Information about Jin Wu 个人信息

Jin Wu was born in May, 1994 in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, China. He received the B.S. Degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). His research interests include automatic control and robust filtering, navigation guidance and control, world magnetic model and its navigation application, visual navigation and obstacle avoidance, fast precision 3-D registration, hand-eye calibration, hybridization theory, computer graphics, autonomous orbit determination and the circuitization of the above topics. He has published over 40 papers in representative journals and conference proceedings. He is a member of IEEE. The github website:

吴荩,江苏镇江人,1994年5月生,毕业于电子科技大学自动化工程学院,获工学学士学位。主要研究方向为自动控制与鲁棒滤波、导航制导与控制、大地磁模型推演及其导航应用、视觉导航与避障、高精度快速三维重建、手眼系统传感器标定、分子杂化轨道理论、计算机图形学、卫星自主精密定轨以及上述系统的大规模集成电路化。从本科阶段起,已公开在国内外期刊包括《IEEE航空电子系统会刊 (TAES)》,《IEEE自动化科学与工程会刊 (TASE)》, 《IEEE消费电子会刊 (TCE)》, 《IEEE测试与测量会刊 (TIM)》,《 IEEE传感器杂志 (IEEE Sensors J.)》, 《AIAA制导控制与动力学期刊 (JGCD)》, 《IET系列期刊 (SMT, RSN)》等及相关会议以独立作者、第一作者或通讯作者身份发表论文40余篇,SCI收录30余篇。2018年加入香港科技大学担任研究助理,2019年至2020年任腾讯Robotics X实验室工程师,现任深圳一清科技创新科技导航定位算法工程师。主持多项导航、机器人相关国家重点实验室、教育部重点实验室基金,参与了多项国家自然基金与香港特区政府基金。从2004年起从事C++、MFC、Qt开发,并作为第一完成人发明了世界首个超低成本高维点云配准电路。其中部分代表性论文如下(*为通讯作者):


  1. Wu, J., Zhou*, Z., Chen, J., Fourati, H. and Li, R. (2016). Fast Complementary Filter for Attitude Estimation Using Low-Cost MARG Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 16(18), 6997–7007. (SCI索引号 WOS:000382355100024,影响因子:3.076)
  2. Wu, J., Zhou*, Z., Fourati, H. and Cheng, Y. (2018) A Super Fast Attitude Determination Algorithm with Accelerometer and Magnetometer. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 62(3), 375-381 (SCI索引号 WOS:000446117700016,影响因子:2.083)
  3. Wu, J., Wang, T., Zhou*, Z., Yin, H. and Li, Rui. (2018). Accelerometer-Magnetometer Attitude Determination without Reference Information. International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 10(4), 318-329索引号  WOS:000453595400002,影响因子:1.049)
  4. Wu*, J. (2019) MARG Attitude Estimation Using Gradient-Descent Linear Kalman Filter. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.影响因子:5.224)
  5. Zhou*, Z., Wu*, J., Wang, J. and Fourati, H. (2018) Optimal, Recursive and Sub-optimal Linear Solutions to Attitude Determination from Vector Observations for GNSS/Accelerometer/Magnetometer Orientation Measurement. Remote Sensing. (共同第一作者,共同通讯作者,SCI索引号 WOS:000428280100023,影响因子:4.118)
  6. Guo, S., Wu*, J., Wang, Z. and Qian, J. (2017) Novel MARG-Sensor Orientation Estimation Algorithm Using Fast Kalman Filter. Journal of Sensors索引号 WOS:000412568600001,影响因子:2.024)
  7. Liu, Z., Liu, W., Gong, X. and Wu*, J. (2018) Simplified Attitude Determination Algorithm Using Accelerometer and Magnetometer with Extremely Low Execution Time. Journal of Sensors.索引号 WOS:000450788800001,影响因子:2.024)
  8. Liu, C., Qian, J., Wang, Z. and Wu*, J. (2019) Attitude Estimation from Horizon Measurements and GNSS Observations. Sensor Review.影响因子:1.264)


  1. Wu, J., Zhou*, Z., Li, R., Yang, L. and Fourati, H. (2017). Attitude Determination Using a Single Sensor Observation : Analytic Quaternion Solutions and Property Discussion. IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 11(3), 731-739.索引号 WOS:000410154600007,影响因子:1.895)
  2. Wu, J., Zhou*, Z., Gao, B., Li, R., Cheng, Y. and Fourati, H. (2018). Fast Linear Quaternion Attitude Estimator Using Vector Observations. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 15(1), 307-319.索引号 WOS:000419498100024,ESI Highly Cited Paper,ESI高被引论文,影响因子:5.224)
  3. Wu, J., Zhou*, Z., Fourati, H. and Liu, M. (2018) Recursive Linear Continuous Quaternion Attitude Estimator From Vector Observations. IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, 12(11), 1196-1207.索引号 WOS:000448944200002,影响因子:2.015) 
  4. Wu, J., Zhou*, Z., Fourati, H., Li, R. and Liu, M. (2019) Generalized Linear Quaternion Complementary Filter for Attitude Estimation from Multi-Sensor Observations: An Optimization Approach. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 16(3), 1330-1343索引号 WOS:000473649700025,影响因子:5.224)
  5. Wu*, J., Zhou, Z., Fourati, H., Zhang, C. (2019) Lasso Wahba’s Problem and Its Analytical Solution for Spacecraft Attitude Determination. Sensor Review. (影响因子:1.861)
  6. Shan, S., Hou, Z. and Wu*, J. (2017) Linear Kalman Filter for Attitude Estimation from Angular Rate and A Single Vector Measurement. Journal of Sensors索引号 WOS:000414099900001,影响因子:2.024)
  7. Liu, Z., Liu, W., Gong, X. and Wu*, J. (2017) Optimal Attitude Determination from Vector Sensors Using Fast Analytical Singular Value Decomposition. Journal of Sensors索引号 WOS:000438031400001,影响因子:2.024)


  1. Wu*, J. (2019). Optimal Continuous Unit Quaternions from Rotation Matrices. AIAA Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 42(4), 919-922.索引号 WOS:000462675100016,影响因子:2.061)
  2. Wu, J. and Shan*, S. (2019) Dot-Product Equality Constrained Attitude Determination from Two Vector Observations: Theory and Astronautical Applications. MDPI Aerospace, 6(9), 102.(邀稿,Invited Paper,SCI索引号 WOS:000487976300002)
  3. Wu*, J. (2019) Unified Attitude Determination Problem from Vector Observations and Hand-eye Measurements. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.(影响因子:2.797)


  1. Wu, J., Zhou*, Z., Zhang, X., Chen, M. and Shao, P. (2019). Real-time Magnetic Disturbance Determination for Micro Air Vehicles via Gravity and Global Navigation Satellite System Measurements. Measurement Science and Technology, 30, 025102.索引号 WOS:000456272000001,影响因子:1.861)
  2. Wu*, J. (2019) Real-time Magnetometer Disturbance Estimation via Online Nonlinear Programming. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(12), 4405-4411. (SCI索引号 WOS:000468238700007,影响因子:3.076)
  3. Wu, J., Li*, C., Zhang, C. and Jiang, Y. (2019) Trust-Region Solver of A Nonlinear Magnetometer Disturbance Estimation Problem. IEEE Sensors Journal. (影响因子:3.076)


  1. Wu, J., Liu*, M. and Qi, Y. (2019) Computationally Efficient Robust Algorithm for Generalized Sensor Calibration Problem AR = RB. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(20), 9512-9521.索引号 WOS:000487205800063,影响因子:3.076)
  2. Wu, J., Sun, Y., Wang, M. and Liu*, M. (2019) Hand-eye Calibration: 4D Procrustes Analysis Approach. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.(影响因子:3.067)
  3. Wu, J., Liu*, M., Zhang, C., Zhou, Z. (2019) Correspondence Matching and Time Delay Estimation for Hand-eye Calibration. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.(影响因子:3.067)


  1. Wu, J., Liu*, M., Zhou, Z. and Li, R. (2019) Fast Symbolic 3D Registration Solution. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. (影响因子:5.224)
  2. Wu*, J. (2019) Rigid 3D Registration: A Simple Method Free of SVD and Eigen-Decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement.(影响因子:3.067)
  3. Wu*, J., Wang, M., Fourati, H., Liu, M., Li, H. (2019) Generalized n-Dimensional Rigid Registration: Theory and Application. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.(影响因子:5.230)
  4. Wu*, J. (2019) Generalized Solution to Homogeneous Pose Estimation Problems. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. (影响因子:5.224)


  1. Qi, Y., Jiang, J., Wu, J., Wang*, J., Wang, C., Shan, J. (2019) Autonomous Landing Solution of Low-Cost Quadrotor on a Moving Platform. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 119, 64-76.索引号 WOS:000482250400005,影响因子:2.928)
  2. Shao, P., Wu*, J., Wu, C. and Ma, S. (2019) Modeling and Robust Gain-Scheduled PID Control of a Bio-Inspired Morphing UAV based on LPV method. Asian Journal of Control.索引号 WOS:000489190400024,影响因子:2.005)
  3. Zhang, C., Wu*, J., Dai, M., Li, B., Wang, M.(2019) Event- and self-triggered policy of attitude coordination control to multi-spacecraft system. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology.影响因子:0.941)
  4. Zhang, C., Dai, M., Wu, J., Xiao, B., Li, B. (2019) Neural-Networks and Event-Based Hybrid Fault-Tolerant Control for Spacecraft Attitude Stabilization. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering.(影响因子:1.104)
  5. Zhang, C., Dai, M., Dong, P., Leung, H., Wu*, J. (2019) Reset and Prescribed Performance Policy to Spacecraft Attitude Stabilization. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems.


  1. Zhou, Z., Wu*, J., Li, Y., Fu, C. and Fourati, H. (2017). Critical Issues on Kalman Filter with Colored and Correlated System Noises. Asian Journal of Control.索引号 WOS:000415133100003,影响因子:2.005)


  1. Zhou*, Z., Mo, S., Wu, J. and Fourati, H. (2018) Behaviors classification based distance measuring system for pedestrians via a foot-mounted inertial sensor. Asian Journal of Control.索引号 WOS:000489190400008,影响因子:2.005)
  2. Wang, Z., Chen, B., Wu*, J. (2018) Effective Inertial Hand Gesture Recognition Using Particle Filtering Based Trajectory Matching. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, 6296013. (SCI索引号WOS:000426202100001)


  1. Chen*, M., Zhong, Y., Li, Z. and Wu, J. (2019) A Novel 3D Shape Reconstruction Method Based on Maximum Correntropy Kalman Filtering. Sensor Review, 39(3), 332-340.索引号 WOS:000479235600003,影响因子:1.264)
  2. Chen, M., Zhong, Y., Li, Z., Zhao, X. and Wu*, J. (2019) A Novel Robust Depth Estimation Method Based on Optimal Region Selection. Measurement.(SCI索引号 WOS:000487930000026,影响因子:2.791)


  1. Wu, J., Zhou*, Z., Zhang, C., Tian, J. (2019) Efficient Autonomous Orbit Determination: Earth Geomagnetic Dipole Model Approach. IEEE TAES.(影响因子:3.076)
  2. Wu*, J. (2019) Hybrid Geomagnetic Attitude and Orbit Estimation Using Time-Differential Feedback. TJSASS.(影响因子:1.104)
  3. Wu*, J. (2019) Geomagnetic Westward Drift and Its Impact on Long-term Orbit Determination. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems.(影响因子:2.797)
  4. Wu*, J., Zhang, C., Huang, Y. and Zhou, Z. (2019) Geomagnetic Orbit Determination: EKF or UKF?. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology.(影响因子:2.061)

计算机图形学(Mesh Deformation):

  1. Wu, J., Lopez*, M., Liu, M., Zhu, Y. (2020) A Linear Geometric Algebra Rotor Estimator for Efficient Mesh Deformation. IET Cyber-System and Robotics.

你可能感兴趣的:(Information about Jin Wu 个人信息)