nopad++ 安装插件 (nopad++ installation of plugin manager failed)

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nopad++  installation of plugin manager failed

The latest version of the plugin manager is 1.3.5 (see Notepad++ Plugin Manager) Try a manual install of the plugin manager: Close notepad++

Download the latest plugin manager  from

Unzip the downloaded file

Copy plugins\PluginManager.dll  to your notepad++\plugins  directory

Restart notepad++

找到最新的插件管理版本尝试手动安装插件管理器: 1、关闭notepad++ 2、下载插件管理器   网址: 3、解压,将plugins\PluginManager.dll文件拷贝到notepad++的安装路径notepad++\plugins  文件夹下 4、启动notepad++


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