Ldap 同步



从rfc4533 1.2 可以了解到,同步操作用于应用与LDAP的最终一致性同步。在每次同步操作完成的阶段,同步客户端将会获取到服务端内容的复制或者客户但将会被通知需要一个完整的全局信息更新。除了由于服务端并发操作或者其他处理导致的瞬时不一致,客户端的同步备份是一份精确的服务端数据的反射。瞬间状态的不一致会通过后来的同步操作解决。


  • 白页应用服务可能会使用同步操作去维护一份目录信息碎片的事实拷贝。比如说:一个邮件用户代理使用同步操作去维护一个本地的企业地址簿拷贝。
  • 元信息引擎会使用操作去维护一个目录信息树(DIT)的拷贝。
  • 缓存代理服务可能会使用同步操作维护一个连贯的一致性的内容缓存。
  • 两台异构的目录服务间的轻量主备同步。比如:同步操作可以被备份的ldap服务去维护一个备份的目录信息(DIT)片段。





  • polling for Changes (refreshOnly)客户端主动拉取
  • Listening for Changes(refreshAndPersist)客户端拉取建立连接后,服务端会主动推送变更。


  • syncUUID 节点的唯一ID
  • syncCookie同步的状态Cookie,可以用来表示当前存储的状态。没有Cookie的代表第一次初始化同步。
  • Sync Request Control    同步控制器,在Search Request Message中带上代表客户端想进行同步操作。
  • Sync State Control  同步结果控制器,在SearchResultEntry 和
       SearchResultReference Messages中存在。用来代表同步的返回信息。
  • Sync Done Control (非关键性)代表同步的结束信息。
  • Sync Info Message (非关键性)LDAP中间响应信息。
  • Sync Result Codes  同步结果码
jndi中并没有包含这部分代码,所以找java的实现找了很久,最后在apache ldap中找到了同步的实现代码;现在就粘贴出来解析下;代码在


     * Starts the synchronization operation
    public ReplicationStatusEnum startSync()
        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Starting the SyncRepl process for consumer {}", config.getReplicaId() );

        // read the cookie if persisted

        if ( config.isRefreshNPersist() )
                CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "==================== Refresh And Persist ==========" );
                return doSyncSearch( SynchronizationModeEnum.REFRESH_AND_PERSIST, reload );
            catch ( Exception e )
                CONSUMER_LOG.error( "Failed to sync with refreshAndPersist mode", e );
                return ReplicationStatusEnum.DISCONNECTED;
            return doRefreshOnly();


private ReplicationStatusEnum doRefreshOnly()
        while ( !disconnected )
            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "==================== Refresh Only ==========" );

                doSyncSearch( SynchronizationModeEnum.REFRESH_ONLY, reload );

                CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "--------------------- Sleep for {} seconds ------------------",
                    ( config.getRefreshInterval() / 1000 ) );
                Thread.sleep( config.getRefreshInterval() );
                CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "--------------------- syncing again ------------------" );

            catch ( InterruptedException ie )
                CONSUMER_LOG.warn( "refresher thread interrupted" );

                return ReplicationStatusEnum.DISCONNECTED;
            catch ( Exception e )
                CONSUMER_LOG.error( "Failed to sync with refresh only mode", e );
                return ReplicationStatusEnum.DISCONNECTED;

        return ReplicationStatusEnum.STOPPED;
  private ReplicationStatusEnum doSyncSearch( SynchronizationModeEnum syncType, boolean reloadHint ) throws Exception
        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Starting synchronization mode {}, reloadHint {}", syncType, reloadHint );
        // Prepare the Syncrepl Request
        SyncRequestValue syncReq = new SyncRequestValueDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService() );

        syncReq.setMode( syncType );
        syncReq.setReloadHint( reloadHint );

        // If we have a persisted cookie, send it.
        if ( syncCookie != null )
            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "searching on {} with searchRequest, cookie '{}'", config.getProducer(),
                Strings.utf8ToString( syncCookie ) );
            syncReq.setCookie( syncCookie );
            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "searching on {} with searchRequest, no cookie", config.getProducer() );

        searchRequest.addControl( syncReq );

        // Do the search. We use a searchAsync because we want to get SearchResultDone responses
        SearchFuture sf = connection.searchAsync( searchRequest );

        Response resp = sf.get();

        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Response from {} : {}", config.getProducer(), resp );

        // Now, process the responses. We loop until we have a connection termination or
        // a SearchResultDone (RefreshOnly mode)
        //一直执行异步查询,除非受到refreshOnly模式下的 searchResultDone结果。
        while ( !( resp instanceof SearchResultDone ) && !sf.isCancelled() && !disconnected )
            if ( resp instanceof SearchResultEntry )
                SearchResultEntry result = ( SearchResultEntry ) resp;
                handleSearchResultEntry( result );
            else if ( resp instanceof SearchResultReference )
                handleSearchReference( ( SearchResultReference ) resp );
            else if ( resp instanceof IntermediateResponse )
                handleSyncInfo( ( IntermediateResponse ) resp );

            // Next entry
            resp = sf.get();
            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Response from {} : {}", config.getProducer(), resp );

        if ( sf.isCancelled() )

            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Search sync on {} has been canceled ", config.getProducer(), sf.getCause() );

            return ReplicationStatusEnum.DISCONNECTED;
        else if ( disconnected )
            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Disconnected from {}", config.getProducer() );

            return ReplicationStatusEnum.DISCONNECTED;
            ResultCodeEnum resultCode = handleSearchResultDone( ( SearchResultDone ) resp );

            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Rsultcode of Sync operation from {} : {}", config.getProducer(), resultCode );

            if ( resultCode == ResultCodeEnum.NO_SUCH_OBJECT )
                // log the error and handle it appropriately
                CONSUMER_LOG.warn( "The base Dn {} is not found on provider {}", config.getBaseDn(),
                    config.getProducer() );

                CONSUMER_LOG.warn( "Disconnecting the Refresh&Persist consumer from provider {}", config.getProducer() );

                return ReplicationStatusEnum.DISCONNECTED;
            else if ( resultCode == ResultCodeEnum.E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED )
                CONSUMER_LOG.warn( "Full SYNC_REFRESH required from {}", config.getProducer() );

                reload = true;

                    CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Deleting baseDN {}", config.getBaseDn() );

                    // FIXME taking a backup right before deleting might be a good thing, just to be safe.
                    // the backup file can be deleted after reload completes successfully

                    // the 'rid' value is not taken into consideration when 'reload' is set
                    // so any dummy value is fine
                    deleteRecursive( new Dn( config.getBaseDn() ), -1000 );
                catch ( Exception e )
                            "Failed to delete the replica base as part of handling E_SYNC_REFRESH_REQUIRED, disconnecting the consumer",
                            e );

                // Do a full update.

                CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Re-doing a syncRefresh from producer {}", config.getProducer() );

                return ReplicationStatusEnum.REFRESH_REQUIRED;
                CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Got result code {} from producer {}. Replication stopped", resultCode,
                    config.getProducer() );
                return ReplicationStatusEnum.DISCONNECTED;

private void handleSearchResultEntry( SearchResultEntry syncResult )
        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "------------- starting handleSearchResult ------------" );
        SyncStateValue syncStateCtrl = ( SyncStateValue ) syncResult.getControl( SyncStateValue.OID );

            Entry remoteEntry = new DefaultEntry( schemaManager, syncResult.getEntry() );
            String uuid = remoteEntry.get( directoryService.getAtProvider().getEntryUUID() ).getString();
            // lock on UUID to serialize the updates when there are multiple consumers
            // connected to several producers and to the *same* base/partition
            Object lock = getLockFor( uuid );

            synchronized ( lock )
                int rid = -1;

                if ( syncStateCtrl.getCookie() != null )
                    syncCookie = syncStateCtrl.getCookie();
                    rid = LdapProtocolUtils.getReplicaId( Strings.utf8ToString( syncCookie ) );
                    CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "assigning the cookie from sync state value control: {}",
                        Strings.utf8ToString( syncCookie ) );
                SyncStateTypeEnum state = syncStateCtrl.getSyncStateType();

                // check to avoid conversion of UUID from byte[] to String
                if ( CONSUMER_LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                    CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "state name {}", state.name() );
                    CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "entryUUID = {}", Strings.uuidToString( syncStateCtrl.getEntryUUID() ) );

                Dn remoteDn = remoteEntry.getDn();

                switch ( state )
                    case ADD:
                        boolean remoteDnExist = false;

                            remoteDnExist = session.exists( remoteDn );
                        catch ( LdapNoSuchObjectException lnsoe )
                            CONSUMER_LOG.error( lnsoe.getMessage() );

                        if ( !remoteDnExist )
                            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "adding entry with dn {}", remoteDn );
                            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( remoteEntry.toString() );
                            AddOperationContext addContext = new AddOperationContext( session, remoteEntry );
                            addContext.setReplEvent( true );
                            addContext.setRid( rid );

                            OperationManager operationManager = directoryService.getOperationManager();
                            operationManager.add( addContext );
                            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "updating entry in refreshOnly mode {}", remoteDn );
                            modify( remoteEntry, rid );


                    case MODIFY:
                        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "modifying entry with dn {}", remoteEntry.getDn().getName() );
                        modify( remoteEntry, rid );


                    case MODDN:
                        String entryUuid = Strings.uuidToString( syncStateCtrl.getEntryUUID() ).toString();
                        applyModDnOperation( remoteEntry, entryUuid, rid );


                    case DELETE:
                        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "deleting entry with dn {}", remoteEntry.getDn().getName() );

                        if ( !session.exists( remoteDn ) )
                                    "looks like entry {} was already deleted in a prior update (possibly from another provider), skipping delete",
                                    remoteDn );
                            // incase of a MODDN operation resulting in a branch to be moved out of scope
                            // ApacheDS replication provider sends a single delete event on the Dn of the moved branch
                            // so the branch needs to be recursively deleted here
                            deleteRecursive( remoteEntry.getDn(), rid );


                    case PRESENT:
                        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "entry present {}", remoteEntry );

                        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unexpected sync state " + state );
                // store the cookie only if the above operation was successful
                if ( syncStateCtrl.getCookie() != null )
        catch ( Exception e )
            CONSUMER_LOG.error( e.getMessage(), e );

        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "------------- Ending handleSearchResult ------------" );
  private void handleSyncInfo( IntermediateResponse syncInfoResp )
            CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "............... inside handleSyncInfo ..............." );
            //从response中获取Sync Info Message,其中会包含删除了节点的信息
            byte[] syncInfoBytes = syncInfoResp.getResponseValue();

            if ( syncInfoBytes == null )

            SyncInfoValueDecorator decorator = new SyncInfoValueDecorator( directoryService.getLdapCodecService() );
            SyncInfoValue syncInfoValue = ( SyncInfoValue ) decorator.decode( syncInfoBytes );

            byte[] cookie = syncInfoValue.getCookie();

            if ( CONSUMER_LOG.isDebugEnabled() )
                CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "Received a SyncInfoValue from producer {} : {}", config.getProducer(),
                    syncInfoValue );

            int replicaId = -1;

            if ( cookie != null )
                CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "setting the cookie from the sync info: " + Strings.utf8ToString( cookie ) );
                CONSUMER_LOG.debug( "setting the cookie from the sync info: " + Strings.utf8ToString( cookie ) );
                syncCookie = cookie;

                String cookieString = Strings.utf8ToString( syncCookie );
                replicaId = LdapProtocolUtils.getReplicaId( cookieString );

            CONSUMER_LOG.info( "refreshDeletes: " + syncInfoValue.isRefreshDeletes() );
            List uuidList = syncInfoValue.getSyncUUIDs();

            // if refreshDeletes set to true then delete all the entries with entryUUID
            // present in the syncIdSet
            if ( syncInfoValue.isRefreshDeletes() )
                deleteEntries( uuidList, false, replicaId );
                deleteEntries( uuidList, true, replicaId );

            CONSUMER_LOG.info( "refreshDone: " + syncInfoValue.isRefreshDone() );

        catch ( Exception de )
            CONSUMER_LOG.error( "Failed to handle syncinfo message", de );

        CONSUMER_LOG.debug( ".................... END handleSyncInfo ..............." );

