watch cpu occupatation
Note that you need to install htop before using, i.e., $ sudo apt-get install htop
watch Gpu occupatation
or watch Gpu per 10 seconds
watch -n 10 nvidia-smi
download sources from github, e.g.,
git clone
uncompress, e.g.,
tar -xvf XX.tar.gz
or compress
move a file (e.g., myfile.XX) from current folder to another folder (e.g., /another_folder/), e.g.,
mv myfile.XX /another_folder/
or rename a file, e.g.,
mv a.jpg tmp.jpg.bak
create a new folder under current dir, e.g.,
mkdir new_folder
reboot the computer
watch the existing files and folders in current folder
watch installed python
ls /usr/bin/python*
ls /usr/local/bin/python*
create a new folder in current folder, folder_name is the name of the newly create folder, e.g.,
mkdir tmp
install or uninstall a package for the Ubuntu system, e.g.,
sudo apt-get install vim
sudo apt-get remove vim
update or upgrade the Ubuntu system, e.g.,
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
install pip3 and virtualenv, e,g,m
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-dev python-virtualenv
create a virtualenv for a corresponding project, in venv_folder with venv_name, for python3.X, e.g.,
virtualenv -p python3.5 ~/venv/deepspeech
virtualenv --python==python3.5 ~/venv/deepspeech
activate the created existing virtualenv, e.g.,
source ~/venv/deepspeech/bin/activate
update pip to the latest version, e.g.,
python3.5 -m pip install --update pip
install a certain package, e.g., tensorflow
python3.5 -m pip install --upgrade link_or_path_to_tensorflow_whl_file
download …
wget -c …
curl …
to generate .bin, e.g.,
sudo chmod +x XX.bin
sudo ./XX.bin
watch $PATH, e.g.,
echo $PATH
add an execable bin path to $PATH, e.g.,
expert PATH=/mypath/bin:$PATH
add a new path permalently
vim ~/.bashrc
export PATH=/mypath/bin:$PATH
ps: used operations for vim
i —edit vim
esc —exit edit
:wq —save and close
find files, of a certain type (e.g., wav), and create file lists, e.g.,
find XXX_pathfolder -name “*.wav” > filelist.txt
if add content to a filelist file, change > to >>
if list all files and folders under a folder:
ls > filelist.txt
sh ./
creating sh file for commands is convenient
find $path -name “*.wav” > $train_file