PS 快捷键

x 切换前景背影色
ctrl+j 复制当前选择图层
ctrl+shift+alt+e 复制现有状态, merge visible layers
ctrl+h hide marching ants
ctrl+space drag to left - zoom out drag to right - zoom in
space and drag - pan the image
F : full screen
ctrl+alt+z continuously undo
B: brush
while in brush model, hold alt key to pick color

1-2-…0 : control opacity
shift+ number : control flow
ctrl+I : invert
alt + click create layer mask : create black layer mask
ctrl+g : group
shift +d : reset fore/background color

alt + click layer mask : show layer mask

so basically, when you apply an adjustment layer, it will affects all the layers below. if you want it only affects the directly layer below, then hold the alt, click the line between the layers. it will pop out a square and an arrow.

when copy smart object, use ctrl+j will create linked copy. if you want to create separate copy, right click , select ‘new smart object via copy’

when you add contrast adjustment layer, you might add more saturate as well. so you could change the blend mode from normal to luminosity, in that way, only luminosity will change, the saturate will stay same.

mask on mask: say you create a level adjustment with lumenzia mask and you only want it applied on parts of the image, so you need another mask on the lumenzia mask. Then you need group the lumenzia mask and add another layer mask on the group.

lumenzia : hold shift + sel : will save the selection to channel.
