2019-1-21 复习
NPM(node package manager),通常称为node包管理器。它的主要功能就是管理node包。
# 常见 NPM 命令
npm install
npm uninstall
npm ls
npm ls -g
npm ls react
npm audit
npm update react@"1.1.2"
npm info react
npm prepublish
npm publish
# 其他的自定义的脚本
npm start
npm test
npm run dev
npm run build
npm run prepublish
npm install -g grunt-cli
# 全局安装 grunt-cli
对于单独作用的包,安装在对应的文件夹下,对于全局的指令(cnpm, grunt-cli 等全局工具需要全局安装)
# 安装最新版本的grunt-cli
npm install grunt-cli
# 安装0.1.9版本的grunt-cli
npm install grunt-cli@"0.1.9"
# 通过package.json进行安装(已有package.json)
npm instapackage.jsonl
卸载:将 install => uninstall 即可
以 react 为例
npm update react
npm update react@"1.1.2"
npm ls
# 查看当前的依赖目录
npm ls -g
# 查看全局下安装的node package
npm ls react-dom
# 查看当前react-dom的详情(安装目录+版本号)
npm info react
# 查看当前react 的详细信息
└── [email protected]
[email protected] | MIT | deps: 4 | versions: 171
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
keywords: react
.tarball: https://registry.npmjs.org/react/-/react-16.6.3.tgz
.shasum: 25d77c91911d6bbdd23db41e70fb094cc1e0871c
.integrity: sha512-zCvmH2vbEolgKxtqXL2wmGCUxUyNheYn/C+PD1YAjfxHC54+MhdruyhO7QieQrYsYeTxrn93PM2y0jRH1zEExw==
.unpackedSize: 194.7 kB
loose-envify: ^1.1.0 prop-types: ^15.6.2
object-assign: ^4.1.1 scheduler: ^0.11.2
- acdlite <[email protected]>
- brianvaughn <[email protected]>
- fb <[email protected]>
- flarnie <[email protected]>
- gaearon <[email protected]>
- sebmarkbage <[email protected]>
- sophiebits <[email protected]>
- trueadm <[email protected]>
canary: 0.0.0-ed4c4a51c next: 16.7.0-alpha.2
latest: 16.6.3 unstable: 0.0.0-0c756fb-f7f79fd
published a week ago by acdlite <[email protected]>
npm search react
# 搜索包含 react 字段的包,返回的结果如下
react | React is a… | =acdlite… | 2018-11-13 | 16.6.3 | react
babel-preset-react | Babel preset for… | =hzoo… | 2017-04-07 | 6.24.1 |
react-router-dom | DOM bindings for… | =mjackson… | 2018-06-06 | 4.3.1 | react router route routing history link
react-router | Declarative routing… | =mjackson… | 2018-06-06 | 4.3.1 | react router route routing history link
react-dev-utils | Webpack utilities… | =fb =gaearon… | 2018-11-01 | 6.1.1 |
react-redux | Official React… | =gaearon… | 2018-11-10 | 5.1.1 | react reactjs hot reload hmr live edit flux redu
react-error-overlay | An overlay for… | =fb =gaearon… | 2018-11-01 | 5.1.0 | overlay syntax error red box redbox crash warnin
npm prepublish 运行后,修改 package.json and package-lock.json 后,执行npm publish 发布新包。
当然,需要 npm login 进行登录,确定登录后才能发包。具体发包流程参考不同仓库的使用手册。
npm publish
# 将当前仓库发布到官网上去(需要在package.json 中改进版本号到下一个)
npm 在内网中的配置:npm config 主要是增删改查,下面以代理服务器 proxy 进行分析。这部分功能目前使用不多。
内网使用npm很头痛的一个问题就是代理,假设我们的代理是 http://proxy.example.com:8080,那么命令如下:
npm config set proxy http://proxy.example.com:8080
由于npm config set
npm set proxy http://proxy.example.com:8080
npm config get proxy
npm get proxy
npm delete proxy
npm config list
npm config edit
"~1.2.3" = ">=1.2.3 <1.3.0"
"~1.2" = ">=1.2.0 <1.3.0"
"~1" = ">=1.0.0 <1.1.0"
"1.2.x" = ">=1.2.0 <1.3.0"
"1.x.x" = ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"
"1.2" = "1.2.x"
"1.x" = "1.x.x"
"1" = "1.x.x"
npm install npm@latest -g
通常情况下 npm 会和 nodeJS 同时安装。默认的安装版本是5。有些情况需要手动更新 npm 版本。
Since npm and node.js products are managed by different entities, updates and maintenance can become complex. Also, the Node.js installation process installs npm in a directory that only has local permissions. This can cause permissions errors when you attempt to run packages globally.
To solve both these issues, many developers opt to use a node version manager, or nvm, to install npm. The version manager will avoid permissions errors, and will solve the complexities of updating Node.js and npm.
In addition, developers can use an nvm to test their applications on multiple versions of npm. The nvm enables you to easily switch npm as well as node versions. This makes it easier to ensure that your applications work for most users, even if they are using other versions of npm. If you decide to install a version manager, use the instructions for the version manager you select to learn how to switch versions, and to learn how to keep up-to-date with the latest version of npm.
参考自 npm 官方文档:npm的出现,不需要考虑版本问题的兼容问题。直接进行编译即可。