链表/super-sub class/stack heap in Java - HW4 总结



  1. 链表的概念,及其基本操作;
  2. 父类(superclass)和子类(subclass)概念。(subclass extends superclass)
  • 父类、子类中变量(instance variable、reference variable)、method的相互关系。(继承,调用,override)
    • 子类override父类的method。
    • 在子类中对父类的变量和方法进行调用。
  1. Stack、Heap的概念。
    • Java变量储存、调用。
    • 类运行



  • Singly Linked Lists
  • Circularly Linked Lists
  • Doubly Linked Lists


  • DList:
    • head - DListNode
    • size - int
  • DListNode:
    • item - Object
    • prev - DListNode
    • next - DListNode


// construct a new empty list //
  public DList() { 
      head = newNode(null, null, null);

public boolean isEmpty() {
public int length() {

public void insertFront(Object item) {
public void insertBack(Object item) {

public void insertAfter(Object item, DListNode node) {
public void insertBefore(Object item, DListNode node) {

public void remove(DListNode node) {

public DListNode front() { // addFirst
public DListNode back() { // addLast

public DListNode next(DListNode node) {
public DListNode prev(DListNode node) {

public boolean checkinList(DListNode node){


A subclass extends a superclass. 在父类和子类的inherit and override relation中(主要就是instance variables 和methods),记住三句话:

  • A subclass inherits all public instance variables and methods of the superclass. (not inherit the private instance variables and methods of the superclass.)
    子类继承父类的所有public/protected instance variables and methods
  • Inherited methods can be overridden.
    instance variable CANNOT be overridden(though can be redefined in the subclass, but it might cause problems.)
    子类可以override父类的method,但是最好不要动instance variable
  • Inheritance hierarchy validation: IS-A 父子类关系

通常在subclass中 ,我们通过override method来给这个子类一个更加具体(specific)method。定义的方式同父类;而对于其他未被override的父类方法,一切照旧。

package list;

public class LockDListNode extends DListNode{
    protected boolean lockornot;    // 加入了一个新的boolean变量

    // constructor
    LockDListNode(Object i, DListNode p, DListNode n) {
        // 构造函数照旧(DListNode的),但是建成的node是LockDListNode类型的了,并且多了一个属性 - lockornot
        // lockornot = false; // default类型就是false

我们重新写了LockListNode中的remove method,在call remove method使首先判断:
-如果“locked”(lockornot = true),调用LockListNode中的新的remove method(not remove);
-如果“unlocked”(lockornot = false),调用super.remove() - DListNode中的remove method把它移走。

(* 存疑1:abstract class/ interface 概念中,subclass must implement all upper class method;
abstract method/class has no body;

  • 解答存疑1:INTERFACE
  1. A class that implements an Interface MUST implement ALL the methods of that interface.
  2. ALL interface method:
  • Public and Abstract (implicitly)
  • MUST :
    • end in ";"
    • no body


interface Nose{    // interface Nose - public && abstract (implicitly)【?】
public int iMethod(); // iMethod 是定义在interface里面的method,所以他也是public && abstract
记住,所有**abstract** class/interface里面的method - abstract,下面遇见的第一个concrete class 一定要declare 这些abstract method 



The Stack:
Where method invocations and local variables live.

| go() |
| doStuff()|
|main() |

(The method on the top of the stack is always the currently- executing one.)

Two kinds(not type) of variables we care:
instance variable, and local variable(stack variable).
(By type we mean: primitive/object reference)

The Heap:
Where ALL objects live. 也就是这些Objects里的variables住的地方。
(also known as "The Garbage-Collectibel Heap".)

  • Duck object, Dog object, Button object.

(存疑2:*What about local variables that are object? * p238)

  • 解答存疑2:
    Local variables 是遥控器是遥控器是遥控器!!!是reference variable to an object, 自己不是objects!!!
    Objects也不会到stacks上去,only the Reference/ remote control goes on the stacks. (object还是在heap上)

声明:本文中小写字母p标记页码为《Head FREMEirst Java 2nd edition》中相应页码;大写字母P标记页码为《Data Structure》中相应页码。

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