
It's abvious that none of that is actually ture. Winner don't win at everything , and no one is so locking in self-control that they can't accomplish anything. And as it truns out, even people with a lot of self-control sometimes run out. To vividly illustrate this point, all you need to do is think about all the very successful people——people who have risen to the very top of their game——who have struggled publicly with one of these two diffcult New Year's resolutions.

很明显这不是真的。成功者不可能事事成功,那些缺乏自制力的人也不是事事失败。确实是有的人有超过他人的较强的自控力。但是,当自控力枯竭时,再有自控力的人也会被耗尽。为了生动地说明这点, 你可以想象那些站在人生巅峰的所有的成功人士是如何公开地和他们的两个新年愿望挣扎斗争的。
