# specify rate in requests/second (because comments are helpful!)
rate: 1000
// prefer c-style comments?
/* feeling old fashioned? */
# did you notice that rate doesn't need quotes?
hey: look ma, no quotes for strings either!
# best of all
notice: []
anything: ?
# yes, commas are optional!
# Obviously you can always use standard JSON syntax as well:
favNumbers: [ 1, 2, 3, 6, 42 ]
You only need to add quotes if the key name includes whitespace or any of these characters: {}[],:
When you omit quotes the string ends at the newline. Preceding and trailing whitespace is ignored as are escapes.
A value that is a number, true
, false
or null
in JSON is parsed as a value. E.g. 3
is a valid number while 3 times
is a string.
Naturally a quoteless string cannot start with {
or [
Use quotes to have your string handled like in JSON. This also allows you to specify a comment after the string.
Multiline Strings
Start with triple quotes
, whitespace on the first line is ignored'''
defines the head, on the following lines all whitespace up to this column is ignoredall other whitespace is assumed to be part of the string.
ends with triple quotes
. The last newline is ignored to allow for better formatting.
A multiline string is OS and file independent. The line feed is always \n
Commas are optional at the end of a line. You only need commas to specify multiple values on one line (e.g. [1,2,3]
Trailing commas are ignored.
and //
start a single line comment.
starts a multiline comment that ends with */
Root braces
Can be omitted for objects.
Mime Type
File extension
Hjson does not have a header but if you want to indicate the file type (in an rc file or in a database) you can use #hjson
in the first line.
Install with npm i hjson -g
hjson file.json will convert to Hjson. hjson -j file.hjson will convert to JSON.
// convert Hjson to JSON
String jsonString = JsonValue.readHjson(readerOrHjsonString).toString();
// convert JSON to Hjson
String hjsonString = JsonValue.readHjson(readerOrJSONString).toString(Stringify.HJSON);
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonValue.readHjson(string).asObject();
JsonArray jsonArray = JsonValue.readHjson(reader).asArray();
Install with pip install hjson
python -m hjson.tool file.json will convert to Hjson. python -m hjson.tool -j file.hjson will convert to JSON.
As Nuget does not install commandline tools
please build from source
and add cli\bin\Release to your path.
hjsonc file.json will convert to Hjson. hjsonc -j file.hjson will convert to JSON.