

威胁对抗能力部 [绿盟科技安全情报](javascript:void(0) 今天



TA****G: 安全更新、Windows、IE、Office、Edge、Adobe Flash
漏洞危害: 攻击者利用本次安全更新中的漏洞,可造成信息泄露、特权提升、远程代码执行等。
版本: 1.0



北京时间6月10日,微软发布6月安全更新补丁,修复了130个安全问题,涉及Microsoft Windows、Internet Explorer、Microsoft Edge、Windows Defender、Microsoft Office、Visual Studio、Adobe Flash Player等广泛使用的产品,其中包括内存泄露和远程代码执行等高危漏洞类型。

本月微软月度更新修复的漏洞中,严重程度为关键(Critical)的漏洞共有12个,重要(Important)漏洞有118个。这是微软有史以来在一个月内发布CVE数量最多的一次,其中Windows SMB 远程代码执行漏洞(CVE-2020-1301)与Windows SMBv3 客户端/服务器信息泄漏漏洞(CVE-2020-1206)的PoC已公开,请相关用户及时更新补丁进行防护,详细漏洞列表请参考附录。






CVE-2020-1206**(PoC已公开):Windows SMBv3 客户端/**服务器信息泄漏漏洞

Microsoft Server Message Block 3.1.1 (SMBv3)协议在处理某些请求时存在信息泄露漏洞,未经身份验证的攻击者可通过向目标SMB服务器发送特殊设计的数据包,或配置一个恶意的 SMBv3 服务器并诱导用户连接。攻击者利用此漏洞可获取到敏感信息。




CVE-2020-1301**(PoC已公开):**Windows SMB 远程代码执行漏洞

Microsoft Server Message Block 1.0 (SMBv1) 服务器在处理某些请求时存在远程代码执行漏洞,经过身份验证的攻击者向目标 SMBv1 服务器发送特殊设计的数据包,成功利用此漏洞的攻击者可在目标系统上执行代码。

微软已在 2014 年弃用了 SMBv1 协议,在 Windows 10 中 默认禁用SMBv1 。检测与禁用 SMB协议请参考官方文档:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/storage/file-server/troubleshoot/detect-enable-and-disable-smbv1-v2-v3



CVE-2020-1281**:**Windows OLE 远程代码执行漏洞

由于Microsoft Windows OLE 无法正确验证用户输入,攻击者可以诱使用户在网页或电子邮件中打开特殊设计的文件或程序,从而利用此漏洞来执行恶意代码。



CVE-2020-1300**:**Windows 远程执行代码漏洞

由于Microsoft Windows 无法正确处理 cabinet 文件,攻击者可诱使用户打开特殊设计的 cabinet 文件或诱骗用户安装伪装成打印机驱动程序的恶意 cabinet 文件,从而利用此漏洞执行任意代码。



CVE-2020-1181**:**Microsoft SharePoint Server 远程代码执行漏洞

由于SharePoint Server无法正确识别和筛选不安全的 ASP.NET Web 控件,经过身份验证的攻击者通过上传一个特别制作的页面到SharePoint服务器,可成功利用此漏洞在服务器上执行任意代码。



CVE-2020-1225/1226**:**Microsoft Excel 远程代码执行漏洞

由于Microsoft Excel无法正确处理内存中的对象,导致存在远程代码执行漏洞。攻击者通过诱使用户使用受影响版本的Microsoft Excel打开经过特殊设计的文件进行利用。成功利用此漏洞的攻击者可以获得与当前用户相同的系统控制权限。




CVE-2020-1248**:**GDI 远程代码执行漏洞

Windows 图形设备接口 (GDI) 在处理内存中对象的方式中存在远程代码执行漏洞。攻击者可以利用该漏洞精心制作一个恶意网站或恶意文件,并通过钓鱼邮件等方式诱导用户点击链接或打开附件。成功利用此漏洞的攻击者可能会控制受影响的系统。



CVE-2020-1299**:**LNK 远程代码执行漏洞

Windows 在处理 .LNK 文件时存在一个远程代码执行漏洞,攻击者可能会向用户显示包含恶意 .LNK 文件和关联的恶意二进制文件的可移除驱动器或远程共享,成功利用此漏洞的攻击者可获得与本地用户相同的系统权限。



ADV200010| CVE-2020-9633: Adobe Flash Player 任意代码执行漏洞

此安全更新修复了 Adobe 安全公告 APSB20-30 中描述的漏洞(CVE-2020-9633),此漏洞影响Windows、MacOS、Linux和ChromeOS,成功利用该漏洞可在当前用户的环境中执行任意代码。






漏洞编号 受影响产品版本
CVE-2020-1206 Windows 10 Version 1903 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for x64-based SystemsWindows Server, version 1903 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 1909 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 2004 (Server Core installation)
CVE-2020-1301CVE-2020-1281CVE-2020-1300 Windows 10 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1607 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1803 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1803 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for x64-based SystemsWindows 7 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 1Windows 7 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1Windows 8.1 for 32-bit systemsWindows 8.1 for x64-based systemsWindows RT 8.1Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 2Windows Server 2008 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 2 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2008 for Itanium-Based Systems Service Pack 2Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 2Windows Server 2008 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 2 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-Based Systems Service Pack 1Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2012 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2012 R2Windows Server 2012 R2 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2016Windows Server 2016 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2019Windows Server 2019 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 1803 (Server Core Installation)Windows Server, version 1903 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 1909 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 2004 (Server Core installation)
CVE-2020-1181 Microsoft SharePoint Enterprise Server 2016Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 Service Pack 2Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2013 Service Pack 1Microsoft SharePoint Server 2019
CVE-2020-1225CVE-2020-1226 Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise for 32-bit SystemsMicrosoft 365 Apps for Enterprise for 64-bit SystemsMicrosoft Excel 2010 Service Pack 2 (32-bit editions)Microsoft Excel 2010 Service Pack 2 (64-bit editions)Microsoft Excel 2013 RT Service Pack 1Microsoft Excel 2013 Service Pack 1 (32-bit editions)Microsoft Excel 2013 Service Pack 1 (64-bit editions)Microsoft Excel 2016 (32-bit edition)Microsoft Excel 2016 (64-bit edition)Microsoft Office 2016 for MacMicrosoft Office 2019 for 32-bit editionsMicrosoft Office 2019 for 64-bit editionsMicrosoft Office 2019 for Mac
CVE-2020-1248 Windows 10 Version 1903 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for x64-based SystemsWindows Server, version 1903 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 1909 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 2004 (Server Core installation)
CVE-2020-1299 Windows 10 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1607 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1803 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1803 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for x64-based SystemsWindows 7 for 32-bit Systems Service Pack 1Windows 7 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1Windows 8.1 for 32-bit systemsWindows 8.1 for x64-based systemsWindows RT 8.1Windows Server 2008 R2 for Itanium-Based Systems Service Pack 1Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64-based Systems Service Pack 1 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2012 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2012 R2Windows Server 2012 R2 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2016Windows Server 2016 (Server Core installation)Windows Server 2019Windows Server 2019 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 1803 (Server Core Installation)Windows Server, version 1903 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 1909 (Server Core installation)Windows Server, version 2004 (Server Core installation)
ADV200010 |CVE-2020-9633 Windows 10 Version 1803 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1803 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1803 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1809 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows Server 2019Windows 10 Version 1909 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1909 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1709 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1903 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 1607 for 32-bit SystemsWindows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based SystemsWindows Server 2016Windows 8.1 for 32-bit systemsWindows 8.1 for x64-based systemsWindows RT 8.1Windows Server 2012Windows Server 2012 R2Windows 10 Version 2004 for x64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for ARM64-based SystemsWindows 10 Version 2004 for 32-bit Systems


4.1 补丁更新



注:由于网络问题、计算机环境问题等原因,Windows Update的补丁更新可能出现失败。用户在安装补丁后,应及时检查补丁是否成功更新。




影响产品 CVE 编号 漏洞标题 严重程度
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1181 Microsoft SharePoint Server 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
Internet Explorer CVE-2020-1213 VBScript 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
Internet Explorer CVE-2020-1216 VBScript 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
ChakraCore,Microsoft Edge,Internet Explorer CVE-2020-1219 Microsoft Browser 内存泄露漏洞 Critical
Adobe Flash ADV200010 June 2020 Adobe Flash Security Update Critical
ChakraCore,Microsoft Edge CVE-2020-1073 Scripting Engine 内存泄露漏洞 Critical
Windows CVE-2020-1286 Windows Shell 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
Windows CVE-2020-1300 Windows 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
Windows CVE-2020-1248 GDI+ 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
Internet Explorer CVE-2020-1260 VBScript 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
Windows CVE-2020-1281 Windows OLE 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
Windows CVE-2020-1299 LNK 远程代码执行漏洞 Critical
Windows CVE-2020-0915 Windows GDI 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-0916 Windows GDI 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-0986 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1183 Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1225 Microsoft Excel 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1226 Microsoft Excel 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1229 Microsoft Outlook Security 功能绕过 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1334 Windows Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1348 Windows GDI 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1196 Windows Print Configuration 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1197 Windows Error Reporting Manager 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1199 Windows Feedback Hub 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1201 Windows Now Playing Session Manager 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Visual Studio,Windows CVE-2020-1202 Diagnostic Hub Standard Collector 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Visual Studio,Windows CVE-2020-1203 Diagnostic Hub Standard Collector 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1204 Windows Mobile Device Management Diagnostics 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1206 Windows SMBv3 Client/Server 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1207 Win32k 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1208 Jet Database Engine 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1209 Windows Network List Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1211 Connected Devices Platform Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1212 OLE Automation 权限提升漏洞 Important
Internet Explorer CVE-2020-1214 VBScript 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Internet Explorer CVE-2020-1215 VBScript 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1217 Windows Runtime 信息披露漏洞 Important
Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) in IE Mode CVE-2020-1220 Microsoft Edge (Chromium-based) in IE Mode 欺骗漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1222 Microsoft Store Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
NuGetGallery CVE-2020-1340 NuGetGallery 欺骗漏洞 Important
Microsoft Visual Studio Code Live Share extension CVE-2020-1343 Visual Studio Code Live Share 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1120 Connected User Experiences and Telemetry Service 拒绝服务漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1148 Microsoft SharePoint 欺骗漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1194 Windows Registry 拒绝服务漏洞 Important
Apps CVE-2020-1223 Word for Android 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Internet Explorer CVE-2020-1230 VBScript 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1231 Windows Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1232 Media Foundation 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1233 Windows Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1234 Windows Error Reporting 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1235 Windows Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1236 Jet Database Engine 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1237 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1238 Media Foundation 内存泄露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1239 Media Foundation 内存泄露漏洞 Important
Microsoft Edge CVE-2020-1242 Microsoft Edge 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1246 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1247 Win32k 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1262 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1269 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1271 Windows Backup Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1274 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1275 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1277 Windows Installer 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Visual Studio,Windows CVE-2020-1278 Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1279 Windows Lockscreen 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1280 Windows Bluetooth Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1282 Windows Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1284 Windows SMBv3 Client/Server 拒绝服务漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1294 Windows WalletService 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1295 Microsoft SharePoint 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1298 Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1307 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1310 Win32k 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1311 Component Object Model 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1312 Windows Installer 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1316 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1320 Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1321 Microsoft Office 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1322 Microsoft Project 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1324 Windows 权限提升漏洞 Important
System Center CVE-2020-1331 System Center Operations Manager 欺骗漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1160 Microsoft Graphics Component 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1162 Windows 权限提升漏洞 Important
System Center CVE-2020-1163 Microsoft Windows Defender 权限提升漏洞 Important
System Center CVE-2020-1170 Microsoft Windows Defender 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1177 Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1178 Microsoft SharePoint Server 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1241 Windows Kernel Security 功能绕过 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1244 Connected User Experiences and Telemetry Service 拒绝服务漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1251 Win32k 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1253 Win32k 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1254 Windows Modules Installer Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1255 Windows Background Intelligent Transfer Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Visual Studio,Windows CVE-2020-1257 Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1258 DirectX 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1259 Windows Host Guardian Service Security 功能绕过 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1261 Windows Error Reporting 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1263 Windows Error Reporting 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1264 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1265 Windows Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1266 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1268 Windows Service 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1270 Windows WLAN Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1272 Windows Installer 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1273 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1276 Windows Kernel 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1283 Windows 拒绝服务漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1287 Windows WalletService 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1289 Microsoft SharePoint 欺骗漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1290 Win32k 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1291 Windows Network Connections Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1292 OpenSSH for Windows 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Visual Studio,Windows CVE-2020-1293 Diagnostics Hub Standard Collector 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1296 Windows Diagnostics & feedback 信息披露漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1297 Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1301 Windows SMB 远程代码执行漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1302 Windows Installer 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1304 Windows Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1305 Windows State Repository Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1306 Windows Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1309 Microsoft Store Runtime 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1313 Windows Update Orchestrator Service 权限提升漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1314 Windows Text Service Framework 权限提升漏洞 Important
Internet Explorer CVE-2020-1315 Internet Explorer 信息披露漏洞 Important
Windows CVE-2020-1317 Group Policy 权限提升漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1318 Microsoft Office SharePoint XSS漏洞 Important
Microsoft Office CVE-2020-1323 SharePoint Open Redirect Vulnerability Important
Azure DevOps Server CVE-2020-1327 Azure DevOps Server HTML Injection Vulnerability Important
Apps CVE-2020-1329 Microsoft Bing Search 欺骗漏洞 Important

