
warning: with your current setup 
your suse linux Enterprise Server11 sp1 installation will encouter problems when booting . because you have no fat partition mounted onto boot/efi.
This will give server problems with the normal boot setup
if you do not know exactcy abut you are doing. use a normal fat partition for your files below/boot/efi
change this
提示信息大概意思为:启用suse 11时会发生错误,因为没有挂载点/boot/efi的FAT分区;
/boot/efi挂载点的作用:为保护GPT不受MBR类磁盘管理软件的危害,GPT在主引导扇区建立了一个保护分区(Protective MBR)MBR分区表,这种分区的类型标识为0xEE,这个保护分区的大小在Windows下为128MBMac OS X下为200MB,在Window磁盘管理器里名为GPT保护分区,可让MBR类磁盘管理软件把GPT看成一个未知格式的分区,而不是错误地当成一个未分区的磁盘



Warning,with yours current setup,yours  installation will encouter problem  when booting . because the disk you have your /boot  partition on does not contain a GPT disk label 
It  will probably not be possible to boot such a setup.
If you need to use this disk for installation, you should destroy the disk label in the expert partitioner
Change this?
提示信息意思:1.目前挂载的/boot没有GPT标签,如果想继续安装,必须使用expert partitioner毁掉disk label,具体操作就是在expert partioner右下角点击creat new partion table
总体解决方法:使用GPT进行分区时,首先在expert partioner 右下角点击creat new partion table,该操作可毁掉disk lable并创建GPT标签,然后创建规划的分区和挂载点,注意要创建/boot/efi,200M左右的FAT分区类型;