dockerUI 的安装以及使用

1. Installation of dockerUI

  if you can not download the image of dockerui from the foreign websit, you can copy the following command to the CLI(command Line Interface) , it will accelerate downloads.
curl -sSL | sh -s
  Then exectue those commands:

sudo systemctl restart docker
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

  if it is not working, please make sure the directory of dockerui is correct with this command:

docker search dockerui

  Then change the in the last command into the correct directory.
dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第1张图片

  after all of this, dockerui is installed in your host as a container.

2. Running docker UI

  Navigate to the following URL:, ( is your host IP, 9000 is the port.
1.1 Dashboard
  The info of running containers will be shown on the left while the proportional graphs of status for containers is displayed to the right as well.
  dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第2张图片
  dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第3张图片
1.2 Containers
  All the containers are displayed if the“Display ALL” is checked.
  dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第4张图片
  If you tick the check box of a container or more on the left of screen to the first “Action” column, you’d change the status of the containers which are checked.
  dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第5张图片
1.3 Images
  1.3.1 show image
   All the images are displayed when you click “Images”. 
dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第6张图片 
   If you tick the check box of a image or more on the left of screen to the first “Action”   column, you’d remove the images that are checked.
dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第7张图片
  1.3.2 Pull image
   if you want to pull a image, click “Pull”, the the following page would be displayed, after filling in all the blanks right away, click “Pull” and it’s done.
dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第8张图片
   If it’s all correct, a session notification will be appeared, which says: ”Image Added…”.
dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第9张图片
   Then it can be found in the images list:

1.4 Volumes
  The directory of each mount point will be displayed.
dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第10张图片

1.5 Info
dockerUI 的安装以及使用_第11张图片
