另外,下面例子的同步机制使用的ue4自身集成的Replication(也就是常用的UFUNCTION(Server, Reliable, WithValidation)),这个是非常耗费带宽的,因为是定时且频繁的同步数据。这个如果是做局域网服务端还可以,但是如果是大型高负载服务端,建议自己实现同步机制。另外,v4.4开始,shipping编译出来的版本会自动删掉UE4的server模式。原因肯定是官方也不希望这个方便测试的同步机制被开发者应用到生产环境中。所以下面例子中,参考下它的思路即可,具体的同步处理的细节问题可以忽略。
Creating a Movement Component for an RTS in UE4
[UE4] Getting Multiplayer Player Pawn AI Navigation to work (C++)
Unreal Engine is an awesome piece of technology making it easy to do almost anything you might want.
When using the Top Down view however, there is a hurdle to get over when trying to get multiplayer to work. This is a C++ project solution to this problem based on a BluePrints solution.
The basic problem stems from the fact that
"SimpleMoveToLocation was never intended to be used in a network environment. It's simple after all ;) Currently there's no dedicated engine way of making player pawn follow a path. " (from the same page)
To be able to get a working version of SimpleMoveToLocation, we need to do the following:
Create a proxy player class (BP_WARriorProxy is BP solution)
Set the proxy class as the default player controller class
Move the camera to the proxy (Since the actual player class is on the server, we can't put a camera on it to display on the client)
The BP solution talks about four classes - our counterparts are as follows:
BP_WarriorProxy: ADemoPlayerProxy
BP_WarriorController: ADemoPlayerController (Auto-created when creating a c++ top down project)
BP_Warrior: ADemoCharacter (Auto-created when creating a C++ top down project)
BP_WarriorAI: AAIController - we have no reason to subclass it.
So, from a standard c++ top down project, the only class we need to add is the ADemoPlayerProxy - so go ahead and do that first.
The first thing we'll do is rewire the ADemoGameMode class to initialise the proxy class instead of the default MyCharacter Blueprint.
Our Player Proxy class declaration
and the definition: