Natural Language Processing[论文合集]

Jump to...

     1. Tutorials

     2.  Neural Models

     3.  Sequence to Sequence Learning

     4.  Translation

     5.  Summarization

     6.  Reading Comprehension

     7.  Language Understanding

     8.  Text Classification

     9.  Text Clustering

     10.  Alignment

     11.  Dialog

     12.  Memory Networks

     13.  Papers

       1. Interesting Applications

     14.  Project

     15.  Datasets

     16.  Blogs

       1. Word2Vec

     17.  Demos

     18.  Talks / Videos

     19.  Resources​​​​​​​


Natural Language Processing[论文合集]_第1张图片

Practical Neural Networks for NLP

  • intro: EMNLP 2016
  • github:

Structured Neural Networks for NLP: From Idea to Code

  • slides:
  • github:

Understanding Deep Learning Models in NLP

Deep learning for natural language processing, Part 1

Neural Models

Unifying Visual-Semantic Embeddings with Multimodal Neural Language Models

  • intro: NIPS 2014 deep learning workshop
  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • results:
  • demo:

Improved Semantic Representations From Tree-Structured Long Short-Term Memory Networks

  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • github(Theano):

Visualizing and Understanding Neural Models in NLP

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Character-Aware Neural Language Models

  • paper:
  • github:

Skip-Thought Vectors

  • paper:
  • github:

A Primer on Neural Network Models for Natural Language Processing

  • arxiv:

Character-aware Neural Language Models

  • arxiv:

Neural Variational Inference for Text Processing

  • arxiv:
  • notes:
  • github:
  • github:

Sequence to Sequence Learning

Generating Text with Deep Reinforcement Learning

  • intro: NIPS 2015
  • arxiv:

MUSIO: A Deep Learning based Chatbot Getting Smarter

  • homepage:
  • github(Torch7):


Learning phrase representations using rnn encoder-decoder for statistical machine translation

  • intro: GRU. EMNLP 2014
  • arxiv:

Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate

  • intro: ICLR 2015
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Multi-Source Neural Translation

  • intro: “report up to +4.8 Bleu increases on top of a very strong attention-based neural translation model.”
  • arxiv: Multi-Source Neural Translation
  • github(Zoph_RNN):
  • video:

Multi-Way, Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with a Shared Attention Mechanism

  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • notes:

Modeling Coverage for Neural Machine Translation

  • arxiv:

A Character-level Decoder without Explicit Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation

  • arxiv:
  • github:

NEMATUS: Attention-based encoder-decoder model for neural machine translation

  • github:

Variational Neural Machine Translation

  • intro: EMNLP 2016
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Neural Network Translation Models for Grammatical Error Correction

  • arxiv:

Linguistic Input Features Improve Neural Machine Translation

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation

  • intro: EMNLP 2016
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Neural Machine Translation: Breaking the Performance Plateau

  • slides:

Tips on Building Neural Machine Translation Systems

  • github:

Semi-Supervised Learning for Neural Machine Translation

  • intro: ACL 2016. Tsinghua University & Baidu Inc
  • arxiv:

EUREKA-MangoNMT: A C++ toolkit for neural machine translation for CPU

  • github:

Deep Character-Level Neural Machine Translation

  • github:

Neural Machine Translation Implementations

  • github:

Google’s Neural Machine Translation System: Bridging the Gap between Human and Machine Translation

  • arxiv:

Learning to Translate in Real-time with Neural Machine Translation

  • arxiv:

Is Neural Machine Translation Ready for Deployment? A Case Study on 30 Translation Directions

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Fully Character-Level Neural Machine Translation without Explicit Segmentation

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Navigational Instruction Generation as Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Neural Machine Translation

  • arxiv:

Neural Machine Translation in Linear Time

  • intro: ByteNet
  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • github(Tensorflow):

Neural Machine Translation with Reconstruction

  • arxiv:

A Convolutional Encoder Model for Neural Machine Translation

  • intro: ACL 2017. Facebook AI Research
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Toward Multilingual Neural Machine Translation with Universal Encoder and Decoder

  • arxiv:

MXNMT: MXNet based Neural Machine Translation

  • github:

Doubly-Attentive Decoder for Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation

  • intro: Dublin City University & Trinity College Dublin
  • arxiv:

Massive Exploration of Neural Machine Translation Architectures

  • intro: Google Brain
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Depthwise Separable Convolutions for Neural Machine Translation

  • intro: Google Brain & University of Toronto
  • arxiv:

Deep Architectures for Neural Machine Translation

  • intro: WMT 2017 research track. University of Edinburgh & Charles University
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Marian: Fast Neural Machine Translation in C++

  • intro: Microsoft & Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan & University of Edinburgh
  • homepage:
  • arxiv:
  • github:


  • intro: Sequence-to-sequence framework with a focus on Neural Machine Translation based on Apache MXNet
  • arxiv:


Extraction of Salient Sentences from Labelled Documents

  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • notes:

A Neural Attention Model for Abstractive Sentence Summarization

  • intro: EMNLP 2015. Facebook AI Research
  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • github(TensorFlow):

A Convolutional Attention Network for Extreme Summarization of Source Code

  • homepage:
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Abstractive Text Summarization Using Sequence-to-Sequence RNNs and Beyond

  • intro: BM Watson & Université de Montréal
  • arxiv:

textsum: Text summarization with TensorFlow

  • blog:
  • github:

How to Run Text Summarization with TensorFlow

  • blog:
  • github:

Reading Comprehension

Text Comprehension with the Attention Sum Reader Network

Text Understanding with the Attention Sum Reader Network

  • intro: ACL 2016
  • arxiv:
  • github:

A Thorough Examination of the CNN/Daily Mail Reading Comprehension Task

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Consensus Attention-based Neural Networks for Chinese Reading Comprehension

  • arxiv:
  • dataset(“HFL-RC”):

Separating Answers from Queries for Neural Reading Comprehension

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Attention-over-Attention Neural Networks for Reading Comprehension

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Teaching Machines to Read and Comprehend CNN News and Children Books using Torch

  • github:

Reasoning with Memory Augmented Neural Networks for Language Comprehension

  • arxiv:

Bidirectional Attention Flow: Bidirectional Attention Flow for Machine Comprehension

  • project page:
  • github:

NewsQA: A Machine Comprehension Dataset

  • arxiv:
  • dataset:
  • github:

Gated-Attention Readers for Text Comprehension

  • intro: CMU
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Get To The Point: Summarization with Pointer-Generator Networks

  • intro: ACL 2017. Stanford University & Google Brain
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Language Understanding

Recurrent Neural Networks with External Memory for Language Understanding

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Neural Semantic Encoders

  • intro: EACL 2017
  • arxiv:
  • github(Keras):

Neural Tree Indexers for Text Understanding

  • arxiv:
  • bitbucket:

Better Text Understanding Through Image-To-Text Transfer

  • intro: Google Brain & Technische Universität München
  • arxiv:

Text Classification

Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification

  • intro: EMNLP 2014
  • arxiv:
  • github(Theano):
  • github(Torch):
  • github(Keras):
  • github(Tensorflow):

Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification

  • paper:
  • github:

Character-level Convolutional Networks for Text Classification

  • intro: NIPS 2015. “Text Understanding from Scratch”
  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • datasets:
  • github(TensorFlow):

A C-LSTM Neural Network for Text Classification

  • arxiv:

Rationale-Augmented Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification

  • arxiv:

Text classification using DIGITS and Torch7

  • github:

Recurrent Neural Network for Text Classification with Multi-Task Learning

  • arxiv:

Deep Multi-Task Learning with Shared Memory

  • intro: EMNLP 2016
  • arxiv:

Virtual Adversarial Training for Semi-Supervised Text Classification

Adversarial Training Methods for Semi-Supervised Text Classification

  • arxiv:
  • notes:

Sentence Convolution Code in Torch: Text classification using a convolutional neural network

  • github:

Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification

  • intro: Facebook AI Research
  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • github:

Actionable and Political Text Classification using Word Embeddings and LSTM

  • arxiv:

Implementing a CNN for Text Classification in TensorFlow

  • blog:

fancy-cnn: Multiparadigm Sequential Convolutional Neural Networks for text classification

  • github:

Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Categorization: Shallow Word-level vs. Deep Character-level

  • arxiv:

Tweet Classification using RNN and CNN

  • github:

Hierarchical Attention Networks for Document Classification

  • intro: CMU & MSR. NAACL 2016
  • paper:
  • github(TensorFlow):
  • github(TensorFlow):

AC-BLSTM: Asymmetric Convolutional Bidirectional LSTM Networks for Text Classification

  • arxiv:
  • github(MXNet):

Generative and Discriminative Text Classification with Recurrent Neural Networks

  • intro: DeepMind
  • arxiv:

Adversarial Multi-task Learning for Text Classification

  • intro: ACL 2017
  • arxiv:
  • data:

Deep Text Classification Can be Fooled

  • intro: Renmin University of China
  • arxiv:

Deep neural network framework for multi-label text classification

  • github:

Multi-Task Label Embedding for Text Classification

  • intro: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  • arxiv:

Text Clustering

Self-Taught Convolutional Neural Networks for Short Text Clustering

  • intro: Chinese Academy of Sciences. accepted for publication in Neural Networks
  • arxiv:
  • github:


Aligning Books and Movies: Towards Story-like Visual Explanations by Watching Movies and Reading Books

  • arxiv:
  • github:


Visual Dialog

  • webiste:
  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • github(Torch):
  • github(PyTorch):
  • demo:

Papers, code and data from FAIR for various memory-augmented nets with application to text understanding and dialogue.

  • post:

Neural Emoji Recommendation in Dialogue Systems

  • intro: Tsinghua University & Baidu
  • arxiv:

Memory Networks

Neural Turing Machines

  • paper:
  • Chs:
  • github:
  • github:
  • github:
  • blog:

Memory Networks

  • intro: Facebook AI Research
  • arxiv:
  • github:

End-To-End Memory Networks

  • intro: Facebook AI Research
  • intro: Continuous version of memory extraction via softmax. “Weakly supervised memory networks”
  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • github:
  • github:
  • github:
  • github(Tensorflow):
  • video:
  • video:

Reinforcement Learning Neural Turing Machines - Revised

  • arxiv:
  • github:

Learning to Transduce with Unbounded Memory

  • intro: Google DeepMind
  • arxiv:

How to Code and Understand DeepMind’s Neural Stack Machine

  • blog:
  • video tutorial:

Ask Me Anything: Dynamic Memory Networks for Natural Language Processing

  • intro: Memory networks implemented via rnns and gated recurrent units (GRUs).
  • arxiv:
  • blog(“Implementing Dynamic memory networks”):
  • github(Python):

Ask Me Even More: Dynamic Memory Tensor Networks (Extended Model)

  • intro: extensions for the Dynamic Memory Network (DMN)
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Structured Memory for Neural Turing Machines

  • intro: IBM Watson
  • arxiv:

Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering

Natural Language Processing[论文合集]_第2张图片

  • intro: MetaMind 2016
  • arxiv:
  • slides:
  • github:
  • github(Theano):
  • review:
  • github(Tensorflow):

Neural GPUs Learn Algorithms

  • arxiv:
  • github:
  • github:
  • github:

Hierarchical Memory Networks

  • arxiv:

Convolutional Residual Memory Networks

  • arxiv:

NTM-Lasagne: A Library for Neural Turing Machines in Lasagne

  • github:
  • blog:

Evolving Neural Turing Machines for Reward-based Learning

  • homepage:
  • paper:
  • code:

Hierarchical Memory Networks for Answer Selection on Unknown Words

  • intro: COLING 2016
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Gated End-to-End Memory Networks

  • arxiv:

Can Active Memory Replace Attention?

  • intro: Google Brain
  • arxiv:

A Taxonomy for Neural Memory Networks

  • intro: University of Florida
  • arxiv:


Globally Normalized Transition-Based Neural Networks

  • intro: speech tagging, dependency parsing and sentence compression
  • arxiv:
  • github(SyntaxNet):

A Decomposable Attention Model for Natural Language Inference

  • intro: EMNLP 2016
  • arxiv:
  • github(Keras+spaCy):

Improving Recurrent Neural Networks For Sequence Labelling

  • arxiv:

Recurrent Memory Networks for Language Modeling

  • arixv:
  • github:

Tweet2Vec: Learning Tweet Embeddings Using Character-level CNN-LSTM Encoder-Decoder

  • intro: MIT Media Lab
  • arixv:

Learning text representation using recurrent convolutional neural network with highway layers

  • intro: Neu-IR ‘16 SIGIR Workshop on Neural Information Retrieval
  • arxiv:
  • github:

Ask the GRU: Multi-task Learning for Deep Text Recommendations

  • arxiv:

From phonemes to images: levels of representation in a recurrent neural model of visually-grounded language learning

  • intro: COLING 2016
  • arxiv:

Visualizing Linguistic Shift

  • arxiv:

A Joint Many-Task Model: Growing a Neural Network for Multiple NLP Tasks

  • intro: The University of Tokyo & Salesforce Research
  • arxiv:

Deep Learning applied to NLP

Attention Is All You Need

  • intro: Google Brain & Google Research & University of Toronto
  • intro: Just attention + positional encoding = state of the art
  • arxiv:
  • github(Chainer):

Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Natural Language Processing

  • intro: Beijing Institute of Technology & National University of Singapore & Nanyang Technological University
  • arxiv:

HotFlip: White-Box Adversarial Examples for NLP

  • intro: University of Oregon & Nanjing University
  • arxiv:

No Metrics Are Perfect: Adversarial Reward Learning for Visual Storytelling

  • intro: ACL 2018
  • arxiv:

Interesting Applications

Data-driven HR - Résumé Analysis Based on Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

  • arxiv:

sk_p: a neural program corrector for MOOCs

  • intro: MIT
  • intro: Using seq2seq to fix buggy code submissions in MOOCs
  • arxiv:

Neural Generation of Regular Expressions from Natural Language with Minimal Domain Knowledge

  • intro: EMNLP 2016
  • intro: translating natural language queries into regular expressions which embody their meaning
  • arxiv:

emoji2vec: Learning Emoji Representations from their Description

  • intro: EMNLP 2016
  • arxiv:

Inside-Outside and Forward-Backward Algorithms Are Just Backprop (Tutorial Paper)

  • paper:

Cruciform: Solving Crosswords with Natural Language Processing

  • arxiv:

Smart Reply: Automated Response Suggestion for Email

  • intro: Google. KDD 2016
  • arxiv:
  • notes:

Deep Learning for RegEx

  • intro: a winning submission of Extraction of product attribute values competition (CrowdAnalytix)
  • blog:

Learning Python Code Suggestion with a Sparse Pointer Network

  • intro: Learning to Auto-Complete using RNN Language Models
  • intro: University College London
  • arxiv:
  • github:

End-to-End Prediction of Buffer Overruns from Raw Source Code via Neural Memory Networks

Convolutional Sequence to Sequence Learning

  • arxiv:
  • paper:
  • github:

DeepFix: Fixing Common C Language Errors by Deep Learning

  • intro: AAAI 2017. Indian Institute of Science
  • project page:
  • paper:
  • bitbucket:

Hierarchically-Attentive RNN for Album Summarization and Storytelling

  • intro: EMNLP 2017. UNC Chapel Hill
  • arxiv:


TheanoLM - An Extensible Toolkit for Neural Network Language Modeling

  • arxiv:
  • github:

NLP-Caffe: natural language processing with Caffe

  • github:

DL4NLP: Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing

  • github:

Combining CNN and RNN for spoken language identification

  • blog:
  • github:

Character-Aware Neural Language Models: LSTM language model with CNN over characters in TensorFlow

  • github:

Neural Relation Extraction with Selective Attention over Instances

  • paper:
  • github:

deep-simplification: Text simplification using RNNs

  • intro: achieves a BLEU score of 61.14
  • github:

lamtram: A toolkit for language and translation modeling using neural networks

  • github:

Lango: Language Lego

  • intro: Lango is a natural language processing library for working with the building blocks of language.
  • github:

Sequence-to-Sequence Learning with Attentional Neural Networks

  • github(Torch):

harvardnlp code

  • intro: pen-source implementations of popular deep learning techniques with applications to NLP
  • homepage:

Seq2seq: Sequence to Sequence Learning with Keras

Natural Language Processing[论文合集]_第3张图片

  • github:

debug seq2seq

  • github:

Recurrent & convolutional neural network modules

  • intro: This repo contains Theano implementations of popular neural network components and optimization methods.
  • github:


Datasets for Natural Language Processing

  • github:


How to read: Character level deep learning

Natural Language Processing[论文合集]_第4张图片

  • blog:
  • github:

Heavy Metal and Natural Language Processing

  • part 1:

Sequence To Sequence Attention Models In PyCNN

Source Code Classification Using Deep Learning

Natural Language Processing[论文合集]_第5张图片

My Process for Learning Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

Convolutional Methods for Text


Word2Vec Tutorial - The Skip-Gram Model

Word2Vec Tutorial Part 2 - Negative Sampling

Word2Vec Resources

Demos - Deep Learning for Answering Questions about Images

  • homepage:

Talks / Videos

Navigating Natural Language Using Reinforcement Learning

  • youtube:


So, you need to understand language data? Open-source NLP software can help!

  • blog:

Curated list of resources on building bots

Natural Language Processing[论文合集]_第6张图片

  • github:

Notes for deep learning on NLP

