Quoc Le and Tomas Mikolov, 2014
在PV-DM模型中,矩阵 W W W为词向量矩阵,矩阵 D D D为段落向量矩阵。
每一个段落被映射为矩阵 D D D中的一个唯一的向量,每个单词同样被映射为矩阵 W W W中的一个唯一向量。
def train_document_dm(model, doc_words, doctag_indexes, alpha, work=None, neu1=None,
learn_doctags=True, learn_words=True, learn_hidden=True,
word_vectors=None, word_locks=None, doctag_vectors=None, doctag_locks=None):
"""Update distributed memory model ("PV-DM") by training on a single document.
Called internally from :meth:`~gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec.train` and
:meth:`~gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec.infer_vector`. This method implements
the DM model with a projection (input) layer that is either the sum or mean of
the context vectors, depending on the model's `dm_mean` configuration field.
This is the non-optimized, Python version. If you have cython installed, gensim
will use the optimized version from :mod:`gensim.models.doc2vec_inner` instead.
model : :class:`~gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec`
The model to train.
doc_words : list of str
The input document as a list of words to be used for training. Each word will be looked up in
the model's vocabulary.
doctag_indexes : list of int
Indices into `doctag_vectors` used to obtain the tags of the document.
alpha : float
Learning rate.
work : object
neu1 : object
learn_doctags : bool, optional
Whether the tag vectors should be updated.
learn_words : bool, optional
Word vectors will be updated exactly as per Word2Vec skip-gram training only if **both**
`learn_words` and `train_words` are set to True.
learn_hidden : bool, optional
Whether or not the weights of the hidden layer will be updated.
word_vectors : iterable of list of float, optional
Vector representations of each word in the model's vocabulary.
word_locks : list of float, optional
Lock factors for each word in the vocabulary.
doctag_vectors : list of list of float, optional
Vector representations of the tags. If None, these will be retrieved from the model.
doctag_locks : list of float, optional
The lock factors for each tag.
Number of words in the input document that were actually used for training (they were found in the
vocabulary and they were not discarded by negative sampling).
# 获取模型中的词向量
if word_vectors is None:
word_vectors = model.wv.syn0
if word_locks is None:
word_locks = model.syn0_lockf
# 获取模型中的doc向量
if doctag_vectors is None:
doctag_vectors = model.docvecs.doctag_syn0
if doctag_locks is None:
doctag_locks = model.docvecs.doctag_syn0_lockf
# 当前段落中词的词表信息(该词必须存在于词表中)
word_vocabs = [model.wv.vocab[w] for w in doc_words if w in model.wv.vocab
and model.wv.vocab[w].sample_int > model.random.rand() * 2 ** 32]
# 遍历每一个词
for pos, word in enumerate(word_vocabs):
# 对窗口进行reduce
reduced_window = model.random.randint(model.window) # `b` in the original doc2vec code
# 计算窗口的起止位置
start = max(0, pos - model.window + reduced_window)
window_pos = enumerate(word_vocabs[start:(pos + model.window + 1 - reduced_window)], start)
# 获取窗口内,除预测目标词之外,其他上下文词的id
word2_indexes = [word2.index for pos2, word2 in window_pos if pos2 != pos]
# 将词向量和doc向量求和成为上下文向量
l1 = np_sum(word_vectors[word2_indexes], axis=0) + np_sum(doctag_vectors[doctag_indexes], axis=0)
# 计算求和的向量总数
count = len(word2_indexes) + len(doctag_indexes)
# 这里是取向量求和之后的均值
if model.cbow_mean and count > 1:
l1 /= count
# 计算更新的梯度,这里是复用了word2vec模型中train_cbow_pair的方法
# 设置learn_vectors=False,表示不在train_cbow_pair方法内更新上下文向量
# 而是获取到计算的梯度之后在本方法内更新
neu1e = train_cbow_pair(model, word, word2_indexes, l1, alpha,
learn_vectors=False, learn_hidden=learn_hidden)
# 如果当前的方法不是取平均,说明计算的梯度是所有向量的共同梯度
# 则要对梯度取平均
if not model.cbow_mean and count > 1:
neu1e /= count
# 更新doc的向量
if learn_doctags:
for i in doctag_indexes:
doctag_vectors[i] += neu1e * doctag_locks[i]
# 更新词向量
if learn_words:
for i in word2_indexes:
word_vectors[i] += neu1e * word_locks[i]
return len(word_vocabs)
def train_document_dbow(model, doc_words, doctag_indexes, alpha, work=None,
train_words=False, learn_doctags=True, learn_words=True, learn_hidden=True,
word_vectors=None, word_locks=None, doctag_vectors=None, doctag_locks=None):
"""Update distributed bag of words model ("PV-DBOW") by training on a single document.
Called internally from :meth:`~gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec.train` and
This is the non-optimized, Python version. If you have cython installed, gensim
will use the optimized version from :mod:`gensim.models.doc2vec_inner` instead.
model : :class:`~gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec`
The model to train.
doc_words : list of str
The input document as a list of words to be used for training. Each word will be looked up in
the model's vocabulary.
doctag_indexes : list of int
Indices into `doctag_vectors` used to obtain the tags of the document.
alpha : float
Learning rate.
work : np.ndarray
Private working memory for each worker.
train_words : bool, optional
Word vectors will be updated exactly as per Word2Vec skip-gram training only if **both**
`learn_words` and `train_words` are set to True.
learn_doctags : bool, optional
Whether the tag vectors should be updated.
learn_words : bool, optional
Word vectors will be updated exactly as per Word2Vec skip-gram training only if **both**
`learn_words` and `train_words` are set to True.
learn_hidden : bool, optional
Whether or not the weights of the hidden layer will be updated.
word_vectors : object, optional
word_locks : object, optional
doctag_vectors : list of list of float, optional
Vector representations of the tags. If None, these will be retrieved from the model.
doctag_locks : list of float, optional
The lock factors for each tag.
Number of words in the input document.
# doctag_vectors是否为空的判断,是为了区分当前是训练模式还是预测模式
# 为空表示训练过程,从模型中直接读入
# 不为空是预测过程,会预先生成一个随机向量传入
if doctag_vectors is None:
doctag_vectors = model.docvecs.doctag_syn0
if doctag_locks is None:
doctag_locks = model.docvecs.doctag_syn0_lockf
# 这里复用的是word2vec中train_batch_sg方法,原理是通过当前词来预测上下文
# 但是对于Docvec模型来说,当前词就是当前的paragraph vector,上下文就是段落中的每一个词
# 因此context_vectors指定为当前的paragraph vector
if train_words and learn_words:
train_batch_sg(model, [doc_words], alpha, work)
for doctag_index in doctag_indexes:
for word in doc_words:
model, word, doctag_index, alpha, learn_vectors=learn_doctags, learn_hidden=learn_hidden,
context_vectors=doctag_vectors, context_locks=doctag_locks
return len(doc_words)
def infer_vector(self, doc_words, alpha=None, min_alpha=None, epochs=None, steps=None):
"""Infer a vector for given post-bulk training document.
Subsequent calls to this function may infer different representations for the same document.
For a more stable representation, increase the number of steps to assert a stricket convergence.
doc_words : list of str
A document for which the vector representation will be inferred.
alpha : float, optional
The initial learning rate. If unspecified, value from model initialization will be reused.
min_alpha : float, optional
Learning rate will linearly drop to `min_alpha` over all inference epochs. If unspecified,
value from model initialization will be reused.
epochs : int, optional
Number of times to train the new document. Larger values take more time, but may improve
quality and run-to-run stability of inferred vectors. If unspecified, the `epochs` value
from model initialization will be reused.
steps : int, optional, deprecated
Previous name for `epochs`, still available for now for backward compatibility: if
`epochs` is unspecified but `steps` is, the `steps` value will be used.
The inferred paragraph vector for the new document.
if isinstance(doc_words, string_types):
raise TypeError("Parameter doc_words of infer_vector() must be a list of strings (not a single string).")
alpha = alpha or self.alpha
min_alpha = min_alpha or self.min_alpha
epochs = epochs or steps or self.epochs
# 给一个新的doc生成一个随机的向量
doctag_vectors, doctag_locks = self.trainables.get_doctag_trainables(doc_words, self.docvecs.vector_size)
doctag_indexes = [0]
work = zeros(self.trainables.layer1_size, dtype=REAL)
if not self.sg:
neu1 = matutils.zeros_aligned(self.trainables.layer1_size, dtype=REAL)
alpha_delta = (alpha - min_alpha) / max(epochs - 1, 1)
# 根据参数选择对应的模型:DM/DM-CONCAT/DBOW
for i in range(epochs):
# 预测的过程中,固定词向量和隐藏单元不更新,只更新doc的向量:doctag_vectors
if self.sg:
self, doc_words, doctag_indexes, alpha, work,
learn_words=False, learn_hidden=False, doctag_vectors=doctag_vectors, doctag_locks=doctag_locks
# neu1参数目前是没有用的:unused
elif self.dm_concat:
self, doc_words, doctag_indexes, alpha, work, neu1,
learn_words=False, learn_hidden=False, doctag_vectors=doctag_vectors, doctag_locks=doctag_locks
self, doc_words, doctag_indexes, alpha, work, neu1,
learn_words=False, learn_hidden=False, doctag_vectors=doctag_vectors, doctag_locks=doctag_locks
alpha -= alpha_delta
# 返回更新完成的paragraph vector
return doctag_vectors[0]