

答:齐全了,  需要有如下证件:

①营业执照副本复印件和税务登记证 ②  一般纳税人资格和组织机构代码  ③ 银行开户许可证和法人身份证          ④店铺负责人身份证正反面和商标注册证

2.阅读一篇以上ecommerce laws相关英文文章,按最新要求列出相关内容


Electronic commerce law is an ever-evolving body of law that is full of intricacies that may be missed by the average consumer or vendor.  If electronic commerce is a large part of your business, it is a very good idea to seek the advice of an attorney in your area that specializes in electronic commerce law.  By understanding the provisions and available protections of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) and The Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN), individuals and businesses will be better suited to use electronic commerce to their advantage. 

关键词:nattorney    provision  available    commerce

链接 :http://www.technologylawyers.com/resources/technology-law/internet-law/e-commerce-laws.htm
