// Do nothing for existing secrets. Rotating expiring certs are handled by the scrtUpdated
执行证书更新主要是由scrtUpdated方法执行 所以我们先分析scrtUpdated方法
Refresh the secret if 1) the certificate contained in the secret is about to expire, or 2) the root certificate in the secret is different than the one held by the ca (this may happen when the CA is restarted and a new self-signed CA cert is generated).
Istio将在Certificate将要过期或者根Certificate和CA中的不同时 生成新证书
func (sc *SecretController) scrtUpdated(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
scrt, ok := newObj.(*v1.Secret)
if !ok {
log.Warnf("Failed to convert to secret object: %v", newObj)
certBytes := scrt.Data[CertChainID]
cert, err := util.ParsePemEncodedCertificate(certBytes)
//这里生成一个x509数字证书 具体代码可以在下面看到
if err != nil {
// TODO: we should refresh secret in this case since the secret contains an
// invalid cert.
certLifeTimeLeft := time.Until(cert.NotAfter)
//certLifeTime 就是该证书可存活时间 NotAfter-NotBefore
certLifeTime := cert.NotAfter.Sub(cert.NotBefore)
// TODO(myidpt): we may introduce a minimum gracePeriod, without making the config too complex.
// Because time.Duration only takes int type, multiply gracePeriodRatio by 1000 and then divide it.
//gracePrid时证书可更新时间 在CA中出现过相关定义
gracePeriod := time.Duration(sc.gracePeriodRatio*1000) * certLifeTime / 1000
if gracePeriod < sc.minGracePeriod {
log.Warnf("gracePeriod (%v * %f) = %v is less than minGracePeriod %v. Apply minGracePeriod.",
certLifeTime, sc.gracePeriodRatio, gracePeriod, sc.minGracePeriod)
gracePeriod = sc.minGracePeriod
rootCertificate := sc.ca.GetCAKeyCertBundle().GetRootCertPem()
// Refresh the secret if 1) the certificate contained in the secret is about
// to expire, or 2) the root certificate in the secret is different than the
// one held by the ca (this may happen when the CA is restarted and
// a new self-signed CA cert is generated).
if certLifeTimeLeft < gracePeriod || !bytes.Equal(rootCertificate, scrt.Data[RootCertID]) {
namespace := scrt.GetNamespace()
name := scrt.GetName()
log.Infof("Refreshing secret %s/%s, either the leaf certificate is about to expire "+
"or the root certificate is outdated", namespace, name)
saName := scrt.Annotations[ServiceAccountNameAnnotationKey]
chain, key, err := sc.generateKeyAndCert(saName, namespace)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to generate key and certificate for service account %q in namespace %q (error %v)",
saName, namespace, err)
scrt.Data[CertChainID] = chain
scrt.Data[PrivateKeyID] = key
scrt.Data[RootCertID] = rootCertificate
if _, err = sc.core.Secrets(namespace).Update(scrt); err != nil {
log.Errorf("Failed to update secret %s/%s (error: %s)", namespace, name, err)
func (sc *SecretController) generateKeyAndCert(saName string, saNamespace string) ([]byte, []byte, error) {
id := fmt.Sprintf("%s://cluster.local/ns/%s/sa/%s", util.URIScheme, saNamespace, saName)
if sc.dnsNames != nil {
// Control plane components in same namespace.
if e, ok := sc.dnsNames[saName]; ok {
if e.Namespace == saNamespace {
// Example: istio-pilot.istio-system.svc, istio-pilot.istio-system
id += "," + fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s.svc", e.ServiceName, e.Namespace)
id += "," + fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", e.ServiceName, e.Namespace)
// Custom overrides using CLI
if e, ok := sc.dnsNames[saName+"."+saName]; ok {
for _, d := range e.CustomDomains {
id += "," + d
options := util.CertOptions{
Host: id,
RSAKeySize: keySize,
csrPEM, keyPEM, err := util.GenCSR(options)
//用所有option生成 X.509 certificate sign request and private key
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("CSR generation error (%v)", err)
return nil, nil, err
certChainPEM := sc.ca.GetCAKeyCertBundle().GetCertChainPem()
certPEM, signErr := sc.ca.Sign(csrPEM, sc.certTTL, sc.forCA)
//可生成WorkLoad或者CA证书 这个视sc.forCA()而定
if signErr != nil {
log.Errorf("CSR signing error (%v)", signErr.Error())
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("CSR signing error (%v)", signErr.(*ca.Error))
certPEM = append(certPEM, certChainPEM...)
return certPEM, keyPEM, nil