
Words and Phrases


原本望文生义以为是“远程给药”,实际应该翻译为“远程医疗”。因为medicine本身除了药物之外,就有治疗的意思:Medicine is the treatment of illness and injuries by doctors and nurses.

Thanks to IT, patients can now have telemedicine at home.


You use predictive to describe something such as a test, science, or theory that is concerned with determining what will happen in the future. (FORMAL)


Input methods use predictive texting to show the words you are likely to type.

a host of

■a large number of something    许多,大量

There's a whole host of reasons why he didn't get the job.   有一大堆理由可以解释他为甚么没有得到那份工作。

I always have a host of things to complain about.

cardiac arrest

Cardiac means relating to the heart. (MEDICAL)

cardiac arrest is a heart attack. (MEDICAL)

The prisoner's death was attributed to a cardiac arrest.

cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

A method used to keep someone alive in a medical emergency, in which you blow into their mouth then press on their chest and then repeat the process    心肺复苏

to administer/perform CPR   实施心肺复苏

cardiopulmonary 与心肺有关的 from cardio-(pertaining to the heart)+pulmonary(of the lungs)

If you resuscitate someone who has stopped breathing, you cause them to start breathing again.

We should brush up on cardiopulmonary resuscitation every year.

help doctors with grubby hands to take notes and to request scans

grubby person or object is rather dirty.

If you call an activity or someone's behaviour grubby, you mean that it is not completely honest or respectable.

我的理解是帮助有grubby hands的医生来做笔记和要求做扫描,就是说grubby hands是形容医生的。脑补一下,比如医生做手术腾不出手做笔记,可以要求Alexa做笔记。但为啥说脏手呢。

one manifestation of a drive to disrupt an industry that has so far largely failed to deliver on the potential of digital information

If you say that something is manifest, you mean that it is clearly true and that nobody would disagree with it if they saw it or considered it. (FORMAL) =patent

If you manifest a particular quality, feeling, or illness, or if it manifests itself, it becomes visible or obvious. (FORMAL) =show

manifestation of something is one of the different ways in which it can appear. (FORMAL)

Shared bike is a manifestation of sharing economy.

drive is a special effort made by a group of people for a particular purpose. =campaign

The ANC is about to launch a nationwide recruitment drive...

A long walk for an egg is a drive to raise money for children in the rural area.

deliver DO STH YOU SHOULD DO 做应该做的事, [I,T] to do or provide the things you are expected to, because you are responsible for them or they are part of your job  履行职责(承诺); 兑现: 

The company will deliver on its promises. 该公司将兑现承诺。

As a party member, you should deliver on your vow.

gather pace

( = happen more quickly ) 加快速度

Enemy's penetration is gathering pace.

Eliminating a fraction of this sum

fraction 分数(几分之几)

fraction of something is a tiny amount or proportion of it.

I opened my eyes just a fraction.

Could you just stop playing games for a fraction of second and grab something to eat?

sift data on outcomes for patients

(EXAMINE)/sɪft/ verb[T] to make a close examination of all the parts of something in order to find something or to separate what is useful from what is not

Big data is not equivalenc to tremendous amount of raw data, which must be sifted.

Fitbits are frequently derided for ending up in the back of a drawer

If you deride someone or something, you say that they are stupid or have no value. (FORMAL)

Today, warm-hearted people are derided as fools.

The startup is a good hedge for Sanofi...

Something that is a hedge against something unpleasant will protect you from its effects.

Insurance is a good hedge for injuries in your tour.

blockbuster insulin medication

blockbuster is a film or book that is very popular and successful, usually because it is very exciting. (INFORMAL)

Wolverine 3 is a recent blockbuster.

insulin 胰岛素

Diabetics are dependent on insulin.

that are most lucrative in commercial system

lucrative activity, job, or business deal is very profitable.

Internet business is very lucrative nowadays.

inpatient stays in hospitals

inpatient /ˈɪn.peɪ.ʃənt/ noun[C] a person who goes into hospital to receive medical care, and stays there one or more nights while they are being treated 住院病人 also an adjective.

More and more illnesses don't need to take inpatient treatment.

outpatient /ˈaʊt.peɪ.ʃənt/ noun[C] a person who goes to a hospital for treatment, but who does not stay any nights there

The week-long smog has caused the surge of respiratory outpatients.

demand for mammograms

mammogram is a test used to check whether women have breast cancer, using x-rays.

from mammo-(from Latin mamma"breast")+-gram(from Greekgramma"that which is drawn; a picture, a drawing; that which is written, a character, an alphabet letter, written letter, piece of writing;")

spells in hospital

(PERIOD)/spel/ noun[C] a period of time for which an activity or condition lasts continuously

Students are required to join a two-week spell of military training.

carried around by doctors and nurses

carry around字面意思就是带着到处跑,也就是随身携带

Computers are now small enough to carry around.

detect concussions

If you suffer concussion after a blow to your head, you lose consciousness or feel sick or confused. 脑震荡

... for use as a contraceptive

contraceptive is a device or drug that prevents a woman from becoming pregnant. 也可作形容词。

predict the onset of Alzheimer's /'æltshaɪmərz/, Parkinson's or even the menopause /m'enəpɔːz/

The onset of something is the beginning of it, used especially to refer to something unpleasant. = start

The conflict was the onset of a war of eight years.

The menopause is the time during which a woman gradually stops menstruating, usually when she is about fifty years old.

regulations on health data are less onerous

If you describe a task as onerous, you dislike having to do it because you find it difficult or unpleasant. (FORMAL)

Looking after a baby is onerous, let alone twins.

A GP is a doctor who does not specialize in any particular area of medicine, but who has a medical practice in which he or she treats all types of illness. GP is an abbreviation for `general practitioner'. 全科医生 Doctors are sometimes referred to as practitioners or medical practitioners. (FORMAL)

cavalier with their users' data

(WITHOUT CARE)/ˌkæv.əlˈɪəʳ/US/-ˈɪr/ adjective DISAPPROVING thoughtless and not caring about other people's feelings or safety

He treated me in a cavalier manner.

Mind map



还是发现这篇文章的逻辑导图有点难整(也许对我来说都很难整),后来看了安妮的导图觉得真心比不过她的修为啊。之后又花了挺久做修改(以后也该像鲸鱼同学一样把before和after都发出来)。觉得难点在于虽然文章将数字医疗价值链粗略分为三类集团,但有些角色会兼具两类集团的成员,例如医院既是traditional innovator又是incumbent player,所以数字医疗带来的影响是两方面的,其一是提高了医院的效率,其二则是降低了病人的就诊率。但我认为数字医疗肯定是弊大于利的。有人也许认为量化生活让现代人过得太繁琐,为啥需要对自己了解得那么多呢,以前没有智能手环、体脂仪、心率计,不也过得好好么。但本文也提醒了我们这样的变化给我们健康和医疗带来了多么深远的影响,治疗糖尿病的最好办法就是让人们不患上糖尿病~~
