徐优俊, 裴剑锋
北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院定量生物学中心,北京 100871
中图分类号:TP301 文献标识码:A
Deep learning for chemoinformatics
XU Youjun, PEI Jianfeng
Center for Quantitative Biology, Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract: Deep learning have been successfully used in computer vision,speech recognition and natural language processing,leading to the rapid development of artificial intelligence.The key technology of deep learning was also applied to chemoinformatics,speeding up the implementation of artificial intelligence in chemistry.As developing quantitative structure-activity relationship model is one of major tasks for chemoinformatics,the application of deep learning technology in QSAR research was focused.How three kinds of deep learning frameworks,namely,deep neural network,convolution neural network,and recurrent or recursive neural network were applied in QSAR was discussed.A perspective on the future impact of deep learning on chemoinformatics was given.
Key words: deep learning, artificial intelligence, quantitative structure-activity relationship, chemoinformatics
论文引用格式:徐优俊, 裴剑锋. 深度学习在化学信息学中的应用[J], 大数据, 2017, 3(2): 45-66.
XU Y J, PEI J F. Deep learning for chemoinformatics[J]. Big Data Research, 2017, 3(2): 45-66.
4 深度学习框架的对比与分析
● 随着数据集的增多以及多样化,研究人员逐渐倾向于使用多任务模型的训练策略,多任务学习中迁移学习的概念被应用到了数据较少的数据集中,提高对该任务的预测能力。多任务学习模型的评估方法大多是基于AUC的,说明多任务模型目前只适用于分类问题,在多任务的回归模型的问题上,还有待开发出更好的训练手段和策略。
● ReLU目前是在QSAR中最常用的一种训练技术,在DNN和CNN框架中基本都使用了该技术。发展更好、更快的训练。
5 总结与展望
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