PHP AWS S3上传文件

PHP AWS S3上传文件

function fileUpload($file,$s3Key,$s3Secret,$ENDPOINT,$bucket){
    require_once 'ThinkPHP/Library/Vendor/Aws/vendor/autoload.php';   //引入类 

    //证书 AWS access KEY ID  和  AWS secret  access KEY 替换成自己的
    //$credentials = new \Aws\Credentials\Credentials('GKI4XZE9MOUO1FFFL2YQ', 'p57mZbR8NZQ9nKBsUbviMrmBEpzTlPNxMWJgNg10');
    $credentials = new \Aws\Credentials\Credentials($s3Key, $s3Secret);

    // $ENDPOINT = "";   
    // define('AWS_KEY', 'GKI4XZE9MOUO1FFFL2YQ');
    // define('AWS_SECRET_KEY', 'p57mZbR8NZQ9nKBsUbviMrmBEpzTlPNxMWJgNg10');
    $s3 =new \Aws\S3\S3Client([
        'region' => '',
        'version' => '2006-03-01',
        'endpoint' => $ENDPOINT,
        'credentials' => [
            'key' => $s3Key,
            'secret' => $s3Secret
        // Set the S3 class to use
        // instead of
        'use_path_style_endpoint' => true

    //存储桶 获取AWS存储桶的名称
    $bucket = $bucket;//'AWS存储桶名称';
    $source = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/evercases/Export/".$file; //ROOT_PATH项目根目录,文件的本地路径例:D:/www/abc.jpg;
   // $filesize = filesize($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/evercases/Export/".$file);
    $filemd5 = md5_file($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/evercases/Export/".$file);
   // print_r($filemd5);exit;
    $uploader = new \Aws\S3\MultipartUploader($s3, $source, [
        'bucket' => $bucket,
        'key'    => $filemd5,
        //设置访问权限  公开,不然访问不了
        'ACL'    => 'public-read',
        'before_initiate' => function (\Aws\Command $command) {
            // $command is a CreateMultipartUpload operation
            $command['CacheControl'] = 'max-age=3600';
        'before_upload'   => function (\Aws\Command $command) {
            // $command is an UploadPart operation
            $command['RequestPayer'] = 'requester';
        'before_complete' => function (\Aws\Command $command) {
            // $command is a CompleteMultipartUpload operation
           $command['RequestPayer'] = 'requester';

    try {
            $result = $uploader->upload();
            $data = [
                'type' => '1',
                'data' => urldecode($result['ObjectURL'])
    } catch (Aws\Exception\MultipartUploadException $e) {
            $uploader =  new \Aws\S3\MultipartUploader($s3, $source, [
                'state' => $e->getState(),
             $data = [
                    'type' => '0',
                    'data' =>  $e->getMessage(),
    return $data;

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