How to deal with peer pressure----我从徐汇二模中get到什么


How to deal with peer pressure----我从徐汇二模中get到什么_第1张图片





How to deal with peer pressure----我从徐汇二模中get到什么_第2张图片

    教学相长,感恩于教学中每一个能够让我进步的小确幸。教学中,老师的进步和灵感真的离不开学生。感恩一篇篇英语文章,丰富了我的知识,拓宽了视野,擦亮了我的心境;感恩于一篇篇走心的英语作文,让我不断反思自己;感恩一篇篇学生的范文,每每遇到一次,都会内心震撼一次,这些孩子的内心这么宽广,思考问题这么深刻,写出的文章:美,更有 “力”----那种,让我内心也接受一次洗礼的“正能量”。


Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.   成长道路上难免遇到来自同伴的压力(peer pressure)。同伴压力可能给我们带来积极或者消极的影响。请结合自己生活中的一个具体事例谈谈你的体会。    

    有人说:生活 = 生 + 活;我想说:Life = live & learn. 学习客观理性分析自己和种种。遇到压力,矛盾的主要方面永远都是自己。不去选择一个适合自己的节奏,调整和完善自己,改善现状,难道选择杞人忧天,又或者能逃到火星上去?下面这个孩子写的今年徐汇区二模作文,刚好能够恰到好处地地诠释人生的真谛。

    Peer pressure is inevitable in our life path. When an exam is over and everyone gets his grades, we feel it; When hearing one of our friends is admitted to a prestigious university in advance, we feel it; When parents compare us with those straight-A students, we feel it; We’re surrounded by peers and feel their pressure everywhere, Therefore, how to deal with it constantly remains a problem for us teenagers.

    When I attended a summer camp last summer holiday, I met students of thesame age as me from all across China. During our communication, I surprisinglyfound that they were extremely good at subjects like math and physics, they hada good command of advanced skills such as calculus, in which I didn’t have theslightest clue. This gave me a sense of inferiority and make the camp a reallyhard time for me. However, after I returned home, I adjusted my mood andtransformed pressure into motivation. I made great efforts to learn those skills on my own, and now I dare say I’m a little more knowledgeable.

    My experience could serve as a vivid demonstration of peer pressure which is adouble-edged sword. There is no doubt that peer pressure could become too heavy burden, making us feel distressed, unconfident and inferior to others,stopping us from moving on with our heads up high. However, peers can also setan example for us, from which we become aware that some parts in us still leavemuch to be desired. Moreover, peer pressure stimulates our innate eagerness tocompete and win. This enthusiasm for being better than others constantly motivates us to improve ourselves.

    Indeed, to handle peer pressure properly in no easy task. But what otherchoice do we have but to face up to it with confidence instead of anxiety, andmake the best use of it? (9+9+3) (315 words)(From a student)

    My reflection: Peer pressure , serving as a double-edged sword ,is inevitable. It is just like air around me. Nevertheless, it is not the sourrounding environment, but the attitude we take towards it that carries weight. In terms of peer pressure, all that I'm supposed to do is to follow my inner heart, choose what adapt to myself's lifestyle, and find the one that is appropriate and affordable to myself. Little-sized and capacity-limited as I am, I just need to polish my own pattern and ceaselessly better myself.

Bear in mind that when life gives us a lemon, make it lemonade. (Sharing from my mintreading teacher)


How to deal with peer pressure----我从徐汇二模中get到什么_第3张图片

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