从NLP中的第一个语言模型NNLM开始,逐步包括RNN,LSTM,TextCNN,Word2Vec等经典模型。帮助读者更轻松地学习NLP模型,实现和训练各种seq2seq,attention注意力模型,bi-LSTM attenton,Transformer(self-attention)到BERT模型等等。
1. Embedding 语言Model
•1-1. NNLM(Neural Network Language Model) - Predict Next Word
oPaper - A Neural Probabilistic Language Model(2003)
oColab - NNLM_Tensor.ipynb, NNLM_Torch.ipynb
•1-2. Word2Vec(Skip-gram) - Embedding Words and Show Graph
oPaper - Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality(2013)
oColab - Word2Vec_Tensor(NCE_loss).ipynb, Word2Vec_Tensor(Softmax).ipynb, Word2Vec_Torch(Softmax).ipynb
•1-3. FastText(Application Level) - Sentence Classification
oPaper - Bag of Tricks for Efficient Text Classification(2016)
oColab - FastText.ipynb
2. CNN(Convolutional Neural Network)
•2-1. TextCNN - Binary Sentiment Classification
oPaper - Convolutional Neural Networks for Sentence Classification(2014)
oColab - TextCNN_Tensor.ipynb, TextCNN_Torch.ipynb
•2-2. DCNN(Dynamic Convolutional Neural Network)
3. RNN(Recurrent Neural Network)
•3-1. TextRNN - Predict Next Step
oPaper - Finding Structure in Time(1990)
oColab - TextRNN_Tensor.ipynb, TextRNN_Torch.ipynb
•3-2. TextLSTM - Autocomplete
oColab - TextLSTM_Tensor.ipynb, TextLSTM_Torch.ipynb
•3-3. Bi-LSTM - Predict Next Word in Long Sentence
oColab - Bi_LSTM_Tensor.ipynb, Bi_LSTM_Torch.ipynb
4. Attention Mechanism
•4-1. Seq2Seq - Change Word
oPaper - Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation(2014)
oColab - Seq2Seq_Tensor.ipynb, Seq2Seq_Torch.ipynb
•4-2. Seq2Seq with Attention - Translate
oPaper - Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate(2014)
oColab - Seq2Seq(Attention)_Tensor.ipynb, Seq2Seq(Attention)_Torch.ipynb
•4-3. Bi-LSTM with Attention - Binary Sentiment Classification
oColab - Bi_LSTM(Attention)_Tensor.ipynb, Bi_LSTM(Attention)_Torch.ipynb
5. Model based on Transformer
•5-1. The Transformer - Translate
oPaper - Attention Is All You Need(2017)
oColab - Transformer_Torch.ipynb, Transformer(Greedy_decoder)_Torch.ipynb
•5-2. BERT - Classification Next Sentence & Predict Masked Tokens
oPaper - BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding(2018)
oColab - BERT_Torch.ipynb