mode |
resolution | Specifies the resolution of the device, using dpi or dpcm |
scan | Specifies progressive or interlaced scanning of a television |
width | Specifies the width of the display area, such as a browser window |
body {
background-color: lightgreen;
@media screen and (max-width: 300px) {
body {
background-color: lightblue;
<p>Resize the browserwindow. When the width of this document is less than 300 pixels, the background-color is "lightblue", otherwise it is "lightgreen".p>body>html>
JS Bin 此范例的作用是当@media type为screen(computer、table、smart-phone)画面 小于等于300px时背景色为lightblue,大于300px以外为背景色亮绿色。 如果换成min-width呢?
@media screen and (min-width: 300px) {
body {
background-color: lightblue;
大于等于300px时背景色为lightblue,小于300px以内为背景色亮绿色。 所以min-width:300px可以解释的为宽度不低于300px则do somthing; max-width:300px可以解释为宽度不高于300px则do somthing。 这简直就是反逻辑嘛!!!一点都不好理解(怒) 三、IE trick 虽然IE11可以使用Media queries, 但需注意其格式,多一个空白都不行,机车的很。
/*IE11接受landscape後面沒空白*/@media screen and (orientation: landscape) {
body {
background-color: red;
}}/*IE11不接受landscape後面有空白*/@media screen and (orientation: portrait ) {
body {
background-color: blue;
比如前面已经写过了@media (max-width:776px){}后面根据需要又写了一个。那么第二个就不会生效的。